Draft dodging in America

Would you dodge the draft?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • Insert humourous response here

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters


Nov 30, 2002
Arse-end of the Earth
If the American government would ever institute a draft, and you were of eligible age and were selected to fight, would you obey and be shipped off to some warzone where you could potentially die? Or would you bolt for a country like Canada?
You kidding me? Lay down my life to ensure lucrative contracts for Haliburton and Bechtel? Dont make me laugh:lol:
i would like to join the US army, but as a means to an end(free colledge), not as an end to a life (mine).

they wont let me join now. but i'm sure that if they instituted a draft, i'd be a prime candidate for cannon fodder. i think at that point i'd proly dodge it.
I'm already in Canada :D
Depends on the cause, I guess. I'm a little old to be drafted now, but I certainly have no qualms about fighting for my country or coming to her defense. But I'm not sure that applies to most of the wars our leaders choose to fight lately.

It would be a very tough decision, either way. Let's hope no American ever has to face it again.
You'd be a fool to bolt to Canada. Since the end of the Vietnam War, the US and Canadian governments updated their extradition treaties to cover desertion, draft-dodging and the like.


Originally posted by Richard III
You'd be a fool to bolt to Canada. Since the end of the Vietnam War, the US and Canadian governments updated their extradition treaties to cover desertion, draft-dodging and the like.



I did not know that :p

But there are still other countries an American could bolt to, such as some in Europe, or if they were really desperate, even Japan.
Originally posted by LesCanadiens
But there are still other countries an American could bolt to, such as some in Europe, or if they were really desperate, even Japan.
Japan?? No thanks, its Paris for me. Ive already got a goatee and theres a suitcase bulging with berets in the closet in case I have to make a fast getaway.
hell no. I'm not going to let anyone inject me with mysterious medications and vaccines. I'm not going to let anyone who has a lesser intellect tell me what to do, either. I'm not going to let the gov't make me a guinea pig for their experiments.

When you join the armed forces, the gov't can do what they want with you. You're expendable.

if our nation was in REAL danger, I would be either

a) vaporized by a nuke
b) joining the grassroots non-governmental resistance movement to stave off the forces invading my country's borders.

They would not draft me anyway, because I have defective legs.

If i didn't have bad legs, I would pretend to be a flaming homosexual. I think that would make them think twice about drafting me.

[/caffine-fueled nonsense]
Originally posted by rmsharpe
If my nation needs me, I will go and I will fight.

What if France was invaded, would you lay down your life for her freedom?
Originally posted by rmsharpe
I said my nation, not an adversarial nation.

But France is a member of Nato. 'One for all, and all for one.'

What if you were sent to Afghanistan and your unit had to be under the operational command of a French officer?
France is not a military member of NATO and they are an "ally" in name only.
There is no way in hell I would fight in this war.

1. I object to the war and occupation of Iraq.

2. This war is illegal and I would become a war criminal.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
France is not a military member of NATO and they are an "ally" in name only.

have you not taken kinnikens political test yet? ;)

France and the U.S are co-operating in training the new Afghan army. Maybe you should take a job there as liason officer between the French and U.S. Army. Might turn out interestingly.:)
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