Dominaton Problem


Mar 29, 2002
I have well over 66% of land mass (for sure) and the domination preference is enabled, but The Game does not give me a victory. What can the problem be? Is there somewhere to look to see what percentage the game thinks I have?
The 66% is an "about" figure and it is known to be difficult to calculate the exact ratio where you need to be at. Best advice is to push it a little further, which normally should not be a problem if you already are at 66% :D :D .
Chiefpaco did a study on domination calculations. Check this thread: and the other threads he posted there. Sea squares add to your territory, but does not help in domination. Coastal squares count as land in both territory and domination calculation (if I remember right). So on a map like Marla's map where there are a ton of coastal squares far from land, you would need much more of the 'normal' land in order to get domination.
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