Editing files doesn't work. Why?


Jun 12, 2010
Salerno, Italy
Hi all.
I have tried to modify some entries for diplomacy, which I find unbalanced and extremely aggressive. Whatever I do, they declare war on me, despite trade or good relations. I modified the DiploOpinionWeights.sql file, which is the only one, besides the original files, to modify, for example, the OPINION_WEIGHT_EMBASSY_MUTUAL value. From -3 to -50. During the game, however, nothing changes. And I don't understand why. Even other values, such as GREAT_GENERAL_STRENGTH_MOD that I could only change by creating a separate string . Editing the Defines file in the Vox Populi or Community folder doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
After loading into the mod, you can inspect the debug database using an sql viewing tool (e.g. https://sqlitestudio.pl/)
This will show you if database values have actually changed in the game.

If they have, but you don't see any change, then maybe they don't do what you think they do.
If they haven't, then you probably have an install problem. One issue someone was they used the modpack method to run the game, but were trying to alter MODS/ files (that aren't used).
Just for clarity, you aren't running any other mods that alter these sorts of things, are you?

Finally, what do you mean by "extremely aggressive"?
As a basic check, make sure to clear the game's cache folder after editing the file. Otherwise, the game won't apply your edited values, and will reuse the unedited ones.
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