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El Mencey's 362x326 Earth Map, Customized for DYP RAR

Cheezy the Wiz

Socialist In A Hurry
Jul 18, 2005

This is basically El Mencey's 362x326 Earth Map, which I imported the Double Your Pleasure, Rise and Rule mod for C3C onto.

I tinkered with the map itself a bit, but you'll notice something strange and important: there are marshes everywhere, and Harbors don't give me trade routes! This is because I applied two features I found worked very well in my INEMONH mod: first, you may only settle on marsh land (which is now called Ideal City Location and has properties identical to grassland); this limits city numbers to a manageable level on these huge maps, and eliminates nonsense city building in Siberia, Africa, S. America, Canada, etc. Second, I gave the ability to make sea trade routes to the Port improvement, to keep trade paths to a minimum. Turn times increase as the AI must calculate and recalculate all potential trade routes each turn, so by limiting them, you can limit AI "think" time, and thus turn times. After all, you only need one port to trade, not ten.

Enjoy, and of course leave comments about the map!
Cheezy, I will take a look at it and see how well it runs on my Mac iBook. Is 1.5 Gigs enough memory to run it reasonably fast?

Update: Got one of those missing file error messages as soon as I tried to open the game map. Did you add new buildings and units, or are all of the necessary units and buildings available within the game?
Cheezy, I will take a look at it and see how well it runs on my Mac iBook. Is 1.5 Gigs enough memory to run it reasonably fast?

Update: Got one of those missing file error messages as soon as I tried to open the game map. Did you add new buildings and units, or are all of the necessary units and buildings available within the game?

This is basically El Mencey's 362x326 Earth Map, which I imported the Double Your Pleasure, Rise and Rule mod for C3C onto.
If you do not have that mod then you will get missing files.
This is basically El Mencey's 362x326 Earth Map, which I imported the Double Your Pleasure, Rise and Rule mod for C3C onto.

If you do not have that mod then you will get missing files.

The Double Your Pleasure scenario that came with my Macintosh version has missing files all over the place. Not sure about my Windows version. So it looks like I will not be trying to run this on my Macs.
hey cheezy, thanx for the map. I only play on my mac...yeah i know...in spite of this i managed to get RAR.biq run smoothly;) no problems with DYP1 the missing icons and unit artwork is annoying the heck outtame though, still tryin to fix that(fat chance?). Workin on fixin DYP2.02x as text is messed up big time all over the place. Now earth maps bein my favourite, i've tried to find one for RAR/DYP. El Mencey's 362x326 RAR-DYP seems like someone's finally getting there. I love big maps since i look for realistic gameplay in the only game that i play(Civ3/C3C). I've encountered an intriguing problem though. When i start with England and
try to scroll down in the production management window (after founding london) game crashes on me. Sad for me cause i kindda wanna conquer with England. If you have any ideas...do share! Btw, i've run the game in debug mode and noticed the Sioux seem to run from their start.loc., was that intentional? Also, i've realized you can't play DYP1 on mass regicide since AI counts your king units into your chiefdom unit limit. 've run out of ideas on how to fix that(love mass reg.). Enough for today.
You can download the full version of Double Your Pleasure on this site, with all the graphics and flawless gameplay. FYI.

Already tried that. Still does not run on the Mac without a lot of debugging. The Windows OS looks for files much differently than the Mac OS, so interchangeability is somewhat limited.
Hi guys. Y'all wanna hear the latest from that dude? Well, here it is. I do wanna start with questions though. I know some of you will be able to answer.
so both for the map and RAR1.04 in general:
1) i think most importantly: what's up with the 915 turn limit? Now i've noticed one can edit it in the savegame editor but since i've never played even up to 0 AD i have no idea if the game will crash or whatnot... my reasoning so far is that since the game don't crash loaded up from the edited save, it might actually work since when you go beyond 915 in the editor it crashes immediately, no messages.
2) what up with the 512 or so city limit, still no ways to correct this?
3) why is it, guess this is q. for cheesy, that when i edit the map itself, strange yellow reversed squares/diamonds apper + green lines in between tiles?
4) as i did tests strange thing occured to me: the green modern armor would crash the game-is it not used at all-only flavours? (i did use it with proper civ as hinted in the editor (i.e. inca...) think i even tried giving the civ req. thechs + disabling oil req. to make sure this wasn't causing the crash, to the same effect.

Other than that i find the game works fine (so far). Solved all problems by swithin files around-the mac specific thinking requisite, i guess. 've noticed that if you add extra files to most folders in most instances it the computer don't need 'em it'll just ignore 'em so it's safe. definitly worse the other way around - missin files=immediate crash.. forget what i've said earlier about game crashin-it was this simple problem that's now solved.
...awaitin feedback...:blush:
Hello that dude, I will answer the questions I know for sure.

2) what up with the 512 or so city limit, still no ways to correct this?
It is hardcoded. The limit pre-Conquests used to be 256 max.

