I read on here that someone was having trouble because of the economy thing. For me, its been at 5 stars most of the game. Its the cities area that stays low. Its been at 2 for a long time now. It could have something to do with all the people I'm conquering. I guess I'll just have to deal with 1 star in expansion forever.
Try running the Occupation civic should help significantly with this one. I usually run 1-2 stars in this area, now with Occupation it hasn't dropped below 3. Doing this causes all those unhappy people in your newly conquered cities from affecting your stability.
That's a game-balance effect, not a historical effect. Otherwise you wouldn't have to build your own libraries, etc... and creating your own culture after conquest would be too easy. The alternative would be to keep track of the nationality of the building, so if the city gets taken back the old civ could still have a library (some random buildings get destroyed during conquest regardless), but this strikes me as excessive bookkeeping by the program. You'd probably also have to make some dll changes.
Regardless, loss of cultural buildings is an incidental effect on conquest in civ. This has no bearing whatsoever on the historical Roman Empire's economy, or the nature of a plunder economy in CivIV. (Money gained is based on a % of what's in teh civs treasury - it has nothing to do with infrastructure destroyed).
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