I wonder, whether there could be some sort of an easy adaptable solution, which could fix some of the controversy of this hot topic. As far as I see it, the current solution doesn't satisfy any side, perfectly. Some people like to have more freedom, and get rid of any limitations, when they or the AI select Civs for the new ages. People like me, complain that the Civ Switches are not "historial" enough, for instance when Greece turns into the Normans or Spain turns into Mexico.
Either way, it seems like a lot of people are not very happy with the currenct mechanism. So what about this simple idea: The game allows you to select, whether the AI should follow either a game unlock (using the existing criteria like 3 horses etc.), a random unlock or, the player selects fixed civs for each AI in advance, making sure, the AI selects the Civs, which he thinks are the "most historical". Furthermore, the player gets an option to select each Civ he wants, too. I see no harm, allowing players to set up their game the way they like to play it, using their unique settings. Obviously, I would have preferred to keep my existing Civ the entire game and this is not a perfect soltion, but it is better than nothing. What do you think?
Either way, it seems like a lot of people are not very happy with the currenct mechanism. So what about this simple idea: The game allows you to select, whether the AI should follow either a game unlock (using the existing criteria like 3 horses etc.), a random unlock or, the player selects fixed civs for each AI in advance, making sure, the AI selects the Civs, which he thinks are the "most historical". Furthermore, the player gets an option to select each Civ he wants, too. I see no harm, allowing players to set up their game the way they like to play it, using their unique settings. Obviously, I would have preferred to keep my existing Civ the entire game and this is not a perfect soltion, but it is better than nothing. What do you think?