Encarta Series Episode 2 - Korea


Sep 1, 2014

Leader: Sejong the Great
Leader Trait: Hangul
+25 City Knowledge and Happiness in all Cities for 10 turns after you finish a Masterpiece (this effect does not stack)
Weavers and their Upgrades provide +10 City Knowledge after Paper is unlocked

Minor traits
Innovative: +10% Research per Turn in your Capital
Efficient: +10% Craft Production to all crafting Improvements in all Cities
Spiritual: +15% Religion Spread Strength in all Cities
I love the history portions of the Encarta series, I like to learn and I think it's fun to see how much work they put into the research! This one had me reminiscing about making specialized cities in Stellaris with the talk of a research capital or a breadbasket city, could be very fun...

I saw some comments in Korean that lamented the building style looking more Japanese than Korean, which I can understand. I think the financial realities of game dev as a product make it hard but I would find it cool to see them put that historical research into those things too...

Also very interested in how the different governments and policies lean into how your nation's organized! (and the UI feels very amenable to being added to via mods or whatnot, which I like)
Yeah, I think in general they hit the nail on the head when it comes to these Encarta videos. A brief introduction, then some historical background, then on to gameplay effects and strategy. It's a good indication of how much care and effort has been put into the game.

One thing of particular note with this video, is that it gives a decent look at the religion system. If you look at the part between about 4:27 and 4:50, there's a lot of detail there, like those "religious verses", which you get to select as you advance your religion. It seems religion is quite powerful in Ara. Notice that these are not feeble bonuses, especially if you compare it to something like "+1 amenity in cities with two specialty districts" from Civ 6. Here you get things like a straight up 10% strength boost to your forces, 25% off a bunch of technologies, and so on. Also notice that there are quite a number of them. In the video they have chosen 6 verses, but this is still Act 1...it may be possible to get more, I don't know what the limit is. Finally, there's a nice bit of flavour text under each verse. Little touches like these matter to me.
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Hmmm...all bonuses and no malus?
Hmmm...all bonuses and no malus?
From what I've seen, if a leader has 3 general traits, all traits are positive. Leaders with 4 or more general traits have a negative trait.
Ok 3 bonuses sound better than 3 bonuses and a malus, but developers can give more strong traits to leaders with a negative trait.
Leaders have a variable number of traits, and some traits may be negative. If we look at the 4 leaders in the Encarta series so far:
Sappho has 3 positive traits, no negative ones.
Sejong has 3 positive traits, no negative ones.
Nefertiti has 4 positive traits, no negative ones.
Julius has 4 positive traits, and 1 negative trait.

Then there is the unique trait for each leader, which so far has been only positive. I am guessing there isn't a firm rule here, they are just designing each leader as they feel is appropriate.
I guess some traits are so powerful that they gave a negative trait to balance it out. For example, the Inca have a bonus to stone gathering and food production which are pretty strong but a malus to crafting.
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