Governments have no incentive to spend wisely (due to political forces and the ease in which they can collect debt). Private actors generally do; those who don't go bankrupt and are replaced by more efficient competition, which is why it's important to make barriers to entry low.
That sounds good in a political science classroom. First year. But it does not actually have anything whatsoever to do with the way the world actually works. It's a lot like those people who say that we should have the state governments handle things instead of the federal government because they are closer to the voter and more efficient and yada yada. Well we all know what bullcrap that is, even if a lot of people won't admit it.
The point is that it is a stock argument, and a theoretical argument, and it entirely ignores real world experience in favor of theory. As if the theory that something "should be so" is equivalent to the real world that it is actually so.
It doesn't actually work.
Let us take a look at the way social services are set up in the United States. It'd be far simpler and far more efficient to simply institute a guaranteed minimum income, as it would let us fire immense amounts of unnecessary workers (efficiency), but said workers and a great deal of politicians oppose this measure. Ultimately, as good as democracy is, it carries its own set of problems (it would be worse under an oligarchy though).
Ultimately it's a price to pay for a democracy and a functioning government. Dictatorship would be even more abusive, and if we had a balanced budget amendment, the government would be handcuffed and unable to do anything in times of crisis.
Much of the reason social services are set up the way they are is because some portion of politicians don't want to people to receive social services at all. So making it as difficult as possible is one of their passive-aggressive responses to it.
It's no different than what a lot of parents do to their kids (as my sister found out the hard - and humorous - way).
Anyway, I'm moreso arguing for the privatisation of highways. They're more niche than ordinary streets, so their being privately owned doesn't strike me as much of an issue. You don't want to be tracked? Don't use the highway.
Not an option. I live within sight of the city center. I have no means of getting there except the highway. Unless I buy a helicopter.
The US is utterly dependent on the highways. Because of the economic theory of externalities, the economically rational way to pay for them is general taxation and fuel taxes. Everyone benefits, everyone should pay.
But if the private sector can run the highways better than the state, why not give it to them? New technologies have made it far more viable than in the past. It will also let the government focus on other things; never mind the state can still subsidise the highways.
What makes you think that the private sector can, or will, be more efficient? The history of privatization of public functions in the US over the past 30 years tells you that the taxpayer never benefits from it.
Roads in the towns and cities themselves would still remain public, naturally.
The biggest argument for fuel taxes that I can see is that they are impossible to evade; someone could drive on the highway without their e-tolling card.
Furthermore, Norway is the world's leader in electronic tolling. Norway being commonly seen as one of the world's most functional (and progressive) economies, I'm not seeing the "electronic tolling is bad" angle.
All tolls are bad because all tolls are a deadweight loss to the economy. And there is no technological fix to that. A fuel tax is extremely cheap and easy to administer. It costs next to nothing for the government to collect that tax. A fully electronic toll would require every vehicle to be tagged. Now leaving aside the fact that the government already has too much information about what people do.....
The private sector is one massive crapload worse!
Having that information in public hands is bad. Having that information in private hands is full justification for a killing rampage and violent revolution.
Big Brother is not the government. Big Brother is the private sector. Big government is a minor threat to my liberty. Big business is a major threat to my liberty. And anyone who can't see that cannot legitimately consider themselves libertarian in any sense of the word.
Tolls are entirely a dead weight loss to the economy because instead of the cheap and easy to administer fuel taxes, now you have to tag every single vehicle in the country with a tracker. And then you have to build and maintain tacking devices at every entrance and exit from the roads. And then you have to have toll booths for those who are not tagged or the tags are not working. That slows down the roads, and wastes time and fuel. All of that cost is a deadweight loss to the economy. And not a small one, either.
Now you want a simpler social service program to not have useless workers in that industry, why do you want a complicated toll system to add useless antijobs to the transportation industry? You are contradicting yourself here. Either you are for useless jobs or you are against useless jobs. Make up your mind.