Easy deity maps


Oct 4, 2018
I’ve been looking for ‘easy’ deity maps to learn and improve on and thought I would share this Gilgamesh map I’ve just finished in case anyone else is in the same position.

Spoiler Starting screenshot :

Spoiler Why I think this is an easy map – spoilers alert including map type and information on surrounding area that will become apparent in approximately first 5 turns :

This is a panagaea map on which we are on a reasonably sized peninsula that should be OK to defend from the AI and easily fogbusted with a few units and culture from our creative trait. There is a reasonable amount of food, nearby stone and forest.

I got my third deity win on this map. I did reload about 3 times - this is a vast reduction on my previous deity attempts (Cookbook aside where this was forbidden!) and I think only one of the reloads made a significant difference to the outcome of the game with the others being for minor mistakes.

I was going to write this up properly with screenshots but I’ve somehow managed to erase all the saves. From memory and the in game hall of fame replay option:

Spoiler :
The plains hill wine with extra commerce and hammer seemed obvious to me but I moved the warrior on to the other PH just to check – nothing there.

Early exploration revealed we are on a very defensively favourable peninsula. With stone in the capital BFC and plenty of food including a double fish spot, a grassland cows and fish spot and a less good but acceptable clam and oasis spot that can share the capital’s corn, I felt The Pyramids, liberalism bulbs and cuirrasiers/cannon attack would be my plan. Warrior and culture defence as the peninsula was so easy to completely fogbust.

Chopped out Pyramids 1640BC with 2 cities and 3rd settled 1600BC. I’m not sure how I feel about this in hindsight – very unlikely I lose the race at this date but did significantly slow my expansion but due to the map shape, and unusually for deity, I didn’t feel a pressing need to expand before I lost good spots. Without representation and scientists from creative libraries, the land wasn’t great for cottaging with one tiny river so economy would have been an issue and in terms of an early attack I was quite a long way from any AI’s – shame with copper in capital’s BFC and vultures!

Settled 6 cities on the peninsula and a fairly garbage city with no resources on a hill at the tip of the peninsula (actually turned out to have my horses but I didn’t know that at the time.) Aim of the garbage city was in case Shaka or Mao decided I was their least favourite neighbour as thought some protective archers on a hill behind cheap walls would keep me safe.

As it transpires, Shaka DOW’d Darius in the BC’s and over many turns more or less all the other AIs came in on Darius’ side. Good for me as all the warmongers were occupied until Shaka capitulates to Mao 250AD. At this point Shaka had 2 cities, Mao ~11, Hannibal ~13 and Bismark ~10 with Hammurabi and Darius having a fairly insignificant 4 each.

Unfortunately, my first GP was an engineer from The Pyramids but I won the music race 50 BC and used the artist for a golden age. I later used the engineer for The Taj MahaL. Over the two golden ages I generated 4 great scientists and used these to double bulb education and liberalism 540 AD -> military tradition. Gunpowder in a few turns later. The AI's were significantly behind - IIRC Hannibal had nationalism but nobody even had paper and Hannibal spent the rest of the game beelining medicine which was no good to him from a military perspective.

Mao was fairly behind from being at war with Shaka and 800AD when I was ready to attack him I realised I could bribe him on Hannibal for a few fairly old techs. This was great as Mao had a big stack and Hannibal was the closest in tech to me and I wanted to slow him down. Hannibal bribed Hammurabi in on his side.

880AD I DOW’d Mao with cuirassiers. Took 3 cities from Mao and one from Shaka before paying Mao 200 gold for peace as I’d run out of oomph in my attack on Mao and I now had a border with Darius who I thought I could vassal pretty quickly and use to tech trade with and assist in chain capitulations.

1020AD DOW Darius, 1030AD take his capital, 1040AD vassals to me. Bismark had DOW’d Hannibal in the interim and I still had a peace treaty with Mao so I was safe from diplomatic repercussions throughout.

From the moment I DOW’d Mao to the end of the game I relentlessly whipped cuirassiers from each of my cities as soon as I could.

1090AD I redeclared on Mao. Bismark joined me 1130AD. Shaka eliminated 1140AD. 1200 AD Mao vassals to me.

I was a little uncertain about my next move – Hannibal was getting ahead in tech (although nobody had rifles and only Bismark had steel) but Hammurabi had peace vassaled to Bismark. Bismark had fallen to cautious with me whereas Hannibal was the level above angry. I tried to demand some gold from Frederick but was rejected. I had about 60 cuirassiers and DOW’d Hannibal 1280AD. Five cities later and Hannibal capitulates 1360AD.

Deciding Hannibal’s cities would never contribute by the time they came out of revolt, I liberated all of them, healed up for a couple of turns and DOW’d Bismark 1400AD. Five German and 1 Babylonian city later in 1460AD Hammurabi decides he doesn't want to be Bismark's vassal anymore and 1470AD both decide to capitulate to me for a 1480AD conquest victory – my best victory date outside of the cookbook series (when the save wasn’t purely mine.)

Spoiler Victory screen :

Spoiler War statistics :
180 cuirassiers killing mostly longbowmen - Hannibal and Bismark had cuirassiers by the end and Bismark had cannons but by that time my numbers were overwhelming.

I have managed to find my 'quick save' from 1280AD and have uploaded that in case anyone wants to see how it all looked for me fairly near the end.

Next step is to resume trying for a deity win with no reloading – not that reloading is bad per se but I won’t feel I can hold my own on deity until I can win without reloading at all.

Not sure if Fippy is reading but I reviewed the saves I and others submitted for the Sillyman cookbook prior to playing this map and they really helped my progress in this map - thanks.

If anyone else has any 'easy' deity maps please do share :)



The map @Henrik75 posted with Gilga recently "Gilga fun times" was easy I think. A small hurdle in the beginning but nothing serious.
But really, most maps have a potential to be easy and a potential to be hard. The AIs tend to do unexpected things every now and then.
Hehe, yeah that map was "easy" @Fippy :D
I'm kind of curious if @Pedro78 ever played it out himself, or if that map is partly the reason for his hiatus.
Thanks everyone. I’ll try one of these out next - Fippy I can’t quite tell if you’re teasing regarding that Kublai map - it looks very barren in the screenshot but I can see how it plays out! The latest NC looks like a tasty start and Krikav has just highlighted the previous micro challenges so I have options for my next map...
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