(E&E) Civilization VI - Fight for the Future Game Mode, Pt. 1


Jun 18, 2017
West Virginia
Hello, Civ fans! It's been a while since you've heard anything from the Enriched & Expanded Pack, but today I'm happy to announce one of the new game modes I promised in my initial reveal -- the Fight for the Future mode! What goodies will this optional mode add to your games? Read on to find out!

In the far-distant future, with luck, our civilization will still thrive. But the world around us will doubtlessly change... for better or for worse. Whether we've nurtured and rehabilitated Mother Earth or scoured and stripped her bare of resources and beauty, if there is one thing that can be said about mankind, it is that we cling to that we call our own, even when it seems pointless to do so. War is hell, they say, and if war is also eternal, we must change how we wage it. Pivotal moments in our past were shaped by the razor's edge granted by a new weapon, a new strategy, a new resource... the heart of warfare may never change, but if we do not adapt with the times, we will fall to dust. The future is here. I pray we are ready for it.

The Fight for the Future game mode brings a slight but impactful overhaul to the Future Era of Civilization VI. By extending the game to AD 2100, players will now have a bit more time -- if also a bit more effort -- in bringing their hard-fought victory plans to fruition. However, the expansion of this era also means getting support in three key areas of the game: Science, Culture, and Military.
We'll talk more about those first two in another update, but for now, you'll be happy to know that the Giant Death Robot is no longer alone as the sole, oddly futuristic military unit! With Fight for the Future enabled, you'll have access to the following exciting combatants. Drumroll, please!


(Some mockups of different Supersoldier appearances.)
Upgrading from the Mechanized Infantry, we now take that term perhaps a bit more literally with the Supersoldier! Unlocking with Cybernetics, these mighty warriors now sport futuristic weapons and armor, as well as some transhumanist upgrades to their physical forms. Whether engineered in a factory or a genetics lab, soldiers that can push themselves beyond human capacity are a staple of science-fiction the world over, and now they're ready to protect your very own civilization.

EnE Plasma Gunner-Portrait.png

(Mockup of a Plasma Gunner)
If your troops need some long-range covering fire, your Machine Guns will upgrade into Plasma Gunners to do the job! Also augmented with strength-enhancing armor -- and a powerful weapon to match! -- these heavy soldiers sacrifice a little speed for increased range and power. They unlock with Advanced Power Cells.

EnE Black Ops-Portrait (1).png

(Mockup of a Black Ops)
If you need even longer range support, and perhaps a little clandestine assistance, too, your Spec Ops teams will upgrade into the deadly Black Ops unit. This recon commando gains the ability to temporarily cloak itself from enemy view, can attempt to neutralize Spies hiding on any tile it's spent a full turn on, and can cross the borders of any City-State without penalty. The Black Ops also acts as a sort of rangefinder for Nuclear Weapons; your WMDs will be able to lock onto the Black Ops' location (up to a certain distance) if they would otherwise be out of strike range, greatly increasing your destructive capability. However, the resulting atomic blast will also atomize your Black Ops. This unit actually unlocks in the Information Era, with Nanotechnology.


(Something akin to what I imagined for the Gunship.)

Your capable Helicopters can be upgraded into Gunships, toting hard-hitting weaponry like Gatling guns and short-range missiles. They also gain the ability to transport a single Infantry, Ranged, Recon, or Civilian unit, ignoring its movement cost in favor of the Gunship's high speed. These aerial avengers unlock with a new Future Age Technology, Anti-Gravity Generators, which will be discussed in a future post!


(Something akin to what I imagined for the Hovertank.)

Likewise, your Modern Armor will upgrade into the ultra-modern Hovertank with the same technology, Anti-Gravity Generators. Equipped with a powerful particle-beam turret, this Heavy Cavalry unit can melt the systems of any mechanical foe and crack open the hardest 'tin can' of the toughest Supersoldier! However, just because they're packing the highest-tech weaponry doesn't mean they're completely invulnerable...


(This piece of artwork by Ivan Sevic is similar to my concept for the Railgunner.)
Perfect for taking down Gunships and Hovertanks alike, your Modern AT crews upgrade into Railgunners! Unlocking with another new Technology, Hypervelocity Guns, nothing says "take that, fancy hovercraft" like a supersonic piece of shrapnel hurtling your way! Any who dare to defy gravity (or at least, to defy your civ) aren't safe from the Railgunner, since this unit also provides anti-air and anti-WMD defenses in a 1-tile radius (except when on or adjacent to a defensible District tile, excluding Forts) and can fire upon deployed aerial units.


(Something akin to the futuristic Fighter and Bomber upgrades, respectively. Honestly, just making the Jet Bomber upgrade into a proper stealth bomber, like the Northrop B-2 Spirit would probably work just fine.)
*(actually not a copyrighted term!)

Speaking of, your air force gets an upgrade with the Starfighter* and Star Bombardier! Able to do even more damage against ever-tougher enemies, they'll also have a role to play in some mechanics of Fight to the Future that are yet to be revealed... of note for now is that, when deployed, Starfighter squadrons provide anti-WMD support in a 4-tile radius from their deployment tile! These air units both unlock with a new technology, Advanced Spaceflight.


(Something akin to what I imaged for the futuristic artillery.)
And lastly, because you can never have enough dakka, your Rocket Artillery will upgrade into the Mass Driver Cannon (or as I debated calling it, the Really Big Gun) after researching Hypervelocity Guns. While its city-busting potential does cross over slightly with that of the Giant Death Robot, the Mass Driver Cannon can't defend itself from aerial attacks, can't cross water without embarking, and, most importantly, presents less of a lost investment if destroyed compared to the GDR. These mighty cannons also possess a slight damage boost against Naval units, who sadly won't get any upgrades aside from cosmetic ones and damage or armor boosts from new Technologies.

Lost in Space s2 - The repair pod, Martin Bergquist.jpg

(I didn't have as strong of a concept for this one, so here's the repair pod from Lost in Space 2, by Martin Bergquist.)

Of course, noncombatants will be just as important in the Fight for the Future as they ever were, so your Supply Convoys can upgrade into Repair Drones after researching Predictive Systems. They'll provide increased healing for adjacent stationary units, much like their predecessors, though especially for units of the Information and Future Eras.

As you might be able to tell, this is just a taste of what the Fight for the Future mode has to offer. Stay tuned for more updates related to this mode and the rest of the Enriched & Expanded Pack to come, and fight for the future of your Civilization!
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