Embassy with "Die Küche"


on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
We have made contact!!!!!

Received this from "Die Küche" (The kitchen)

Originally Posted by Grillmeister
Der "Grillmeister" der Deutschen Küche grüßt die "Süße Feder"!

Wir sind erfreut, einen Repräsentanten der Eagles anzutreffen und übermitteln freundliche Grüße. Wir laden Euch herzlich auf ein Freibier ein - diese Spezialität sollte weltbekannt sein.
Außerdem können wir euch weitere Rezepte anbieten, leider nur mündlich, da wir noch nicht über die Schreibkunst verfügen. Wie wäre es, wenn wir zur Feier unserer Begegnung einen Austausch vereinbaren? Unser Vorschlag ist bereits unterwegs.

Mit den besten Wünschen unseres Chefkochs Clemens Wilmenrod.


"Grillmeister" of Deutsche Küche hails "Sweet Feather"!

We are pleased to meet an ambassador of the Eagles and convey regards. Let us have a German Beer together, we pay for a round.
Furthermore we offer you some of our recipes, verbally, since we still lack writing. What about a little exchange in technology to celebrate our gathering? Our offer is on route.

With best regards from our chef Clemens Wilmenrod
Who wants to create a reply? It should be sent at the latest with the save.

I am very much in favor of having a peaceful relationship. Fighting each other could cripple both of our economies while the other continent might be prospering.
I'd like to see what they offer in technology first. After that, I wouldn't mind writing a short response. But if someone else wants to do the writing, I'm fine with that as well.
Hey, just threw this together. I'd like to see what others write as well. Can we get at least three more submissions?

Sweet Feather descended down the Mountains and onto the rolling hills, still amazed that only Eagles lived on this planet. He had been on his journey a very long time, finding wondrous things and beautiful views. But was yet to see another human.

With a large lake on his right and the ocean beach on his left, Sweet Feather decided to stop and go fishing. As he cast his small net out and into the water, Sweet Feather wondered what kind of catch this day would bring. Turning back towards his small fire with fish, he noticed movement of the color blue in the hills. It appeared to be a human figure. Yes, a man, and he was moving towards the fire as well.

The two met and talked, and seemed to get along just fine. While they ate the newly caught fish, the man in blue produced a goatskin of ale to drink. It reminded Sweet Feather of the ale Cyc had given him the night before he left Aerie. He would have to be careful not to drink too much….

It seems this blue clad man was from a Tribe that considered themselves chefs. In fact he claimed to be one of The Kitchen people and proceeded to try and tell this Eagle Warrior about his vast collection of recipes. Sweet Feather was amused and listened intently. This man seemed to be captivated with cooking, and the ale apparently helped his mood and expertise. As the night wore on and the ale became scarce, the talking slowed and the talking points became more serious. Past the Gods and the Kings, the discussion boiled down to known technologies. Cooking was not the only craft claimed by the Kitchen nation. Although different than the accrued knowledge of Eagle lore, the Kitchen nation had developed other skills and teachings.

Perhaps the two nations could learn from one another…..
I think that Eclipse also wanted to make a proposal. But we can finalize something when we

1. have the save and see the circumstances and
2. see their offer.
They made this offer ingame:

EDIT: Sorry. They are Masonry and Wheel

As far as turns go, Masonry 5, The Wheel 5, WC 4, CB 4, IW 8. That's with our current settings. It does seem a reasonable trade.
Come on. Please someone come up with a better story than what's in post #6.
Let's see...

The Warrior band commonly known as 'Sweet Feather' to those back in Aerie, capital of the Eagle Empire, was encamped on some hills overlooking a samll lake. The men of the 'Sweet Feather' Division were explorers. Having traveled through the vast unknown lands for some time, they looked for new lands, riches, and peoples. So far successful on all but one of those goals, the men bravely continued to explore new lands hoping for contact with other knowledgable peoples.

One day, a fire was spotted in he distance. "What could this be?" they wondered, "Have we finally met a new people after centuries of searching?" The Eagle men began setting large fires in hopes that the other people might see them and come. Their wishes came true several days later. "Greetings," said the leader of the new band of warriors, "we bring news from the people of the Kitchen." Surprised that another people had finally shown themselves and could speak the same lauguage as the Eagle people, the men of 'Sweet Feather' remained silent. "We wish to trade with you," said the Kitchendweller. "We happen to be carrying with us, papers that contain the secrets of The Wheel and Masonry."

Finally speaking, the commander of the 'Sweet Feathers' stated: "We greet you as well, we wish to extend our system of Writing that we developed some years ago to you for use in your lands and cities."

The two leaders shared a meal, then the Kitchendwellers left to go back to their camp. There, they would consider the offer of the Eagle people.
My try:
Sweet Feather still wasn't sure what he had done wrong to be 'nominated' for exploring duy. He kept replaying the event over and over in his mind, but it was still a puzzle he could not solve.

Some of the Eagle Elders had been sitting around the nightly fire discussing the events of a place called Multi-Team Demo Game 2 in a land known as CivFanatics. One of the elders had actually been weeping over the destruction of something called Team FREE and Sweet Feather had tried to make the older man feel better. He had said, as nicely as he could, 'Hey, dude, it's only a game. Chill out.'

And then BAM! he was out of the capital and drawing pictures of hills and counting his steps.

He had stopped for the day, had lit a fire and was roasting something over the fire. He had put some plants on small sharp sticks and braced those sticks with other sticks so that the plants could be above the fire and not in it. A stream was nearby and he walked to it to get some fresh water.

When he returned there was someone sitting in his camp and playing with the fire. The sticks had disappeared and in their place was a metal container. The big plants were now accompanied by some smaller ones and a bit of water. And it smelled better than just burnt sticks.

The man who had done all this walked to him with his hand outstreched and said, 'My name is Grillmeister. Can we be friends?'

Suddenly Sweet Feather knew how redeem his name.
Excellent story, Sparthage, but CB's made me smile reading the first line. I'll have to vote for CommandoBob's effort.
Hey, it did that to me too. :lol: I'm in favor of his as well. (I'm allowed to vote against myself, aren't I? :D)
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