Regarding the similarity of elemental summons, level two spells, and maelstrom...
Idea: Change the air magic line somewhat.
Restore maelstrom to an archmage spell w/ the 50% damage limit.
Replace the level two spell with some kind of winged sandals spell - gives the caster the flying promotion and the light promotion. Effects could be permanent, or they could have a percent chance of wearing off per turn. This gives the air mage two base movement in any terrain, while losing the ability to use roads. The air archmage can fly up to peaks and maelstrom like crazy, but has to risk rejoining the stack when the civ's army approaches the softened city. Similarly, the sandals provide the benefits of stoneskin or waterwalking in that they serve as an escape from assassins.
The problem with stoneskin, waterwalking, and the winged sandals idea is that the associated mages aren't very good at siege/attack. I'm particularly thinking of the elves, who seriously need mages or scads of mounted units to actively take down other civs outside their own borders.
Thus, I propose that the effects of stoneskin, waterwalking, and the winged sandals become passive effects of having the spell, while each promotion gets its own respective summon or terrain alteration.
Earth 2 could summon a mudbuddy, an immobile defensive unit with guardsman.
Water 2 could create a marsh w/ delay effects
Air 2 could go back to summoning lightning elementals w/ a small collateral damage percentage.
And if everyone thinks these ideas are crap and require too much coding, how about introducing the winged sandals as a piece of equipment?
Idea: Change the air magic line somewhat.
Restore maelstrom to an archmage spell w/ the 50% damage limit.
Replace the level two spell with some kind of winged sandals spell - gives the caster the flying promotion and the light promotion. Effects could be permanent, or they could have a percent chance of wearing off per turn. This gives the air mage two base movement in any terrain, while losing the ability to use roads. The air archmage can fly up to peaks and maelstrom like crazy, but has to risk rejoining the stack when the civ's army approaches the softened city. Similarly, the sandals provide the benefits of stoneskin or waterwalking in that they serve as an escape from assassins.
The problem with stoneskin, waterwalking, and the winged sandals idea is that the associated mages aren't very good at siege/attack. I'm particularly thinking of the elves, who seriously need mages or scads of mounted units to actively take down other civs outside their own borders.
Thus, I propose that the effects of stoneskin, waterwalking, and the winged sandals become passive effects of having the spell, while each promotion gets its own respective summon or terrain alteration.
Earth 2 could summon a mudbuddy, an immobile defensive unit with guardsman.
Water 2 could create a marsh w/ delay effects
Air 2 could go back to summoning lightning elementals w/ a small collateral damage percentage.
And if everyone thinks these ideas are crap and require too much coding, how about introducing the winged sandals as a piece of equipment?