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Drugs and the US market

And I've responded to it.

I think we've covered it adequately.

Return to start, or some such.

Edit: with the best grace I can manage assuming differing worldviews and not trying to be condescending.... I plant a little over 34,000 seeds per acre, aiming for a stand of a little under 32,000 living plants. The ~10% loss is unfortunate*, but predictable and quantifiable with observation. At the end of the year, there are zero living plants again. Also predictable and quantifiable.

When I throw 73,000 annual casualties out there, I'm trying to cast boundaries on the issue at point. What is attributable to it, where this input ends, with observation. If that scours.

*edit edit argh: and caused by different factors itself. Some seeds just don't go, maybe they're mouldy and dead, maybe they were cracked by the mechanics used to plant them and thus dead. Maybe they were weak, or planted under a tough piece of dirt, and they starved for light before they found it. All different causes. All addressed with different methods.
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Because people don't get messed up everywhere, in every time. Not even quakers are so callous in thier condemnations of drunks. Much less kids trying to get a little speed, instead of huffing ether, and dropping dead from spiked fentanyl.

Surely a sign of dystopia and not naked malice for profit. Never before seen in human history. How.... unique... a take.

Maybe thier skirts should be a little longer?

Malice for profit is exactly what is making this country a dystopia. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think i'm condemning drug users here. I myself am a drug user!
Malice for profit is exactly what is making this country a dystopia. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think i'm condemning drug users here. I myself am a drug user!
Malice for anything is what makes any country a dystopia.
You don't have to include 'profit' here. Profit on itself is a good thing because it runs the economy and makes drug use go down.
Drug use goes up when people are down.
How economic recessions and unemployment affect illegal drug use: A systematic realist literature review
Drug use goes down in interactive strong communities.
"rat park"
And strong economies come from... loosely regulated capitalism - where entrepreneurs can invent, build and sell their goods.
Not in the dystopian 1984 communistic hell hole you are promoting.
Malice for anything is what makes any country a dystopia.
You don't have to include 'profit' here. Profit on itself is a good thing because it runs the economy and makes drug use go down.
Drug use goes up when people are down.
How economic recessions and unemployment affect illegal drug use: A systematic realist literature review
Drug use goes down in interactive strong communities.
"rat park"
And strong economies come from... loosely regulated capitalism - where entrepreneurs can invent, build and sell their goods.
Not in the dystopian 1984 communistic hell hole you are promoting.
loosely regulated capitalism is how you put people down...

I love the unamerican call on this story, the irony since imo nothing is more unamerican than Fox News...

fwiw Stefanik in particular deserves so much worse, I'm not sure why she can call for, help manufacture, and then celebrate genocide and people are jsut supposed to sit and take her assignment to state as ok...
I don't like it how, on a forum, you give zero reasoning, argument or source.
Can you give an example of your claim, or an example where another system did better?
Weren't you the one who claimed Estebonrober was "promoting" a "dystopian 1984 communistic hellhole"? With zero reasoning, argument, proof or source?

Historical ones don't count either, unless you can prove he was "promoting" one of those.
Malice for anything is what makes any country a dystopia.
You don't have to include 'profit' here. Profit on itself is a good thing because it runs the economy and makes drug use go down.
Drug use goes up when people are down.
How economic recessions and unemployment affect illegal drug use: A systematic realist literature review
Drug use goes down in interactive strong communities.
"rat park"
And strong economies come from... loosely regulated capitalism - where entrepreneurs can invent, build and sell their goods.
Not in the dystopian 1984 communistic hell hole you are promoting.
Actually, STRONGLY regulated capitalism is what gave us all the best-functionning societies in the world (like, nearly every entry when you make a "best" list about health, happiness and so on).
LOOSELY regulated capitalism tends to give massively unequal dystopia, like late XIXth century Europe.
And yes, communsim also tends to give totalitarian hellholes. Doesn't make laissez-faire capitalism something good.
I don't like it how, on a forum, you give zero reasoning, argument or source.
Can you give an example of your claim, or an example where another system did better?
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
I don't like it how, on a forum, you give zero reasoning, argument or source.
Can you give an example of your claim, or an example where another system did better?
Oh you must have missed the arguments I gave and the links I provided.
Look closer next time, you might miss something :)
And strong economies come from... loosely regulated capitalism - where entrepreneurs can invent, build and sell their goods.

'Loosely regulated capitalism' and policies based on laissez-faire economics, were also some of the main culprits behind the 2008 financial crash as well as the 1929 Wall Street crash.
Fox News is quintessentially American.
Yea, I know, but by any measure it shouldn't be... they are the antithesis of actual freedom.
I don't like it how, on a forum, you give zero reasoning, argument or source.
Can you give an example of your claim, or an example where another system did better?
I present to you the entire history of capitalism... Most of the history of capitalism were boom bust cycles that created massive amounts of unnecessary destruction. It has led directly to two world wars and hundreds of other smaller wars. Our current world right now is filled with one massive capitalist empire and three or four smaller ones depending on how you break it up, all of which are following the logic of capital right into WWIII. It is a way of diffusing responsibility for actions into literally zero accountability. There are better ways to grow economies, better ways to manage an economy, and better ways to be humans.

But let's go down this hole together...

Do you think Taiwan should loosen regulations? Can you pick a regulation you would get rid of? I know the first one I'd get rid of as a capitalist in Taiwan, all that pesky PTO my workers get...
I don't even see how its relevant to the point. Ok, let's assume drug use would fall if we lived on the Big Rock Candy Mountain, whatever regulations or lack thereof got us there. Let's say it falls by two thirds or whatever. If a country with enough regulatory control over its corporations that they may rightly be called arms of the state, intentionally, year after year, killed 20000 of your people... I'm having a hard time coming up with a more apt term than open acts of war.

I'd be amused by pro-American vigorous capitalists disagreeing. It'd be utterly hilarious for vigorous America-skeptical socialists and communists to do it.

Some might even have the gall to suggest aggressively regulating cigarettes and then disagree?
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People buying the drugs in the US and selling them in the US are not parts of said arms of said state, I believe was my running point before the tangent got nixed.

To try and bring it back to the topic, I look forward to Trump competently handling the entire matter*.

*this is a joke. I am not being serious. I don't look forward to him nor do I expect competence from him or his selected staff.
Still ignoring the supply chain of cheap, erratically lethal, product. If nothing else, shaking out the market share of more reputable(murderous) suppliers.

When the Russians flood media with toxic **** to drown out something better, in this case knowledge, we're smart enough to call it misinformation and interference, right?

I suppose there is an argument that we've simply been totally abdicating our duty to attempt to control it at our borders?
Still ignoring the supply chain of cheap, erratically lethal, product. If nothing else, shaking out the market share of more reputable(murderous) suppliers.

When the Russians flood media with toxic **** to drown out something better, in this case knowledge, we're smart enough to call it misinformation and interference, right?
Not ignoring. They exist at the same time. Repeatedly suggesting that people are ignoring one because they're focusing on the other isn't what we kids call good faith.

Like, you speak of amusing and hilarious. I find it hilarious that it's always the enemy without, instead of taking care of business within - at least if China (or Russia, or one of the other Big Bads - India?) can be blamed. Especially when it comes from conservatives. I thought "fix and look after our own before looking abroad" was the modus operandi?
I know if I were a hostile government trying to take down the US, I would start by spiking the speed with fentanyl. Really undermine those key movers and shakers.
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