Ut tensio sic vis
Well, I thought it could be interesting to give all those wonderfull dwarvian units an hard rocky home! Note I took the liberty to use (a lot of) elements from Aaglo's castle cities. Hope you won't mind. If you look carefully, you can recognize the Gates of Moria on the front of the cities. I first tried to use the snowy mountain from Civ3, but the look in-game was not very nice
so I removed to top of the mountains. I haven't made a walled version since I didn't see the need to fortify a mountain.
Hope it could be useful to someone...
Here's the preview
I made a second set of «Dwarf» cities (second row of the preview) and the files are available in the post#10
Two «Fortified» versions of the second set in post#18 and 20, preview in post#17 and 19.

Here's the preview
I made a second set of «Dwarf» cities (second row of the preview) and the files are available in the post#10
Two «Fortified» versions of the second set in post#18 and 20, preview in post#17 and 19.