Dont spoil the Super Secret Unit, keep it to yourself please!


Aug 19, 2010
With the realease of Civ 5 getting nearer, the possibility of information about the Super Secret Unit (SSU) leaking out to the community increases, and if not before, someone will find out atleast a few days after release.

I propose we add a forum rule in a sticky saying something like "Dont spoil the Super Secret Unit, keep it to yourself please!"

I am really looking forward to discovering the SSU myself, and it would be sad if me and others of similar concern cant visit this forum of great heritage in the meantime.

Migh as well say hi btw. I am new to these forums even though I have been lurking from time to time. I have been a civ fan since the first game where the cities looked like chinese symbols (Took some time to figure out that it wasnt majhong pieces.... I was ten years old then :))
Welcome. I've been playing since Civ1 came on 3.5 inch discs as well, but I was a few times older than you.

But yes, I agree. Guess we need a thread with a big spoiler warning in the title, like the "SPOILER WARNING: WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SECRET UNIT SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS THEN DON'T OPEN THIS THREAD" thread
I agree with CultureManiac we should make a stickie thread for those who want to know and those who don't want to know can simply not read it.
It's going to be discussed after CiV comes out. It will come up all over the place.Not much you can do really.
It's going to be discussed after CiV comes out. It will come up all over the place.Not much you can do really.

Hopefully it won't be spoiled before the game comes out. I personally am not going to check or post on any Civ site including this one until I discover it myself. ;)
With the realease of Civ 5 getting nearer, the possibility of information about the Super Secret Unit (SSU) leaking out to the community increases, and if not before, someone will find out atleast a few days after release.

I absolutely despise the idea of there being a "Super Secret Unit" in this game. I hope someone does spoil it for me immediately so I can know if it's just a useless little bunny unit that's funny, but does nothing, or if it's going to be a game changing unit that's required to play the game correctly.

If it's a bunny, fine, if it's required, then I question the sanity of the developers.
I absolutely despise the idea of there being a "Super Secret Unit" in this game. I hope someone does spoil it for me immediately so I can know if it's just a useless little bunny unit that's funny, but does nothing, or if it's going to be a game changing unit that's required to play the game correctly.

If it's a bunny, fine, if it's required, then I question the sanity of the developers.

Jon Shafer's words : "Nothing earth-shattering". It's just an easter egg.

EDIT : And I plan on avoiding every civ-related websites until I found out what the secret unit is, or at least until the moment I don't give a damn about finding out anymore, which should take a couple of days anyway.
probably a little Sid Meir unit, with a spear and +500% vs Tanks
I happen to know what it is, but I won't post any spoilers. Let's just say it killed Dumbeldore.

ABRACADBRA!!!! I really doubt that you're serious, a GDR already makes a lot of people mad, any magic related unit will explode their minds!

Personally, I want to know what the SSU will be without having to discover it myself, which will not be hard because of the internet :) But I do respect the people who do want to spend the time trying hundreds of random possibilities to generate something that they don't even know will be cool or not. It should be known that posters of any easter-egg related information should use
Spoiler :
Whoever finds the unit first, please tell us all. I'm curious and I'm certainly not going to stumble onto whatever convoluted bullcrap you have to do to get it. If you don't want it spoiled for you, don't read the thread. Let all of us who want to know find out the easy way.

Speaking of easy way, won't it just be in the files somewhere? Or is there a way it can somehow be hidden?
IIRC, Shafer said "The Secret unit will be something that will get a kick to people who have been in the community for a long time". I also remember it was said it has a special name. Then this "nothing earth-shattering" thing.
All in all, I can't think of anything else than the spearman vs. tank thing. Maybe a Great general who looks like a spearman, and named "The tank killer", or something like that.
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