DocT Discussion Thread

May 4, 2003
Köln, Cologne, Colonia. Finally.
I'm planning to start 3 more games soon:

DocT3 - Best Start Ever

Tired of all those '6 Cows, a River and Ivory' starts? Here's a promising one :D

Don't laugh...

The original Civ was Byzantium, but for several reason I want to play it with of those is that improvement we may want to build soon somewhere else.

CIV: Carthage
LEVEL: Emperor (but will feel a bit harder in the beginning ;))
MAP: Standard, cold, young, 70% water Archipelago; no Barbs, normal Aggression
(Note this is a completely random map, though this may be hard to believe. And I do not know anything more than the screenshot reveals.)
PLAYERS: 4 - 5
VARIANT: Not really, but of course we'll stick to the usual rules!

DocT4 - How to Rise as Ruler (RaR Training SG)

With the Rise and Rule mod finally available, I need to keep promises I made a while ago, and host a training game for that mod.
So far, no crucial bugs at all have been found (other than you need to have the ptw extras, which is not exactly a bug, but seems to be a problem); this means I'll simply fix the few issues, and post that biq file.

CIV: Tibet (SCI/REL)
LEVEL: Monarch
MAP: Large, moderate, wet, young. 70% water Continents. Roaming Barbs.
Required: Nothing; DyP veterans are welcome as well as anyone who just stumbled over RaR. Please somewhat familarize yourself with the mod before.

I'll simply play into a random map to see if I consider it doable. Then, I'll post the start, and every participant should play the first 50 turns; we will discuss after that, I will check all games, and we'll decide which one will be continued. After that, it'll be a standard SG. Note I (and any other trainer) will stay in the background when it's about making strategic decisions. Unlike high-level unmodded games, there are nearly always several equally 'correct' ways in RaR/DyP. Our job will be to avoid mistakes, and point out the not-so-obvious.
Oh, and the Great Library is of course off limits ;)

DocT5 - The RaR Deity Trial

'Nuff said. Civ and settings TBD (I tend to Celts, Pangea).
Standard size map.
No cooked start, I'll simply play into it some turns and slot myself at the end of the roster.
(Believe me, if you're squeezed in between 2 AGR Civs, it feels more like Sid+ :lol: )

TJ02 players (Greebley, Karasu, mad-bax?, a space oddity?) have a spot reserved.
The crulest thing about the start is the only visible grassland is out of bounds for any possible city :lol:

Edit: I'd like to join DocT5 btw. IF! it is possible to join it without any prior knowledge of RaR or DyP (well I played some turns in RaR, but nothing serious).
I maybe tempted for Doct3. I've played a few of them like that but always gave it up after 40 turns or so. Might need some of my other Sg's to finish first.
microbe said:
Good that you have a fish, otherwise you cannot even grow to size 3 and build a settler.
He could wait until map making and build a harbor...
DocT: Please sign me up for DocT4. I've played 3 or 4 DYP games into the Industrial Age and have read quite a bit of the Civilopedia for DYP.

I'll try to download RNR tonight, any hints/cautions before I install it?

For Handy900, this is from the preview page:

The Rise and Rule mod (RAR) is based on our experiences with the Double Your Pleasure mod for Civilization III and the expansion pack Play The World.

Rise and Rule is only released for the latest (and last) Civ3 expansion pack Conquests. The simple design philosophy behind the mod is that variety is the spice of life and an essential part of strategy. If there's only one path to success, there really isn't much strategy involved.

We've tried to beef up the selection of improvements, wonders, units etc., hoping to give you more to choose between. Don't think you'll be able to build everything everywhere. We have tried hard to make that option the certain road to failure. A wise ruler will weigh cost vs. benefit in every single decision made.

The nitty-gritty cold facts

200 techs
13 governments
100 Improvements
67 Great Wonders
36 Small Wonders
14 Specialist Citizen types
52 Resources
340 Units (including flavor units)
lots of changes and improvements over the Double Your Pleasure mod.
I would like to take part on DocT4 (if needed/possible, also as trainer)

I consider DocT5, too...but I'm not sure if I'm ready for Deity yet.My level is somewhere between Emperor and Demigod for RAR and both are levels are still a challenging for me (not a sign-up...for the moment... ;) )
Well... I can resist anything but temptations...

I am in for DocT5 :) -breaking my self-imposed SG cap...

EDIT: Wow, DocT3 really has a... let's call it "interesting" start... :lol:
@grs: If you're willing to familiarze a bit before, welcome to DocT5.
Sure, I have done some test starts at least and read through parts of the civlopedia. I will increase that over the weekend.

I would just suggest playing no pangea, because all the changes to boats would be meaningless then and we will miss some parts of the new things. Could we do continents instead?
OK - I'm in for Doct 05. I'm not interested in an easy game. Let's play one we can lose.

Would quite like a space race, since I haven't played to that condition for nearly a year. If we want a variant. I've been thinking about adding the requirement that a future tech must be researched before launch.

If everyone else wants a bloodbath, then that's OK too. :D
Should warn you that I have been up to my neck in it at work lately, but I hope it will settle down in a few weeks time. I may need a skip in the first couple of rounds - I don't know yet.
Hmm, DocT 03 looks like it could be educational. Most SGs proceed from really a nice starting position, it would be interesting to see what can be done with a 'red-headed, buck-toothed, bastard stepchild' type of start. Sign me up!
I'd love to join in on DocT4. I started a RnR game (in Chieftain) and did fairly well (of course, it was in Chieftain).
I'd like to join the R&R game if possible.

btw, I have no R&R or DyP experience but I want to learn. :)
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