Download for Vanilla
Download for Warlords
Download for BtS
The Map:
This is an earth map made with the worldbuilder and notepad.
In a speculative attempt to improve performance on such a large
map I've kept it under 24,000 tiles and used a 1.6:1 X:Y ratio.
I've left the proportions of the projection unaltered other
than slight enlargement of a few areas for gameplay or to
preserve character e.g. UK, Japan, Great Lakes and I've left
out everything south of the antarctic circle.
The Mod:
Adds map size 'Planetary' (192x120),
Max civs 18, 24 and 32,
Changes a few city names to suit ai placement,
Adjusts domination victory parameters to scale,
Adds game speed 'Odyssey' ('Marathon' turns, 'Epic' production/
growth/G.P.) to cater for more civs and expansion.
Patch compatibility:
Vanilla v1.74
Warlords v2.13
BtS All versions.
To Install:
Download the .rar file for your version of Civilization IV,
Extract the contents,
Place the 'CarterEarth(18)' folder in your
"...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods" folder.
Place the 'CarterEarth(18w)' and 'CarterEarth(24w)' folders in your
"...My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Mods" folder.
Beyond The Sword;
Place the 'CarterEarth(18BtS)', 'CarterEarth(24BtS)' and 'CarterEarth(32BtS)'
folders in your "...My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Mods" folder.
To Run:
Start CivIV, Warlords or Beyond the Sword.
Go to 'Advanced\Load a mod',
Select a mod e.g. 'CarterEarth(32BtS)' and load,
When the game reloads, go to 'Single Player\Custom Scenario'
(or MultiPlayer then select 'new scenario' in the lobby),
Select a map e.g. 'CarterEarth(32BtS)', choose your civ and select
your options or retain the recommended settings.
There are 2 versions of the map. One with civs starting in fixed locations,
the other 'random' (no fixed start locations or barbarians) for customised games.
Multiplayer has been successfully tested with a direct IP connection
over a vpn (if you experience oos errors, save the game, quit to desktop,
reload and rejoin. Using a standard gamespeed might also help).
To Improve Performance:
Update graphics drivers,
Reduce graphics settings,
Select 'Single Unit Graphics' in options,
Always quit to desktop before reloading/beginning a game,
Destroy civilizations by war or in the worldbuilder
for significant performance improvements.
Thanks To:
Firaxis and Community
The Times Concise Atlas of the World
Blue Marble terrains are available here.
Download for Vanilla
Download for Warlords
Download for BtS
Download for Vanilla
Download for Warlords
Download for BtS

The Map:
This is an earth map made with the worldbuilder and notepad.
In a speculative attempt to improve performance on such a large
map I've kept it under 24,000 tiles and used a 1.6:1 X:Y ratio.
I've left the proportions of the projection unaltered other
than slight enlargement of a few areas for gameplay or to
preserve character e.g. UK, Japan, Great Lakes and I've left
out everything south of the antarctic circle.
The Mod:
Adds map size 'Planetary' (192x120),
Max civs 18, 24 and 32,
Changes a few city names to suit ai placement,
Adjusts domination victory parameters to scale,
Adds game speed 'Odyssey' ('Marathon' turns, 'Epic' production/
growth/G.P.) to cater for more civs and expansion.
Patch compatibility:
Vanilla v1.74
Warlords v2.13
BtS All versions.
To Install:
Download the .rar file for your version of Civilization IV,
Extract the contents,
Place the 'CarterEarth(18)' folder in your
"...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods" folder.
Place the 'CarterEarth(18w)' and 'CarterEarth(24w)' folders in your
"...My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Mods" folder.
Beyond The Sword;
Place the 'CarterEarth(18BtS)', 'CarterEarth(24BtS)' and 'CarterEarth(32BtS)'
folders in your "...My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Mods" folder.
To Run:
Start CivIV, Warlords or Beyond the Sword.
Go to 'Advanced\Load a mod',
Select a mod e.g. 'CarterEarth(32BtS)' and load,
When the game reloads, go to 'Single Player\Custom Scenario'
(or MultiPlayer then select 'new scenario' in the lobby),
Select a map e.g. 'CarterEarth(32BtS)', choose your civ and select
your options or retain the recommended settings.
There are 2 versions of the map. One with civs starting in fixed locations,
the other 'random' (no fixed start locations or barbarians) for customised games.
Multiplayer has been successfully tested with a direct IP connection
over a vpn (if you experience oos errors, save the game, quit to desktop,
reload and rejoin. Using a standard gamespeed might also help).
To Improve Performance:
Update graphics drivers,
Reduce graphics settings,
Select 'Single Unit Graphics' in options,
Always quit to desktop before reloading/beginning a game,
Destroy civilizations by war or in the worldbuilder
for significant performance improvements.
Thanks To:
Firaxis and Community
The Times Concise Atlas of the World
Blue Marble terrains are available here.

Download for Vanilla
Download for Warlords
Download for BtS