

Aug 5, 2001
First of all, I'd like to say that this is a shareware game, so I think that nobody else
than me in here knows it. But I just love it, and I'd still liked to ask, just to ensure,
has anybody ever played this 2D-Motorcycle 'simulation' ( :lol: )
The reason why I did not was simple:
I was looking somebody who had registered the game, and showing the link
would turn this topic more like a commercial. But nonethless, heres the homepage,
where unreg. version is downloadable. www.elastomania.com (hard adress, what?)
C'MON! There are scandinavians here, arent there?
Hello?? Argh! :mad:
(this is a BUMP! :eek: )
I have played elastomania a lot its a great game.

I also played Action Supercross wich is the previus version of the elastomania. in Action Supercross i played to the last level wich was too hard for me to accomplish

terve on täällä muitakin scandinaviasta:)
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