Elves gone Republican


Jun 6, 2003
Burlington, VT, USA
All the sudden my elven workers started chopping down forests/ancient forests instead of building over them. Is this the result of some tech I research, a bug, or something else?
Is there any quick and dirty way of fixing this?

It's a bit of a struggle only being able to build camps or chop, build, bloom, ad nauseum.

Really enjoying 1.3! Only crashes came on quickloads.
Is there any quick and dirty way of fixing this?

Unfortunately, it looks like Linked Builds is not something that can be fixed in a quick and dirty matter. We'll have to wait for a patch for this.
Well, aside from flat out removing them from the buildorders (extremely simple), but this means that feature removal will no longer scale.

This was a nice change to the game, but it is also something that if it does not work perfectly we are all much better without it.

Yes, linked builds would be nice to have, but this is the sort of feature you would want to release in a patch, not a major build. A bug in linked builds has made four civs unplayable. And it really has no bearing on gameplay.

I don't think there is a single person who would not give up linked builds to have this bug fixed. So if you are prioritizing fixes, just revert this change and work on other, more important suff. In my all so humble opinion, of course. ;)
It's already been completely fixed, honestly. The bug is gone in 1.4.

It's not even a difficult fix, it's just that the feature-preservation code was placed in a different location from what I thought... Allowing the linkedbuild to bypass it. Adding an extra 'if' check fixes it.

Though Snarko fixed it, and I haven't seen his code; Not committed to the SVN yet.
Have you ever considered releasing a quickfix for this kind of bug? It's difficult not to get impatient when you have to wait for a major patch to get a bug fixed that breaks 2 + 1 civs (Maogata) and prevents 2 more from getting bath houses, sewers and infirmaries (as you have to avoid researching Sanitation).
Yes, but there are two things preventing me from doing it.

First, I don't have the fix yet. As I said, Snarko fixed it, and has not uploaded his code yet; He's on a bug fixing spree atm. :lol:

Second.... There have been a lot of changes in the code, and it would take quite a bit of time to isolate just the bug fixes and not the new content (which isn't finished). The simplest thing would be for a module that removes linkedbuilds to be released. If no modmodder does it, I may do it today.
Valkrionn meant the bug is fixed in 1.31 ;)

Which should be pushed out of his manly hamster uterus anytime now.
I've been meaning to ask ... how come everyone on the RiFE team is a Furry?


We are not. The Hamster thing is not my doing. My original avatar was Richard, from Looking For Group.

Then I was supposed to go off to Basic (long story, was going into the Nuke program for the Navy, ended up unable to get clearance due to my mother's german citizenship), and Tarq was making a joke module, the Hamstalfar... He used me as the leader, with the hamster gaining the golden eye from Richard.

Thus, my avatar was born. :lol:
come on, as if you dont know what a german would do first, getting his little, mentally misguided hands on a nuke. :nuke:

german genes favor megalomania, delusions and schizophrenia, thats historically proven! :D
i say that beeing a german myself. :rolleyes:
but ooooookay, thats a bit offtopic. and maybe offsane too.
I am surprised that you had difficulty with the navy program. My brothers had a little trouble getting jobs with the Government to begin with (since our mother is Dutch) but it turned out that the bureaucrat in had screwed up, since NATO countries are long time allies of the US and pose no security risks.
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