Dr kossin Bullpen


Dec 4, 2008
Welcome to the Daily Round Bullpen!

Update from September 2010 (see post #2)
I'm retiring from the Daily Round series for Civilization IV.

For the moment.

If Civ V turns out to be a bust I might play a few more games in updates but don't expect them to be daily :)

I'll still post games here and then, the ones I think are fun and/or educative.

It was a long run, thanks to everyone that contributed, the map verifiers, the map makers and most of all, the audience with your suggestions.

Once I get the time, I will make a bundle with all the DR saves and host it somewhere (so that I can free up with CivFanatics space to upload other things).

This series was started with the goal to improve myself and give something back to the Community if possible. Now that I can do things comfortably on Immortal, I need to re-think the approach to the series.

At first, I used Fractal maps that had been checked for isolation and semi-isolation... so you can say they were easier maps. I'm still a fan of Fractal maps but I will simply use the first one generated from now on, isolation or not. While this may or may not add that much difficulty, it's a start. Other options are using a Immortal+ difficulty (AI start with an extra settler) or Deity- difficulty (AI start with 1 settler but Deity bonuses).
You can say the goal is now to improve my play to take it to the next level.

The series now focuses on Deity level and my quest to master it. Starts are now only checked for isolation (which is ridiculously hard on Deity unless you have a great island... which you usually don't) but anything else goes!

In any case, here is the list of leaders I have planned on going through with the series. I have tried spreading civilizations apart and Creative leaders apart (being the Creative addict I am).
Links will be added as the games are played. Descriptions of the game outcome will also be added in spoilers as well.

All that being said, requests, suggestions, ideas, rants, complaints, praise, gifts, sacrifices can be posted in this thread. You can also submit your own generated maps for me to play.

Already played on Immortal: (All maps are Immortal, Normal Speed, No events/huts, Fractal unless stated otherwise)
Spoiler :

1. Hatshepsut (Cre/Spi)
Spoiler :
We used War Chariots to rush our neighbor and also got our hands on the Pyramids thanks to Stone. Diplomation win.

2. Mehmed II (Exp/Org)
Spoiler :
We used Diplomacy to befriend our blood-thirsty neighbors and used Janissaries to take their land.

3. Washington (Exp/Cha)
Spoiler :
We catapult-rushed our neighbor and wound up winning via the AP.

4. Joao II (Exp/Imp)
Spoiler :
Where we were infested in jungle but got lucky with Stone nearby. Diplomatic Victory.

5. Isabella (Exp/Spi)
Spoiler :
Where the Barbs got the favor of the RNG gods and defeated us prematurely!

6. Pericles (Cre/Phi)
Spoiler :
Used the very strong capital for a Elepult war with a neighbor. Diplomation win.

7. Huayna Capac (Ind/Fin)
Spoiler :
We Wonder-whored a bit with some very nice land but got a surprise DoW which ended the game with a Loss.

8. De Gaulle (Ind/Cha)
Spoiler :
Took the Orale>Aesthetics route for an early TGL which ended up as an early Conquest Victory.

9. Cyrus (Imp/Cha)
Spoiler :
A GLH paradise, we were so far ahead the competition that Conquest was never in doubt.

10. Victoria (Fin/Imp)
Spoiler :
Where we didn't use cottages that much but got a late GLH and control of our continent somewhere around Cavalry. Diplomatic Victory

11. Charlemagne (Imp/Pro)
Spoiler :
We HA rushed people off our landmass and then Space Victory was just a formality.

12. Abandonned Gilgamesh (Cre/Pro)
Spoiler :
Where the land was so good there was no point playing.

12. Gilgamesh (Cre/Pro)
Spoiler :
We got GLH (surprise) and went in for a Diplomation Victory.

13. Boudica (Agg/Cha)
Spoiler :
Isolated. Built the Pyramids and 0 cottages towards a slugfest Conquest Victory.

14. Frederick (Phi/Org) - Map Type: Pangea
Spoiler :
Where we executed a double-rush and then backed out of a Cavalry war to manipulate a Diplo Victory.

