Earliest date an AI has declared war on you?


Feb 22, 2006
I am sure it depends on difficulty, numbers of AIs, maps etc, but I was wondering what everyone's experience has been?

I recently played a Monarch, Balanced, Large, standard number of AI (I think 8), marathon game as Napoleon.

Anyway, frickin Alexander declared war on me at 2260 BC. I had never seen this before.

I hadn't even researched Archery yet (maybe this is why he declared?).

I had a single warrior in my capital and he shows up with 4 combat I archers ready to maul me. LOL. Needless to say I quit the game.

So how early have you seen an unexpected war?
On noble, they attacked me when I had like 2 cities and no defensive units yet. Definitely was early BC. Now I play on Warlord because I hate wasting time building warriors right away.
I don't think that in over 30 games on Noble or above that I have been attacked before 500 B.C. and that time it was Monty. Unless you are real close to an aggressive civ, they normally have't attacked until at least 500 A.D. and even that is early. In my present Terra game I had numerous wandering visitors who could easily have attacked and captured a couple of my cities at times but they didn't. Maybe the AI really doesn't see into the cities and doesn't know that they are not defended.
I have had the AI declare war on me in the 3000BCs a handful of times. But only on modified settings. Monarch>Random Personalities>Aggressive AI. (Marathon). The war usually last until the raging barbs (ticked on too) start showing up then a mutual peace treaty/cease fire is usually drawn up.
I've had war declared on me really early twice. I'm not sure of the exact dates but I both were certainly in the early BCs, probably before 1000 BC (how many turns is it to get to 1000 BC anyway?). One attack was by Montezuma. The other was Genghis Khan. In both cases they were my neighbors. And in both cases my military was very weak, I think only warriors. So I have to admit I had it coming.
Spooky Dude! trusty old Montezuma and Genghis Khan, whenever they pitch up near me - on Terra as a European power or America, or in general.

I think around 1500BC has been the earliest, Monty attacked my Capitol with a Combat 1 warrior against my fortified no exp Warrior, and won, the swine!

Didn't do so well in that game as I recall......
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