
I love all the new features :) Pity this verion is not stable.
Especially developing natives and developed pope on the map!
I will eagerly follow this thread crossing fingers for a stable version with most of this included.
Also I like the trapper give luxury food from the start.

Its really a good mod you guys are making and its very appreciated :)

Thanks much for your interest Trymulf. I've been away on vacation for a while now and just getting back. To test the latest development version you need the release found here

All you need from the version is the Art and sound files. As per instruction on the opening post... "You will need to add the .FPK art files and sound files to this version Please keep the mod name as Medieval_Conquest to help with saved game compatibility."

Then download the test version below, install it as Medieval_Conquest in your Colonization mod folder then copy the sound and .fpk art files from to this version, you may need to rename the release version to do this correctly.

Development version:

and then copy these patch files over the test version

If all is done correctly then this test version is pretty stable. It does need play tested and all the latest features balanced so any feedback on this is much appreciated.

Edit: Also, the teutonic are not meant to be played yet. It is a bug that you can select them.
Hi. how can I get the latest version of this? The link "Download 2.5" in this sticky topic "Download" takes me to a download with the Date set to "Jan 09, 2011" has nothing new been added to download since then?

That link is simply a link to the actually download page which is more up to date. You will need to get that file at Mod DataBase, and then get the linked patch.

We are working on moving files to sourceforge.
Ah thanks for the reply. I downloaded from Mod DataBase, date there says "Mar 7th, 2013". Oh and it's a bit confusing the file there says "Medieval_Conquest_2.5.4.2" and then the patch file is "Patch" so it is the same "update" as "Mar 7th, 2013"?

Probably not but it is confusing both reads the save version numbers.
Ok, thanks, so the newest version is from Mar 7th, 2013. Nothing new/stable has been added/done since then?

I enjoy the colonization concept, played the old colonization way back then. Been enjoying playing the RaR mod as well though now I have so many cities turns are starting to take really really long.

The similar mechanics with settlers and stuff in a medieval game is quite appealing.
Ok, thanks, so the newest version is from Mar 7th, 2013. Nothing new/stable has been added/done since then?

I enjoy the colonization concept, played the old colonization way back then. Been enjoying playing the RaR mod as well though now I have so many cities turns are starting to take really really long.

The similar mechanics with settlers and stuff in a medieval game is quite appealing.

The date is misleading, as that is just the date is was originally posted. We've updated the download since then.
Ok, yeah should be away to update the date or have a different date of latest change and original post but, awesome, I'll be sure to try it out :-)

Thank you,
Hey Kalric - trying your mod and I think I/ve installed it correctly , but as soon as I get to Play Now the game crashes/ I'm running Windows 10. Any ideas how to fix ths??
I'm not aware of any windows 10 specific issues or any crashing issues at all, which could explain this. However some more general problem solving statements.

  • How did you install the mod? It is supposed to be in the MODS folder, but some people screw that up.
  • What is your username? Using letters other than A-Z (like ö) is a known cause of issues if you install mods in my documents/my games.
  • Check if multiplayer has the option "direct connect". The newest patch removed that and it screwed mod support in multiplayer. I'm not quite sure about singleplayer though.
  • Can you install other mods, like RaR without crashing?
  • Is vanilla working as intended?
  • Can you run the game with a debugger attached to see where it crashes? (most likely not, but it would be the best hint at what went wrong)
  • Are you using steam or the disc version?
  • Any useful crash message?
  • Is the crash consistent? (the map generator can crash, but it's quite rare)
  • Is it possible to start a game using "Custom Game"?
  • Which language is your computer? In theory there could be issues with languages not included in the "Western Europe" character set.
  • Is your ingame language set to English?
That is what I can think of offhand. The newest release is so old that any crashing bugs would likely have been reported multiple times by now. This points toward an issue/conflict with your computer. It should be possible to fix as AFAIK any computer powerful enough to run windows 10 should be able to run the mod.
Norton on Windows 10 tells me Medieval_Conquest_2.5.4.2.rar from the ModDB site is unsafe. :confused:
Does it contain info on why it's unsafe? Also Norton used to be ok, but is not anymore. Not only is it prone to false positive (at least when it comes to website safety), it also acts as spyware and phones home with info from your computer.
Norton on Windows 10 tells me Medieval_Conquest_2.5.4.2.rar from the ModDB site is unsafe. :confused:

Try downloading another mod form ModDB and see what it says. There is nothing in Medieval that is unsafe... except for the Vikings. We are not hackers but fan boy modders :goodjob:
1. big thanks to all the modders here. played TAC,RR,WTP
2. for some dang reason, I cannot get MC to work. Here's the context:
- mod downloaded from an external link in this forum plus the patch
- CivCol is Steam version(using unsupported beta version), installed mod in the programs files mod folder (and not in documents folder, but I've tried both)
- mod loads and the main screen has a MC tag in top right corner
- But cannot get into the mod either by playing game or customizing IE it is still vanilla meaning - the mod loads ie i get the python loadup screens when it loads in the desktop screen. - I hear the medieval soundtrack BUT from the PLAY SCENARIO screen I can't access the 3 medieval py files that are in the Mod/publicmaps folder. I tried copying it over to /publicmaps in the general game map folder. Oddly enough, from the CUSTOMISE SCENARIO screen, the game can access the medieval maps, but not the players (ie it's vanilla in that respect).

Please help what am I doing wrong?
FYI, when I install and load other mods (vanilla), TAC, RR, WTP, there are no issues. Thanks in advance!
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