Elizabeth Taylor Dead at 79

Because I despise conservatives, that's why. :p

We're human too.:) I don't despise those who are liberal.

I don't remember Elizabeth Taylor being conservative, although she certainly was wealthy. She was one of the most beautiful women ever, but they didn't have swimsuit shots of her unfortunately.
She wasn't known for being a conservative. She was close friends with Michael Jackson for one thing.

Back in the day she was kind of controversial since Eddie Fisher left his wife, Debbie Reynolds for her. Debbie Reynolds is Carrie Fisher's (best known for playing Princess Leia) mother.

Here's a photo of all of them together

It was kind of the Brad Pitt leaves Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie scandal of the day. Eventually Elizabeth Taylor married 9 times but she married at least one of her husbands twice.

Unfortunately in her older years she was mocked for her weight gain and drug and alcohol abuse. I remember a family guy episode where they mentioned her perfume probably smelled like bourbon and vicodin. Anyway, she's hardly alone in that category.

I just looked at her wikipedia page, according to them she was married 8 times to 7 different husbands. In response to why she married so many times she said

"I don’t know, honey. It sure beats the hell out of me

Good response.

Apparently she tried to renounce her US citizenship to avoid paying taxes but it didn't really work. She was born in the UK to American parents. According to wikipedia:

She reportedly sought, in 1965, to renounce her United States citizenship, to wit: "Though never accepted by the State Department, Liz renounced in 1965. Attempting to shield much of her European income from U.S. taxes, Liz wished to become solely a British citizen. According to news reports at the time, officials denied her request when she failed to complete the renunciation oath, refusing to say that she renounced 'all allegiance to the United States of America.'"[6]
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