Elephant are strength 8, and come with the same tech as catapults.
I'm wondering if anyone, starting near ivory, already tried a elephant+cat rush?
what would it take?
- ivory, which you see right from the start
- hunting, to build the camp
- the wheel (or settle on the ivory, or ivory on a river )
- construction (requiring mathematics and masonry, thus requiring writing, mysticism or mining)
that's a total of 7 techs, all of which (except maybe hunting and mysticism, but it's a OR requisite, the other being mining!) you would research anyway sooner than later.
Of those 7, 2 may well be starting techs (mining and the wheel being an overkill).
After 5 techs (not the most expensive one), you can attack with cats + 8str units.
but you cannot rush, you cannot chop, you can't cut jungle, and can't trade techs.
I tried it many times, but always had to research bronze and iron working along the way, because of jungle.
I'm wondering if anyone, starting near ivory, already tried a elephant+cat rush?
what would it take?
- ivory, which you see right from the start
- hunting, to build the camp
- the wheel (or settle on the ivory, or ivory on a river )
- construction (requiring mathematics and masonry, thus requiring writing, mysticism or mining)
that's a total of 7 techs, all of which (except maybe hunting and mysticism, but it's a OR requisite, the other being mining!) you would research anyway sooner than later.
Of those 7, 2 may well be starting techs (mining and the wheel being an overkill).
After 5 techs (not the most expensive one), you can attack with cats + 8str units.
but you cannot rush, you cannot chop, you can't cut jungle, and can't trade techs.
I tried it many times, but always had to research bronze and iron working along the way, because of jungle.