DoC Website


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
I am currently thinking about if it makes sense to create a website for DoC.

I think most of the necessities for the mod are taken care of by CFC, github, and sourceforge, and I do not want to change that. The main reason I am considering this is to host some kind of successor to the RFC Atlas, which for people who never encountered it was part of Rhye's website that showed an image of the RFC world map and let you toggle overlays for cores, stability areas, etc. Before we can go into detail on how to accomplish this, I would like to know:

Is there anyone in the community who has actual experience in setting up a website who is willing to create a basic DoC website?

I am able to pay for hosting etc. related costs but I don't want to hire a web designer to do this for me. And I do not want to do it myself, because while I am sure I could figure something out with the tools available the time to do so would come out of the same free time that I would rather put into the mod itself.

Please let me know.
I was once a frontend engineer intern at a tech company and am now a PhD student in Human-Computer Interactions. If there are not too many aesthetic requirements, I can build a simple, functional website for DoC in my spare time.

Hosting is cheap nowadays as many cloud service providers provide almost free hosting for hobby projects with low network traffic. Building a website from scratch is also very easy nowadays with LLMs (that's actually one of my research topics). I will be happy to contribute to DoC if Leoreth needs it.
Thanks for the offer! I will get back to you in time.
It's probably not a good idea to have your website run a Python interpreter. But it might be possible to export that content dynamically.
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