Elon Musk: Force for anthropic advancement or self-serving con-artist?

Just as a side note, Bernie Sanders pointed out that the visa program is designed in a way that allows employers to take advantage of guest workers (because their legal status in the US depends on their continued employment) and diehard Democrats were melting down and calling him a white supremacist. This same group of people has been defending Biden's enactment of (some of) Trump's immigration policy as either political necessity or just correct on the merits.

Just a regular week here in robustly sane United States.

Same things been happening here, Australia and Canada.

See immigration thread. Point this out people acuse you of racism.
Dishwashing, gardening, construction labor are not deemed essential.
Just as a side note, Bernie Sanders pointed out that the visa program is designed in a way that allows employers to take advantage of guest workers (because their legal status in the US depends on their continued employment) and diehard Democrats were melting down and calling him a white supremacist. This same group of people has been defending Biden's enactment of (some of) Trump's immigration policy as either political necessity or just correct on the merits.

Just a regular week here in robustly sane United States.
Stable genius! The U.S. of A. has been exposed by Trump to have had people of his own moral stature at the helm all along!

Bezos is also exploiting people left and right, but he isn't a moron. Elon is. Imagine being in control of a platform and trying to ban people (many of those actually liked him) just because you are angry you aren't intelligent enough to get how obvious your lie (being a top gamer) was.
At some point, if it keeps looking like 1-brain-cell checkers, it's not 20d chess. Elon has good scientists working for him, so from time to time his companies present worthy work. That's not proof that Elon himself has any positive value.
In the video you can also see that Elon once again posted that Mars colonization is "2 years away" :rotfl:
Maybe both...but look at those beautiful chopsticks catching a starship again!:cool:
Musk is emotionally stunted and seemingly never grew up past the "awkward teenager" phase, where despite his family's wealth, he clearly didn't develop the maturity necessary to handle being nerdy and uncool.
Ah, yes. Well, now he's in power and he's doing Nazi salutes while still producing 40% of his Teslas with a 50% subsidy from the PRC government, which should even out to 20% of his Teslas being made with Chinese government money.
Important to remember the parable of the nazi bar as people in the US government, and their supporters and enablers, work as hard as possible to normalise nazi stuff everywhere and act like you're the one in the wrong for objecting. Even a little bit of tolerance by the bartenders and bouncers, much less gaslighting and dismissal about it, turns a place into a nazi hangout pretty quickly.

He's already turned twitter into a nazi bar, this mob being in charge of the US threatens to do it all over the place.
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I was seriously going to buy a tesla once I had the money (I'm saving up) despite not liking Musk generally. The nazi salute was the last straw, and now he's lost me as a potential customer.

edit: to be clear, it's not just that he did the nazi salute but he did it twice in a row, eliminating any benefit of the doubt that it wasn't intentional.
In a number of countries, including Germany specifically, musk would get arrested for that.
if Saturday night live or south park did this as a parody (before musk actually did it irl) I would accept it as shock value political comedy but not something that would actually happen. saturday night sketches south park episodes etc take reality and exaggerate it for comedic effect. But how do you make something like this more absurd than it already is? honest question.
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The ADL is defending Musk on this one.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was among those to defend Musk, asking to give him the “benefit of the doubt.”

“It seems that @elonmusk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge,” the organization said in a post on X, the social media site that Musk purchased for $44 billion in 2022.

“In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new beginning. Let’s hope for healing and work toward unity in the months and years ahead.”

Musk, for his part, responded to the organization with a short thank you and a crying/laughing emoji.

Musk has a rough history with the ADL, who has been critical of the tech billionaire over hate speech regulations on his social platform, X. Musk fought back in 2023 with a lawsuit against the ADL, which CEO Jonathan Greenblatt described at the time as “flat out dangerous and deeply irresponsible.”
I have no insider information, but my gut feeling says musk paid the adl to give him favorable coverage from now on. Everyone has a price.
I have no insider information, but my gut feeling says musk paid the adl to give him favorable coverage from now on. Everyone has a price.
The price is unconditional support for Israel. He's the US government now.
Honestly an increase in US anti-Semitism can serve pro Israeli nationalist interests quite nicely by fostering that "only safe refuge" narrative.
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