• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Emperor Meiji of Japan 3.0


Still modding Civ3
Aug 16, 2003
Civilization: Japan
Bonuses: Religious and Militaristic
Title and leader: Emperor: Meiji;Mustuhito
Best/shunned government: Monarchy and Communism
Agression: 05 (most aggressive)
Cultural group: Asian
Noun: Japan
Adjective: Japanese
Colors: Dark Red, Light Red
UU: shoujuuhei (Meiji rifleman by Dom )
Civilopedia entry: RACE_Japanese


Sciencic Leaders:
Nishida Kitaro
Nish(i)tani Keiji
Akio Morita
Military Leaders:
Jimmu Tenno
Jingu Kogo
Yamato Takeru
Minamoto Yoshisune
Oda Nobunaga
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Yamamoto Isokoru

City list:
Civilopedia, Civ: defult Japanese entry
Civilopedia, Leader: Born Mutsuhito, the Meiji Emperor was the symbolic leader of the Meiji Restoration, in which the Tokugawa shogunate was abolished by Imperial forces following the Boshin War. The Charter Oath, a five-point statement of the nature of the new government abolished feudalism and proclaimed a modern democratic government for Japan. Under the Meiji government Japan went from a Feudal country to the first Asian superpower in the Industrial age. Meiji, if nothing else, showed greater political longevity than his recent predecessors, as he was the first Japanese monarch to remain on the throne past the age of 50 since the abdication of Emperor Ogimachi in 1586.
complete PCX: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads9/meijipcx.zip
I think it's not necessary to mention how much you've improved since your first version. Great job!!

BTW; were the PMs you've been trying to send me yesterday about the PCXs? If so, let me tell you I'll have them ready for tomorrow, and I'll upload them to their corresponding threads
Hmm...looks like the filter doesnt like one of the science fellow's names...

I always liked the idea of him instead of the shogun alot.
I think this is an awesome leaderhead, very pretty. I like it a lot! One thing, however, is that it appears to be translucent!

I'm using the industrial one in an age of imperialism scenario i'm playing, and whenever it shows the leaderhead, lots of the black parts (his hair, uniform, etc) are translucent instead of black, and the image of the most recent leaderhead I "talked to" in diplomacy shows through. It's pretty annoying. Is there any way to fix this?
I think this is an awesome leaderhead, very pretty. I like it a lot! One thing, however, is that it appears to be translucent!

I'm using the industrial one in an age of imperialism scenario i'm playing, and whenever it shows the leaderhead, lots of the black parts (his hair, uniform, etc) are translucent instead of black, and the image of the most recent leaderhead I "talked to" in diplomacy shows through. It's pretty annoying. Is there any way to fix this?
Strange, are you saying that there is this problem with the static pics, or with the animation? If it's just the statics then it's pretty easy to fix - I'll do it when I get home. If it's the animation that is the problem then you'll have to find someone more talented than me.
The LH FLC pallette is the same, in essence as the LH PCX pallettes, in that the last two colors of the palette need to be unused in the actual file... It should be easy to fix, but I'm rather busy at the moment.
I think this is an awesome leaderhead, very pretty. I like it a lot! One thing, however, is that it appears to be translucent!

I'm using the industrial one in an age of imperialism scenario i'm playing, and whenever it shows the leaderhead, lots of the black parts (his hair, uniform, etc) are translucent instead of black, and the image of the most recent leaderhead I "talked to" in diplomacy shows through. It's pretty annoying. Is there any way to fix this?

If you're still having problems with the transparency, the only real reconciliation I can offer is that, if you wait for a few more weeks or so, you can download the brand new Meiji leaderhead that Shiro has been working on. In fact, I believe he said he'll be releasing it very soon, so that's definitely something to look out for. So far, the result has been very promising so it'll be more than worth the wait, and most importantly, it'll most likely not have transparency problems. ;)
Tellin' ya, this is your best Meiji ever!
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