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Dwarf City Graphics - with Gates of Moria


Ut tensio sic vis
Oct 1, 2005
By the Magtogoek
Well, I thought it could be interesting to give all those wonderfull dwarvian units an hard rocky home! Note I took the liberty to use (a lot of) elements from Aaglo's castle cities. Hope you won't mind. If you look carefully, you can recognize the Gates of Moria on the front of the cities. I first tried to use the snowy mountain from Civ3, but the look in-game was not very nice:( so I removed to top of the mountains. I haven't made a walled version since I didn't see the need to fortify a mountain.:hmm: Hope it could be useful to someone...
Here's the preview
I made a second set of «Dwarf» cities (second row of the preview) and the files are available in the post#10
Two «Fortified» versions of the second set in post#18 and 20, preview in post#17 and 19.


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And the files. On the original, only the european medieval cities are modified, and on the alt version, all the eras are modified.

Note: Set for the first row of the preview only, for second row, go to post#10.


Awesome Beboy. Great work.

If you're still thinking about making other versions, you could try using Gray mountains like from Rhye's terrain. I always thought of Moria as a mountain more like Matterhorn than Pike's Peak anyway.

Also, for the fortified graphics, you could put a pond in front of the door (instaed of a moat around the whole mountain). Kind of like where the monster lives at Moria.
I like the idea of placing these on a mountain, but don't particularly like the towers you chose... not exactly 'dwarfish' according to my tastes. I wish I could make a suggestion for alternative towers, but I am not sure what else is available.

I also would not add the Gates of Moria untill the city was size 12. The dwarves would not bother building elaborate gates to a small 'village', yah know?

Finally, more folks could use this if you used Rhye's terrain! :)

Regardless, great concept!
Personally, I'm not using Rhye's mountains, but I agree it would look more interesting on a grayish mountain... I just downloaded the mountain set from Rye's terrains and I may give it a try. As for the towers, I'm not an expert of the dwarf thing, but I admit it doesn't fit that much either to my idea of dwarvian buildings. Maybe something more stocky...:hmm: Something like center-medieval castle.. I'll see what I can find.

Concerning the fortified city, I think I'll put a little fort a the entrance of the 'village' ;) Thanks for the comments guys!
Here is a new set designed for Dwarf cities. Following the previous recommendations, I used Rhye's mountains. Instead of putting new elements on the mountain, I made it in a way to give the impression the mountain itself is transformed in a city. Like if the city was sculpted in the rocky mountain. Again, I haven't made a fortified version, but I may try to do so if I have time during the week-end.

Hope you like it and all comments welcomed! :)

Note: Preview in the first post.


Mhm.. I don't see what the fuss is about Rhye's Terrian. Sn00Py's is by far better...

Oh.. these are nice. Yay.
Bravo! I like these new ones a lot... great concept! I like that the Gates of Moria is a lot smaller and only included in the largest city size. These may find a couple homes :)
Mhm.. I don't see what the fuss is about Rhye's Terrian. Sn00Py's is by far better...
I believe most fantasy themed mods (where these would obviously be used) are using Rhye's terrain.
Thanks for the nice comments! :) As for the debate over Rhye's or Sn00py's terrain, I leave it to people who actually use those.:crazyeye:

Ok, I already said in my first post that it would be strange to put walls on a city-citadel built sraight from the mountain. On the other hand, I see the need to have a fortified version of the town, indicating which one as walls.

I actually got the idea for the Aaglo's Dragron Slayer unit. What if there was an unwelcome «visitor» to the mountain or inside it. When you dig too much, you never know what you can find! Anyway a dragon killed while trying to attack the new-born town, shown for the «example», could be a lot more disuasive to possible invaders than the thickest walls!! Don't you think? :devil:


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