Earth 18 Civs Role Playing Challenge: Alexander (The Great!)

Yay, I guess I've made it, the first 3 UHV (terminology from RFC :)) goals! The 5th one also (running Monarchy) is basically done.
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This is how Alexander's realm looks like in 340 BC:


Persian archers were rather tough to take down using only phalanxes. Also, a misfortune hit around 1100 BC - German city of Munich stole the copper which was the only metal I had - with culture. It was a mistake not to rush Germany. So, I needed to make 2 very important tech choices:

* Iron Working - to get my metal back
* Construction - catapults!

Meanwhile, I made peace with Persia, built libraries, assigned scientists in a couple of cities (London, Paris, Rome, Athens) and got a couple of academies done - one in Athens and two others in London and Paris.

Once I researched Construction, I produced/whipped catas like crazy. After that, Persia didn't stand a chance. The only difficulty was that they had already spread out to north. Meanwhile, Arabia DoW'ed on me. But I had to deal with them anyway. Damascus was the most recent city to fall.

I control 2 wonders:
* The Great Wall - Hatty built it for me
* The Hanging Gardens - built it myself (in Madrid).

So what's next? First, I'm gonna finish off Arabia. Then I'm gonna punish Germany for stealing the copper :) After that, the vast fields of Russia must join the great empire of Alexander.
340 AD
Spoiler :
Germany and Russia eliminated. Alexander is war elephant :)


Arabia got almost eliminated. I didn't know where they had settled their last city and as they were weakened anyway, I decided to make peace with Arabia.

The research slider is down to zero. 2 scientists + 2 free scientists from TGL + Bureaucracy in Athens and scientists in a couple of other cities is all that is. Persepolis has become my Heroic Epic city.

As QSH is researching Machinery already, I must move quickly. My phalanxes will be useless against xbows.
1305 AD. Noone's left in the Old World. Land area: 41% (51% is needed for Domination).
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Meanwhile, Alexander has been promoted to Cuirassier.
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Things are getting exceedingly miserable for the AI. If it continues like that, Alexander will be flying around in a Gunship soon :)
1440 AD. Domination victory!
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The AI was no match to Alexander:


End score:


Civman, thanks for the interesting RPC! Marathon speed is actually quite fun because it has much more emphasis on ancient/classical era than Normal speed. Also, it's great to have forum games around here that players with lower skill level can play.
Decided to finish this one off....

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Started accepting capitulations to speed things along. Also took a settler to settle panama cnal to allow atlantic fleet/units access to the Incas.
240bc America dead
220 Qin capitulates
130 Monte capitulates
100 Toku capitulates (he had one new city hidden somewhere, too much hassle).
80 Mongols dead
70 Incas dead



Civman, thanks for the interesting RPC! Marathon speed is actually quite fun because it has much more emphasis on ancient/classical era than Normal speed. Also, it's great to have forum games around here that players with lower skill level can play.

My pleasure. :)

Great shadow games, guys. I should have part 2 of my game played today or tomorrow, with the chapter being posted the day after. Hopefully Alexander doesn't get killed by an archer or something stupid. :lol::shifty:

Now that I think about it, Marathon was the wisest choice of game speed. It focuses more on the earlier eras (as you mentioned) and feels more "historical" due to the years passing by slower. Prince was a good choice as well as it allows players from several difficulty levels to try this RPC out. Plus, I wouldn't want the very first game to be a total blunder. :lol:
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