
i dont see how its dumb... its a very real aspect of real life that causes great divisions between nations and peoples(like religion, which for that reason i hope they put back in the game, just in a different way) i also wish they would bring back the corporations, which added a nice dynamic to the game. all in all i think its legit, just wondering how it'd work.
Why yes, it is a real thing in life. It is one of those things that can offend people. Same as religion.

While it might seem okay to put into the game to you and some others. But quite a lot of people would be offended by it.

Again, same case as the religion argument.
If you played a game that portrayed Christianity as the best religion and insulted Muslim people, Muslim people would be upset over that. But if a game portrayed Muslim religion as the correct one, Christian people would be offended.

All and all, it is just best to leave those things out and keep most people happy and non-offended.

Although, I think anyone offended by a game needs to get kicked in the teeth.
Eh, not too different than any other luxury-based war, just with a little controversial shock value.

And besides, if we were to be realistic, marajuna would generate massive amounts of culture, all of which would suddenly disappear when your populous realized what music it was actually listening to.
i prefer historical authenticity to kissing everyones asses trying to make everyone happy. did you ever watch the southpark episode where the school was forced to make a play that didnt offend anyone, no jesus, no santa, it didnt work... people will get offended no matter what you do. its just a fact of life. and im not saying that any religion be made to be "the best" because i dont believe in organized religion myself, just kind of a personal spiritual philosophy... but i do feel religion ought to be included, regardless of whether it offends people...

Oh and whats wrong with jimmi hendrix and the beatles?
If I dint not do things because I might offend people I would not do much

And at least with my suggestion it was not any drug, it could be a nameless "drug” it’s just for brain washing your population so they don’t hate you at a cost of lower production culture gold ect which I hope has not happed IRL but lost of stores are based on this and lots of conspiracy theories
If this does happen, it will need to be released as a separate version for adults ofcourse.

But if drugs, why stop there? The options are plenty!!

Tobacco !

Alcohol !

All massive businesses and LEGAL !
Well, if you read my post you'll notice that I don't really care who gets offended in any way, shape or form.

I'm just stating that if you put drugs in, it more then likely will cause a drop in business. Because most parents will think that the factor of, "Drugs make you happier" as a bad thing.

Nick Doom's idea is more-so appropriate, I suppose.

But, in my opinion, Religion and drugs are two things this game can go without.
I would say it would not make happy they just stop you from being unhappy make you in to a mined less drones so add no grate people into what I suggest before also this way it would not lead to gold ages

If it was to say -10 unhappiness and -5 happiness it would slow down golden ages (I can’t see you having golden age with mindless drones for citizens)

p.s. in my last post I did not mean anyone to think I was talking personally to them I just don’t feel that not doing something because it might offend some one is not reason enough to not do it

(To meny negatives make my head hurt :( )
Exert from wiki-article:

Former CIA agent David MacMichael explained the inherent relationship between CIA activity in Latin America and drug trafficking: "Once you set up a covert operation to supply arms and money, it's very difficult to separate it from the kind of people who are involved in other forms of trade, and especially drugs. There is a limited number of planes, pilots and landing strips. By developing a system for supply of the Contras, the US built a road for drug supply into the US."

It's hard to find a way to implement this in the game though. And there are plenty other featuers I'd prefer above it. Maybe if they implement some new features that focus on the activities of US and Soviet during the Cold War, elaborate proxy-war schemes to install the "correct" regimes. I believe we all know why the Talibans are dominant in Afghanistan in the first place?

I would think this fit under the theme of modern espionage and the game needs to let the AI handle the basics, maybe then we could speak about new features I believe. But there is nothing wrong in discussing it :)
Drugs, not the illegal kind, can also be an extremely useful resource providing health, happiness, gold, commerce, increased productivity & a valuable trade item.
I hope they don't decide to put drugs of any kind in the game. Kids play this game, and if it was known that they could set up and operate a drug cartel,

the backlash to Firaxis would be very costly. I don't want them to lose business over this.

Civ doesn't need that kind of publicity, IMO. No drugs, tobacco (I deleted it from my games back in CivII), or other questionable moral content.

Civ has always been a PG-13 kind of game, albeit with a little bit of nuclear annihilation thrown in here and there. I delete that as well. :smug:
Well, if we're talking about treating opiates as a luxury resource, then the first thing to realize is that the idea of luxury resources boosting a civilization's happiness is kind of nonsensical. Access to truffles isn't going to make you empire happier. 99% of the citizens will never know what a truffle tastes like. It is after all, a luxury, which means that only the affluent can have it.

Drugs are actually the opposite of a luxury. They're available at all levels of society. But while taking drugs might make someone feel good for a while, they lose their jobs, their friends, their family, their health, and often their lives. These things do not make for a happier society. Nor does the crime that's often associated with both the buyers and sellers of drugs.
Well we already have wine in the game. And alcohol is probably the most dangerous legal drug around (certainly more so than even some illegal drugs, such as marijuana)
Originally posted by Someone
We need to respect family values and not offend anyone.
Originally posted by Someone else
Screw those who might be offended! Didn't you learn anything from South Park?


Look, drugs are a complex subject. Something one shouldn't take too lightly. It has been a serious concern throughout human history; to war, to religion, to politics, to arts, to human beings. If drugs are to be represented, represent the facts, nothing else. No moralizing, no demonizing, no glamorizing, just the facts.

The main point of Civilization, I think, is to educate us players. At least, encourage us to educate ourselves. Again, as I said, drugs are a touchy subject, and implementing them the way you'd think they work, rather than how they actually work, would totally miss the point, and just reinforce the misconception.

As I am no expert on how drugs affect human beings, Firaxis should contact one before shoving in opiates, hallucinogens and whatnot, as just another luxury resource. I'd also think it would be important and relevant, with the drug cartels and their rivals literally destroying Mexico.

So no moralizing, no demonizing, no glamorizing. Just. The. Facts.
I had thrown some ideas out there on this topic a few months back. About how maybe this could practically work in the game: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=486547

it would be totally awesome to have something like this in the game, but like in thread I started above, someone mentioned the ESRB rating and that this would not be acceptable for that.

but I'd love to have a mod(s) for this.
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