Education Beeline


Dec 27, 2007
Inspired from one of the reviews that explained the "Great Library - Civil Service" beeline there is another beeline related that could be quite powerful; the Education Beeline.

The Great Scientist allows one to instantly research all (most?) technologies as a special ability; and to get one you need to build Libraries which are available with Writing.

Next after writing is Philosophy, a Classical Era technology. This makes it somewhat expensive but if you manage to research Philosophy while building both a Library and the Great Library you can choose either Civil Services (with Trapping) or Theology (with Calendar) as your free technology. Civil Service gives you extra food on freshwater farms (and Pikes) while Theology simply allows the Monastery (and some wonders). BUT, it also opens up Education which enables the University, a number of wonders, and the ability to build Research.

Just leave a couple of scientist specialists running in a city somewhere and eventually you will get a Great Scientist and can pop Education. Meanwhile, focus on improving the productivity of your land (and defenses) since you will need it if you want to construct your universities with any meaningful speed and have the population to allow them to really have a benefit.
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