15. Julius Caesar (Org/Imp) - Map Type: Inland_Sea
Spoiler :
After a successful chariot rush and a large expansion, we were so advanced that we let the AI catch up to us in techs by winning a Culture Victory.

16. Gandhi (Phi/Spi)
Spoiler :
With a very poor starting island, we fought the giant purple monster on the big landmass for a late Domination victory.

17. Mansa Musa (Fin/Spi) - Map Type: Global_Highlands
Spoiler :
Cornered on a small peninsula by an AI able to peacefully get 20 cities, a monster Bureaucracy/GP farm capital was used to get a good tech advantage and expand the empire toward a space victory.

18. Qin Shi Huang (Ind/Pro)
Spoiler :
After building GLH even though the start was commerce and hammer poor, expanded to a lot of coastal cities and then whipped an army to take out the neighbors. Diplomatic Victory from that point with some civic manipulations.

19. Justinian I (Spi/Imp) - Map Type: Continents
Spoiler :
After a nice REX and a capital move, the economy blew us to a tech lead until Cavalry. No horses were available but after trading for them, the whole Continent is assimilated leading to a 17th century Domination Victory.

20. Catherine (Cre/Imp) - Map Type: Tectonics, 60% Water, Wet Aridity
Spoiler :
Starting on a narrow land strip, built the Great Lighthouse then expanded on the coast at first. Military expansion was next which allowed for a Diplomacy Victory.

21. Abandoned Montezuma (Agg/Spi)
Spoiler :
Blocks were easy, providing 10+ cities and a lot of resources made these 2 maps quite easy.

Already played on Deity: (All maps are Deity, Normal Speed, No events/huts, Fractal unless stated otherwise)
4000 BC saves are available at the bottom for DR28-DR39

Spoiler :

21b. Montezuma (Agg/Spi)
Spoiler :
After being boxed in at 6 cities, a canon/rifles war boosted us into the largest empire. War continued to clear the landmass to eventually win a UN Diplomation.

22. Pacal II (Fin/Exp)
Spoiler :
Stuck in a corner, had to fight off an early invasion force to eventually befriend the 2 aggressors. From there, managed to get a lucky Cultural Victory with some help by the AI.

23. Ragnar (Fin/Agg)
Spoiler :
Rescued by Pottery while blocking land for 10+ cities. A quick canons/rifles war then lead to a Space Victory.

24. Shaka (Agg/Exp)
Spoiler :
Helped by barbarians to secure land... featuring a swift Cuirassier war and some nuclear warfare to ensure Diplomatic victory.

25. Zara Yaqob (Cre/Org)
Spoiler :
Dodged early DoWs from nasty neighbors to later conquer a small 4 city nation on the road to a teeth's skin space victory.

26. Sitting Bull (Pro/Phi)
Spoiler :
Supported by a fantastic capital, REXed heavily while losing Liberalism. Acquired more land against a technologically more advanced opponent with Cannons and finished the game with Tanks+Bombers for Domination.

27. Tokugawa (Agg/Pro)
Spoiler :
Featuring a Elephants+Catapult war which transitioned into a Samurai war. Followed by a renaissance war and a more peaceful Diplomatic Victory.

28. Saladin (Spi/Pro)
Spoiler :
An ugly defeat to barbs at very low odds.

29. Hannibal (Fin/Cha)
Spoiler :
Crashed the economy and could never quite get to parity. However a lengthy cannon war against a huge AI followed by careful use of Tactical Nukes meant Domination.

30. Louis XIV (Ind/Cre)
Spoiler :
Probably the easiest Deity game I've played so far, start off with a 1 city landblock that secured 16 peaceful cities. Ended up as modern Domination.

31. Hammurabi (Agg/Org)
Spoiler :
Bad land, stuck on a thin peninsula with mostly desert, 2 tiles of river and almost no irrigation possible. GLH supported the economy until Rifling to grab actual land. Stuck in a war with the leading AI, won a backdoor AP victory.

