Elodie the Mighty

Agent Miles

Dec 19, 2012
Happy New Year to all!
The CW I have read stated that Elodie has the weakest signature ability. I did an analysis and came up with a strategy to optimize her skill. I then won a Harmony game on Soyuz with just 3 cities in 286 turns. I started with 5 virtues in Prosperity and then took all the Might virtues. I quickly maxed out Might with the two synergy bonuses where you get a free virtue as well as two more free virtues from Elodie's ability. Might grants two free Affinity level ups. I timed these to get Harmony levels 11 and 12, for a big advantage over the AI. Check out the saved game below.


This strategy worked for Arshia as well. Ironically, Elodie had 4 times the number of cities I had, but still could not fight through my defenses. Might also grants a 20% boost to Affinity xp, which gives about an extra level for every 6 levels.


Suzanne in just 263 turns. This is sort of a "one size fits all strategy". Worked for Daoming. And the Brits. It took the Russian 300 turns, but victory none the less. Han Jae Moon in 290 turns.


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