Encarta Series Episode 1 - Greece


Sep 1, 2014

Leader: Sappho

Leader Trait: Tenth Muse
Amphitheaters and Theaters provide +15 City Happiness and have +100 Masterpiece Creation Speed
Coastal Regions within your Cities provide +10 Prosperity

Minor traits
Creative: +1 Masterpiece Creation Speed per Turn to all Masterpiece Crafters
Innovative: +10% Research per Turn in your Capital
Charismatic: +1 Golden Age Points per Turn
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One thing I am curious to see how plays out, is how certain leaders lean into direct gameplay advantages, like more food or housing, while others lean more towards generating prestige. Sappho appears to me in the latter category. Prestige is what ultimately wins the game, or if you are doing poorly, it might be what gets you eliminated at an act transition. There's no doubt that prestige generation is important, but in the short term, it doesn't necessarily make you any more powerful. Then again, perhaps if you have strong inherent prestige bonuses, you will not have to invest as much to generate it, leaving more resources for other purposes. Or perhaps you can double down on it in order to push someone else towards elimination. It will be interesting to see how the balance actually is.
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