32. Roosevelt (Ind/Org)
Spoiler :
Built GLH in second city which helped pay for far away cities. Cuirassier war followed by Cavalry war followed by Bomber war for Diplomation.

33. Genghis Khan (Agg/Imp)
Spoiler :
11 cities REX followed by Vassalage+Theocracy+Gers level 4 Cavalry wars, assisted by Bombers later on. Finished Domination overseas with Modern units.

34. Darius I (Fin/Org) - Map Type: Inland_Sea
Spoiler :
Cannon/Rifle war to assimilate a neighbor which led to a Religious win. Played an extra round for military conquest.

35. Elizabeth (Phi/Fin)
Spoiler :
While no screenshots survived my frustration, DoW'd by Shaka and piled on by a spamming city Gandhi of all people lead to early loss.

36. Wang Kon (Fin/Pro)
Spoiler :
Rifles+Cannons war followed by lazy Space victory.

37. Abandoned Suryavarman II (Exp/Cre)
Spoiler :
Abandoned due to map tampering.

37b. Suryavarman II (Exp/Cre)
Spoiler :
Cavalry+Bomber spanking for Domination. Played in 25-turns rounds with an extra round re-visiting the whipping of the army.

38. Suleiman (Phi/Imp)
Spoiler :
T48 loss thanks to a Dagger attack.

SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY - Deity: (All maps are Deity, Normal Speed, No events/huts, Fractal unless stated otherwise)

Not played:
Spoiler :

40. Alexander (Agg/Phi)

41. Asoka (Ord/Spi)

42. Augustus Caesar (Ind/Imp)

43. Peter (Phi/Exp)

44. Willem v Oranje (Cre/Fin)

45. Mao Zedong (Exp/Pro)

46. Brennus (Spi/Cha)

47. Bismarck (Ind/Exp)

48. Lincoln (Cha/Phi)

49. Churchill (Pro/Cha)

50. Napoleon (Org/Cha)

51. Stalin (Agg/Ind)

52. Kublai Khan (Cre/Agg)

Outside the DR series: (All maps are Deity, Normal Speed, No events/huts, Fractal unless stated otherwise)

Spoiler :
Let's play Deity (Hatshepsut)
Spoiler :
Starting with a very strong capital, mounted warfare to take out the world.

Mansa Musa - Inland_Sea - Deity
Spoiler :
Start emphasizing on commerce at the expense of hammers. Mounted warfare converted into Cannons+Infantry for a 1600AD Conquest.



Updated May 2011.

Added 4000BC saves for DR28 to DR39 - trying to save upload space.


Updated March 2011.

I've removed the savegames from most of my posts because I was needing upload space on CFC. I believe I still have most of them on my computer so if any interest should arise, ask and I will upload them to an external site.
Minor update


Updated September 2010
After a long run of inactivity and even enlisting the help of another player to help me keep up, I've decided to call it a series and wrap it up. It's becoming clear to me that I reached my initial goal with the series and I just don't want to put the effort in anymore of updating games everyday, I'd rather spend that time in SinglePlayer, SGOTM or elsewhere.

I'm retiring from the Daily Round series for Civilization IV.

For the moment.

If Civ V turns out to be a bust I might play a few more games in updates but don't expect them to be daily :)

I'll still post games here and then, the ones I think are fun and/or educative.

It was a long run, thanks to everyone that contributed, the map verifiers, the map makers and most of all, the audience with your suggestions.

Once I get the time, I will make a bundle with all the DR saves and host it somewhere (so that I can free up with CivFanatics space to upload other things).

Updated May 2010.

Submitted maps are banned from now on. Sorry.
Further edit: you can still submit suggestions however (i.e. map type etc.).

Updated April 2010.

Map submissions are allowed again. The only restriction this time is isolation. Semi-isolation is fine and no-strategic resources as well (although the games might end fast in those situations).
However, there will be no fiddling with worldbuilder allowed for map creation. None whatsoever. If I should find evidence of it, I'll just use my own maps.


