Does Warlords' Throne bonus stack by multiple capturing within 5 turn?

I do not think so. Afaik the modifier checks if you have conquered a city within 5 turns. so it doens't stack unless they'd do it in a way where they'd attach the modifier to all cities upon conquests with a cool down of 5 turns, but afaik, there's no way to actually do it. So no. I don't think it stacks.
Wait a minute. That seems to mean if I capture a city, and then 4 turns later I capture another city, It will disregard the second capture, and the bonus will end the next turn...Capturing another city within the previous capture's window doesn't "restart" the bonus clock?
Wait a minute. That seems to mean if I capture a city, and then 4 turns later I capture another city, It will disregard the second capture, and the bonus will end the next turn...Capturing another city within the previous capture's window doesn't "restart" the bonus clock?

I believe it will restart the clock but you won't get extra production. As in yes you'll get 9 turns but you won't get 40%, just the base 20.
9 turns?
They do not accumulate nor stack but do reset to 5 turns.

- Capture city
- 4 turns later, capture another, resetting the clock to 5 turns
- 5 turns later, it ends, for a total of 9

Is my interpretation wrong? Will it not reset and you'll only get one more turn after capturing the second city?
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