Embassy with "The Brotherhood"


on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
One imprtant thing, before I am leaving:

From "The Brotherhood":

Welcome from Knights' Brotherhood!
Dear people of the Eagles,
after a long and dangerous journey over the oceans, one of our ships has reached your borders

We are a congregation of honorable knights whose quest it is to fight against injustice and the evil forces of this world and to lend our help and protection to the weak and oppressed. In the end we hope to find enlightenment in the search for the Holy Grail.

We are a generally peaceful people, willing to prosper and grow through trade. We see that you do not know the art of Iron Working yet, and are willing to teach you that art, if you can offer something of equivalent value.

Best Regards, Sir Lanzelot, spokesman of the Knights' Brotherhood
Excellent! More contacts! First, can we offer them anything in exchange for IW? Since they got philosophy, I doubt that we can. Besides, I would rather ask them for literature.

I think it would be best to not reveal that we have an exploring party of our own. Which direction did they come from? Also, are sure that they are seafaring now?
I wish I had seen that email before I played the turn last night. It was evident that we had met the Brotherhood on several screens, but no units were visable on the map.

I don't think we can say for certain that they are sea-faring, although it may be likely. Not trade dialouge screen popped up from them, so no in - game offer was made. I didn't contact them via the diplo screen either. I can look at that today. I can also post the save in the "analysis" thread.
They chose Code of Laws as their free tech, since its price has dropped from the previous turns (from 8 to 4 turns). Trying to figure out where their boat came from, there are several possibilities.
Interesting. Two down and one to go. I believe that contact is most likely from the north, though I suppose it could have been from the south.
I built a scenario in the editor, and found that they had to have come from the north or in that fog of war near Aerie, or maybe they disbanded their boat so we didn't know where they came from (highly implausible to say the least). I realized they could not have sunk in the sea as that would happen on the beginning of their next turn.
A reply:
Greetings to the honored and fearsome knights of Ni.

We are glad to have met another civilization like ours on this world. We seek to spread the ideas of liberty and freedom to all the peoples of the Earth, but have so far only come across cows and deer, and they don't seem to quite get it.

Thank you for your trade offer, but we unfortunately have nothing to offer you in exchange for Iron Working at this time, all we have is Spam.

We wish you well on your quest for the Holy Grail, and we are curious as to what direction you came from. Your sailors seem to have slipped away.

Sincerely, the People of the Eagle Empire.
Excellent reply, CharlemagneXLII.
Where do we send it? A better end to the letter could be "The Senate and People of the Eagles" but I thought it might be too much of a hint as to our true country.
"The People" should be good enough. No need to give extra clues. :)
A group of Eagles is called a Convocation or Aerie, and we've used Aerie as our capital. Would Convocation be better to refer to us in the plural/collective?
I like convocation.

So this would be the right way?

Greetings to the honored and fearsome knights of Ni.

We are glad to have met another civilization like ours on this world. We seek to spread the ideas of liberty and freedom to all the peoples of the Earth, but have so far only come across cows and deer, and they don't seem to quite get it.

Thank you for your trade offer, but we unfortunately have nothing to offer you in exchange for Iron Working at this time, all we have is Spam.

We wish you well on your quest for the Holy Grail, and we are curious as to what direction you came from. Your sailors seem to have slipped away.

Sincerely, the Convocation of the Eagle Empire.

Why did nobody post a reply within the eight days I was not here?

And furthermore, the suspicion of a violation of rules is also not a very good start for a relationship!! :(
This we received today as a reaction to our silence and "border violation action".

Dear Eagles,
we would like to reassure you, that in establishing contact with you, we neither entered your territory nor otherwise broke any rules. If you are still in doubt, please contact Worf, he has been following the game closely, so he knows the path of our curragh.

We would also like to tell you, that your behavior has taken us aback. We came with friendly intentions and think that we did not deserve these almost public accusations without even talking to us first. Anyway, we hope that these misunderstandings have now been cleared up and we can return to normality. As we said, we are interested in getting overseas trade relations going and would like to know whether in principle you are interested as well.

With Best Regards, Sir Lanzelot
Keep in mind that no team name was mentioned and no mode of transportation was mentioned. An apology would be good, as my error was forgetting about the Shift-D contact. I was going to reply in the Brotherhood/Eagles Embassy this morning, but didn't want to post anything until I saw some opinions posted here.

Don't know why nothing was sent in the last eight days in response to their greetings.
Oh I thought this was done through email. Yes, I believe an apology would be in order, both for the late reply and accusation, something to the effect that we're a bunch of confused hatchlings without Calis around.
This I have written them as a short notice. Tomorrow I want to send them someting appropriate.

Oh my god!

It seems when Great Eagle Calis is leaving the nest, there are some confused hatchlings left without any idea what to do .

We assure you that no bad feelings or anything like this exist towards you from our side.

Tomorrow, you will receive an official answer from the mighty Eagle Empire towards your inquiries.

Please accept our sincere apologies for our behaviour within the past week. :blush:
From our previous discussions, I am sure the teams would prefer to enter some long-term tech trading treaty with The Brotherhood.

So here is a proposal for a letter to them:

Dear knights of the Ni,

After the first bumpy contact, we now want to assure you that the Flock would be very interested in a close co-operation between our people.

To show you our honest intentions, we herewith inform you that we are currently researching Code of Laws to get a new government in a reasonable frame of time. We would like to hear about your plans and how we might be able to co-operate to our mutual benefit.

Calis of the Flock

Please comment on it. Regrettably I do not have the time to write nice role playing letters.
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