3) why is it, guess this is q. for cheesy, that when i edit the map itself, strange yellow reversed squares/diamonds apper + green lines in between tiles?
That is landmark terrain you are adding. It shows like that so you can tell it apart from normal terrain. When you select the terrain in the editor, you have options such as LM plains as well as the normal 'plains'.

thanks for the feedback Tom. strange, after spendin so many hours with the editor i've never noticed the terrain types doubled(it'd be easier had they be marked distinct)
there's smth else perhaps you could have a shot at: i understand there's no point in tryin to get the shipments runnin, tell me though, i've noticed i can perform a "load goods" op i guess by any military unit or maybe wheeled i forget, 3 exclamation marks
appear beside unit name in unit display-is this a leftover from creators working towards enabling shipments or smth?
Hi again! I finally did everything my way, mind you without changing much as either the map is concerned or the rules. RAR after all does give one the most realistic civ experience... However, unfortunately due to the compromises inherent in this map i've encountered a problem i cannot fix: since all cities are now mandatorily found on marshlands once a ruins is created after cleaning it up- boom! it ain't no marshland no mo! how the heck am i to build a city then ? lemme guess- just leave a 1000k2 area perfect for a supermetropolis untouched by civilization! clearly this is absurd for a civ game!!! the only way around it that i can think of is to play the cracked conquests with no city limit but I play on a mac!
if you Cheezy or anyone else can come to the rescue... will be more than grateful...
i stopped playing the save and until i can figure this out no more comp games! so please reply somebody!
best regards
that dude

p.s. btw, just a friendly reminder for some: it follows from the internal logic of the English language that when speaking directly to that dude in the 2nd person, one should say 'hey dude' not 'hey that dude' or smth. thanx;)
hey thanks a bunch for replying... hope you have some more time for me cause i'm not as "fluent" computer wise as most of yous...
1. what exactly do you mean by overwriting the worker job for marshterrain?
please do spare me the figuring out part cause it's quite possible i'll do smth wrong...
i figure
2. are you saying i should replace the marsh.pcx with the transpaarent one you or somebody else provided in my conquests/art/terrain folder?

oh my, this is getting complex i've only started half a year ago so wasn't following all the threads and all..
so do i need to import this new marsh.pcx into the BIQ i'm workin on or something?
and... by terrain stats do you mean the food/shields etc.?
oh and one more thing,
i understand that the new cityspot marshes cannot be cleared to grasslands by worker jobs (after you overwrite as you say) but does this still apply as to them(the marshes) being cleared automatically by clearing RUINS???
May be the best is to show you how to set it in the editor:


The worker job should be set to none. The pollution effect, too. Cheezy did the setting with the worker job, but my guess was, that may be you did overwrite this as normally it shouldn´t be a problem to settle again on a location where there stood a city in former times. A ruin is simply "cleared" by settling again on that place. By disabling the worker job for that terrain this terrain should stay, even if the city upon it is removed.

The cleared marsh terrain was done by me. It is really no problem to set a pcx file to transparency. So when using it, you receive the green basic terrain for the "marsh"-tile. This looks much better on maps with existing cities on it. On the other side, it´s not so easy to see these special tiles if all surrounding land is green, too. So the best is to place a resource on top of it. I mostly use different citygraphics as resources for that terrain.

Here you can see more about it: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=4863067&postcount=15


  • City Spot Terrain.JPG
    City Spot Terrain.JPG
    54.4 KB · Views: 3,196
Hi. ok my guess is it's the worker job setting that created the initial problem of the disappearing marshland.
since you are interested in this exactly what happened is: franks founded a city in scotland (i m playing as the british of course) obviously i could not tolerate THAT for too long so i destroyed it (1 pop). ruins was created yet there was never a road . cound/t settle on ruins cause button disappeared as it usually does when you're not supposed to settle...so i build a road. once the road was created the ruins disappeared
but also did the marsh-the only TT capable of building cities...

so i should 1.replace the marsh pcx
2.set the marsh in the editor as follows...
and this alone will solve the original problem created by the worker job being set

2) ok. so i've downloaded your city_screen buildings package. what now? do i replace the files?

Civinator you gotta tell me where you grab these AMAZING terrain, city and border graphics. the best i found so far -subjective but the nicest overall is snoopy's greener terrain some i guess better lookin goody huts, cities. no big deal in comparison to this stuff
and how do i go about setting up these city -resources. how did you fix those drop boxes or what's it called...?
. .. .. .. . i mean the screensshots you provided look like a whole new game-the game that i want to play, for the record!
what a relief though, to find out some people actually care about some sort of at the least relative realism to the game. the original civ 3 was just so silly... 'nough complainin though...
can you give me instructions or post relevant threads so that i can set it up the way you have it - guess you just number all the city-resources and place them on the map respectively in appropriate cultural areas? either way - quite ingenious...
do i just paste or import your city-resources into the BIQ or..?

and BTW, what is this huge giga map you're using - i'm almost sure i've seen it somewhere
talk to me...
and thanx in advance:cool:
Virote_Considon, thank you for posting the links. :)

Dude, to set the images as shown in the screenshots, you need some experience with modding Civ 3. At present I don´t have the time to explain you all this modding step by step as I put all my available civ-time in finishing my mod CCM: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=291104

May be, when I have a little more time, I will start in the CFC modding forum a new thread about doing a new concept for C3C Worldmaps, based on a completely different (and in my eyes much better) methode in creating functionality on these maps. For the resource cities you can find some early explanations I made in these forums:


Back to your problem: You should simply look in the editor if the terrain settings for your map are well, especially the worker jobs. The locations for the cities should be marked with marsh terrain. Please don´t use the transparent marsh file if you are not used how to mod resources. :)
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