Effing computer problem...

Chimera Kitty

Nov 2, 2012
This could belong equally in the A&E, Sci/Tech, or the computer forum. The mods can put it wherever they think it belongs.

Does anyone know of a problem that could slow down Minecraft and anything based on the Quake III engine, but not affect games like WoW, Unreal Tournament 2004, or Aliens vs. Predator 2? Note that by "slow down", I mean make a 1.6 ghz Atom act like a 100mhz Pentium.
Haven't played all the other games on your list, but I know that Minecraft lags and crashes on my computer if I leave the render distance on far in my graphics settings. Sometimes the apparent quality of the graphics is independent from the duty is places on your video card.
You might have to update your Java or your .NET version. My minecraft was getting lag spikes every minute or so until I dl'ed the new .NET version.
That was more aimed at Minecraft.

Quake III I have no idea. Try updating your drivers? :dunno:
Throttling due to clogged up heat sink/fan?

No, because that would affect ALL software, not just Minecraft and the Quake III engine.

Also, it's absolutely, positively, definitely a software issue. I was able to confirm this by booting from a different hard drive and running the same games just fine.
No, because that would affect ALL software, not just Minecraft and the Quake III engine.

Also, it's absolutely, positively, definitely a software issue. I was able to confirm this by booting from a different hard drive and running the same games just fine.

Could it be a problem with your hard drive?
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