Embassy with "Die Küche"

Ah! This is what happens when you only check subscribed threads...
I'm in favour of the above.
I am working on the translation and I need help. What exactly do you mean with the last sentence. "how to redeem his name". There are so many meanings of "redeen" that I am just not sure, which one you mean.
What he means is to "make good" on his name. To fulfill the meaning. I'll go find a dictionary definition for you.

EDIT: Yeah, for Encarta Dictionary, it's the fifth meaning. :)

5. keep promise: to fulfill a pledge or promise
The use of redeem here was to go from being an outcast to becoming a welcome member of the Eagles again.

In Encarta, it would be definition #2: restore reputation: to do something that changes a negative opinion to a positive one
I allowed myself to add this to the diplo with "Die Kueche":

And we want to let our new friends know that we accepted your offer and put writing on the table.

We are looking forward to further fruitful dealings with "Die Kueche".

Wir möchten unsere neuen Freunde wissen lassen, dass wir Euer Angebot gerne annehmen und Schrift im Gegenzug anbieten.

Wir freuen uns auf künftige erfolgreiche Geschäfte mit "Die Küche"

And for those, who are interested the full greetings, including the German translation:

Sweet Feather still wasn't sure what he had done wrong to be 'nominated' for exploring duty. He kept replaying the event over and over in his mind, but it was still a puzzle he could not solve.

Some of the Eagle Elders had been sitting around the nightly fire discussing the events of a place called Multi-Team Demo Game 2 in a land known as CivFanatics. One of the elders had actually been weeping over the destruction of something called Team FREE and Sweet Feather had tried to make the older man feel better. He had said, as nicely as he could, 'Hey, dude, it's only a game. Chill out.'

And then BAM! he was out of the capital and drawing pictures of hills and counting his steps.

He had stopped for the day, had lit a fire and was roasting something over the fire. He had put some plants on small sharp sticks and braced those sticks with other sticks so that the plants could be above the fire and not in it. A stream was nearby and he walked to it to get some fresh water.

When he returned there was someone sitting in his camp and playing with the fire. The sticks had disappeared and in their place was a metal container. The big plants were now accompanied by some smaller ones and a bit of water. And it smelled better than just burnt sticks.

The man who had done all this walked to him with his hand outstreched and said, 'My name is Grillmeister. Can we be friends?'

Suddenly Sweet Feather knew how redeem his name.


Sweet Feather war sich nach wie vor nicht sicher, was er falsch gemacht hatte, um auf diese Erkundungsmission geschickt zu werden. Immer und immer wieder ließ er sich das Geschehene durch den Kopf gehen, aber er konnte das Rätsel nicht lösen.

Einige der Älteren Adler saßen um ein nächtliches Lagerfeuer und diskutierten die Ereignisse eines Ortes namens „MTDG II“ in einem Land bekannt als „CivFanatics“. Einer der Älteren war immer noch in Trauer wegen der Zerstörung eines gewissen „Team FREE“ und Sweet Feather hatte versucht, den Alten zu trösten, mit den Worten: „Hey Alter, es ist doch nur ein Spiel. Entspann dich!“

Und ZACK, fand er sich außerhalb der Hauptstadt wieder und zeichnete Bilder von Hügeln und zählte seine Schritte.

Er hatte für den Tag Schluss gemacht und sich ein Feuer bereitet, über dem er etwas brutzelte. Er hatte einige Pflanzen auf kleine spitze Stöcke gesteckt und diese Stöcke mit weiteren Stöcken abgestützt, so dass sich die Pflanzen „über“ und nicht „im“ Feuer befanden. In der Nähe befand sich ein Fluss und er ging dort hin um sich frisches Wasser zu besorgen.

Als er zurückkehrte, saß dort jemand in seinem Camp und spielte mit dem Feuer. Die Stöcke waren verschwunden und durch einen metallenen Behälter ersetzt worden. Den großen Pflanzen waren nun kleinere und etwas Wasser hinzugefügt worden. Und es roch eindeutig besser als „verbrannte“ Stöcke!

Der Mann der all dies vollbracht hatte kam mir ausgestreckter Hand auf ihn zu und sagte: „Mein Name ist Grillmeister. Können wir Freunde sein?“

Und plötzlich wusste Sweet Feather, wie er seinen Namen wieder reinwaschen konnte.
Excellent! Now I think we should look at making further tech agreements with them, as it seems our teams have luckily gone in two different directions with our tech choices. I would like to advocate creating an agreement on which techs to research and trade with them, as it would be to our obvious mutual benefit to become more advanced. If we can polish off the republic while they get techs like IW and map making that could be highly useful.
We may also find it useful to build an embassy with them, though I don't know what that would cost.
Edit: Also note that they have ivory as well, as expected.
A new massage from "Die Kueche":

Hallo "Süße Feder",

bitte richtet unseren Dank aus für das schnelle und präzise Handeln Eurer Regierung.
Wie wir nun erkennen können, ergeben sich auch schon weitere Tauschmöglichkeiten, z.B. für das Wissen der Philosophie. Wir möchten euch dafür gerne die Eisenverarbeitung anbieten, sobald wir ihre Erforschung beendet haben. Das dauert nur noch 5 Runden.

Die Deutsche Küche ist darüber hinaus sehr an neuen Rezepten interessiert - welche werdet ihr in nächster Zeit ausprobieren?

Unser Chefkoch möchte nach neuen Gewürzen, neuen Geschmäckern und neuen Anbaumethoden forschen, aber auch an neuen Organisationsformen hat er großes Interesse. Dafür wäre es sicher hilfreich, wenn die Deutsche Küche und die Eagles weiterhin so gut zusammen arbeiten!

Mit den besten Wünschen,


Dear "Sweet Feather",

please send a note to your government, that we are glad about the quick an precise deal.
As we can see now there are some more options for exchanging technologies, for example philosophy on your side. We like to offer iron working for it as soon as we finished the project. That schould not take longer than 5 rounds.
Moreover "Deutsche Küche" is still very interested in new recipes at all - what's next in your pot?

Our Chef is completely excited to discover new spices, new recipes and new agriculture, but he is also interested in new forms of organisation. So it might be helpful if "Deutsche Küche" and the "Eagles" still work together like we're doing here and now.

Best wishes,

yours sincerely "Grillmeister"
They compare the basic beaker cost of Philosophy cost with the current and see that is has reduced. Thus, they know that we must have it.
So, fortunately they seem to be willing to co-operate with us peacefully.

I will set up a poll to get the teams intentions on our future philosophy.
So what about the following long term research deal:

We give:

1. Philosiophy 150
2. CoL 250 (currently researching)
3. Republic 700
4. Warrior Code 75
5. Horseback Riding 125

TOTAL: 1300

They give:

1. Map Making 300
2. Iron Working 150 (currently researching)
3. Literature 250
4. Currency 400
5. Mathematics 200

TOTAL: 1300

Any opinions?
Do we have any recipes to send with any of these?
First, do they have any of the techs that we propose to research (warrior code in particular)?

Second, although I agree we should be cooperative with our neighbor, we would really prefer to trade techs with the other continent, so I'm not sure we should be looking for a long term deal.
Second, although I agree we should be cooperative with our neighbor, we would really prefer to trade techs with the other continent, so I'm not sure we should be looking for a long term deal.

Why would we prefer to trade with the other continent?
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