Easy question - hopefully


Jan 7, 2002
I want to create a scenario(?) map(?) that is as close to the regular game as possible, but that limits the number of cities each civ can build. It would be nice if everything else worked just as a normal game - each time I start a game I choose earth type, age, rival civs etc.

I know how to make the map - so if this rule can be applied only to a specific map, no biggy.

Maybe this has already been done - if so, where can I find the file?

Thanks, and sorry for the newbie question...
To the best of my knowledge, the only city limit is total number of cities per map. I don't believe it's possible to limit the number of cities a single civ can control.
Originally posted by Psychlone
...the only city limit is total number of cities per map...

That would serve my purposes, as I just want to take the task of constantly racing the AI to cover the entire map out of the picture and force myself to tweek each of my cities to max output.

How do I set that up?

Thanks for the reply...
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