Updated March 2010.

I've decided to stop having maps checked prior to playing and will simply use maps I generate. I'm not too confident at playing isolation right now however so I'll just have someone check for that... perhaps in the future I can win isolated starts :)


Updated February 2010.

As the series has now moved up to Deity, I'd like to tweak the odds in my favor just a little bit. This means:

-no isolation/semi-isolation
-no bogus start -> blocked in at 1 city with no metals/horses next to Shaka with plenty of militaristic resources

If anyone is willing to generate maps on Deity difficulty, Normal Speed, No Events, No Huts and no mods that meet those 2 criterias, you're welcome to upload them in this thread. I will consider them for the next game(s).

Should no map be provided, I can generate a few maps for the next game and ask someone to select one to play.

...or I'll generate one, play some turns and use that one.
Dr kossin #12 revisited is now up. You can find it by clicking here, above in the opening post or in my signature (for as long as it is the current game).

I've decided to go less image-heavy for the opening post and use a civ4 wiki instead. Please do say if you'd rather have pictures.

Also note you may make request for map types although I may not agree to play some types (Archipelago for instance) or even suggest a forum map/your own provided it is in the not-yet-played leaders.
Dr kossin #12 has come to an end! Dr kossin #13 will feature Boudica of the Celts. I'm still wanting to play a Fractal map but I could always be persuaded otherwise.

The thread will be opened in a few hours or tomorrow and links updated accordingly.
Well, I never found the time to test the Guerilla 3 Gallic warrior > horse archer theory so I thought you might be able to do it :)
Well, I never found the time to test the Guerilla 3 Gallic warrior > horse archer theory so I thought you might be able to do it :)

They aren't. They don't ignore first strikes and the terrain can restrict movement. They are better vs hill cities and worse otherwise...the map would have to be really rough in terms of hill before massed guerrilla could compete.

Of course they make solid sword options in general since they can be built with copper and boudica's are very strong off her traits.
GIII Gallics can be good if the map layout is kind. They have very nice retreat odds and can use CR promotions which HAs don't. But as TMIT pointed out, you really need a lot of hills to make it work otherwise you'll be caught with 1-movement a lot of the time which kinda prevents the troop juggling from the AI that gives a big advantage in taking cities.

Dr kossin #13 is now up!
Dr kossin #13 has come to an end with a slugfest!

Dr kossin #14 will start tomorrow, featuring Frederick (Phi/Org). I am thinking about a Pangea map this time around with an emphasis on early game micro. The more AI, the more Diplo and the more trade possibilities.
You'd need 8XP? So barracks + theo + vassalage + a settled GG for Boudica? At that point, CR3 maces/trebs seem more appealing.

You can draft CR2 maces instead, if you choose so...

Normally racks+ civics+1general [uinless some xp giving wonders which i never build]. Problem is you want general which means early war, which means game is probably won already.
You need base 8 XP to get 4 XP for drafted units.

ah, true. but you don't really really need to be drafting them with G3 out of the box. you can slave some with it, and let the drafted ones earn it in the field.
Dr kossin #14 is now up!

This time I will be playing on a Pangea map so there should be no shortage of diplomacy.

I will also spoiler images in the rounds from now on to ease the strain on some people's equipment. Feel free to disagree and convince me not to.
Dr kossin #14 has come to an end!

The next leader is Julius Caesar. I will not be playing Pangea this time, reverting back to Fractal or something else (Up to someone to suggest).
Go fractal. Something that would at least give you the CHANCE to not completely dominate with praetorians.
kossin, do something more exciting than fractal/temperate, it's getting very old.
try playing some unusual map scripts.
You do very good job and play quite focused so it'd be somehow better to see things like rainforest/arboria (which is not an every day map to play), or even archipelago.
Actually my proposal would be archipelago since you can't exploit the praetorians and you ain't industrial (but organized still helps) for the big lighthouse to be a cakewalk.
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