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End of Empires - N3S III

North King

Jan 2, 2004
Operations of End of Empires on forums.civfanatics.com have been suspended indefinitely. See post 5476 for more details.

End of Empires
New Players Welcome!

Welcome to the End of Empires.


If you are completely new to NESing, then I’d like to give you a warm welcome, and am flattered that you happened to visit my NES first. NESing is something of a combination of strategy game, collaborative world-building, and collective setting for fiction; players take a country (or rebellion, church, bank... really anything that could plausibly have a significant impact on the world), send orders relating to how they want that country's turn to go (politically, militarily, culturally, etc.), and possibly write stories relating to characters in their faction. Read the rules (post #2) for more information.

The world of End of Empires is a large and probably somewhat intimidating one. I’d like to discourage this feeling. It is entirely player created, and while the background information may take a while to absorb completely, there’s no reason someone can’t start with this NES and learn as they go.

I’m going to try and offer a quick summary of the world, then present the rules; for more information on any of these subjects, I encourage you to read through the updates in this thread, or to use the award-winning wiki.

Spoiler the Basics :

First things first, this is an NES based on a world that is not Earth, though it is similar enough that humans came to evolve here. All the players are located in a rather small portion of this world so far. This is the known world:


And here is the present-day (roughly a 500 AD equivalent) political map:


How did we get here?

I'd suggest reading either of these two histories for a quick overview, and then go in depth from update to update. Links to every update in the NES are in my signature at the bottom of every post.

If you're not sure where to find anything, feel free to ask! :)

Spoiler Current Maps :


Place Names







Spoiler key :
There are four things of importance in the economic map:

Economic Zones: Generally speaking, how developed a region is.
White: Uninhabited.
Gray: Sparsely populated, usually by nomadic peoples.
Brown: Settled, agriculturally productive.
Gold: Thickly settled, extremely productive.

Trade Routes: Exactly what it says on the tin, the lines in red. Maritime trade routes are dashed lines.

Goods: Listed in text on the map, they are what various regions specialize in producing. Mineral deposits appear as large squares. Keep in mind that both of these indicate current production, not potential.


City Names


Spoiler key :
Dark Blue-Green (extreme north): Taiga.
Pale Green: Cool Continental
Medium Sea Green: Continental
Aqua: Mediterranean
Brown: Steppe
Tan: Arid
Orange: Semi-arid
Medium Green: Humid Subtropical
Asparagus Green: Tropical monsoon; savannah
Dark Green: Tropical rainforest
Dark Off-Green: Cloud forest
Sky Blue: Alpine

If you have any questions at any time in this NES, please ask me. I’d rather take the time to answer them than have someone not join or quit in frustration because they don’t know what’s going on. I will admit that especially lately, I have been quite swamped, so it may take me a while to get back to you fully, but I will always try.

The basic ideas behind an NES are explained in the post immediately below, and also the particular rules of this NES.

Read the rules, even if you are experienced at NESing.

End of Empires is pretty similar to most other NESes, so I will refer you to the handy One Page Guide to NESing for the basics.

Read that?


Let's get down to details:

Spoiler rules :

Here are some example stats:

Spoiler stats :

Anhalter - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Kingdom
[tab]Aelonists Religious faction in power. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Maninists Religious faction out of power. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Stettin state, strongly split along religious lines. Most cultural cues taken from Ereithaler.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 3830
Annual Expenses: 2000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0)
[tab]Army: 5000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2000
[tab]Description: Small but well-trained and motivated.
Wiki Entry

Let's break this down, section by section:


Anhalter - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Kingdom
[tab]Aelonists Religious faction in power. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Maninists Religious faction out of power. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Stettin state, strongly split along religious lines. Most cultural cues taken from Ereithaler.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism

These are mostly descriptive stats. Your country's name will appear with your name next to it, or NPC if it has no human player. Your leader, if specified, will be listed, with his age (if a country lacks a leader, it is more likely that this is because no one has bothered to name him than the land being leaderless), and the government type, a quick cultural description (a more complete one likely appears on the wiki), and the state religion.

If your country is sufficiently diverse, factions will appear in your stats; these are groups that are powerful enough to have some influence on the course of things. Their relative power in your country and motivation will be listed, along with a leader, if applicable and named.

You can influence any and all of these stats in your orders and stories. Generally, if you suggest an idea for your country, like, “I think it would be cool if they gathered seaweed and collected seashells on their way to make carved necklaces”, I will try to find a way to fit it in. An example of someone who does an extremely good job with this part of his orders is Lord_Iggy, as exemplified here.

The Economy

Annual Income: 3830
Annual Expenses: 2000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0)

Annual Income and Annual Expenses are, well, annual. That is to say that every year, your government earns this much, not every turn. Most turns are ten years long, so your total income over a turn (as well as your total expenses) will be multiplied by ten. I will make it very clear when we don't have a ten year turn.

There is no limit to what you can spend your money on, but most of it usually goes to maintaining your military and other Annual Expenses. You should plan to include Annual Expenses and a more complete budget in your orders' budget: they represent what your government expects to spend on already-planned expenses like the maintenance of your military. If you don't allocate this money in your orders, chances are that your military will either desert or rebel. Please note that military maintenance and ALL Annual Expenses are not automatically deducted from your Annual Income.

How much do things cost?

Here's a general list:

Spoiler costs :

5 Infantry : 1 “Gold”/year
1 Cavalry: 1 “Gold”/year
10 Levies: 1 “Gold”/year
1 Ship: 50 “Gold”/year
1 Siege Train: 500 “Gold”/year

Major Public Works Project (new aqueducts, sewer system, regional road, etc.): 10,000-50,000 lump sum
Large Monument/Temple (about the size of the Parthenon, Colossus of Rhodes, Temple of Kukulkan, etc.): 25,000 lump sum
Spectacular Monument (think size or sumptuousness of the Colosseum, Taj Mahal, Hagia Sophia, etc.): 100,000-500,000 lump sum

If you're not sure where your particular project falls, go ahead and ask me. Usually, the answer is “as much as you want it to,” because things can always be made nicer, but I'll try to give some lower bounds. Of course, keep in mind that the cleverness or originality of a building project may be more important than the raw amount you pump into its construction.

You can also suggest things that organizations, cities, or factions might do on their own in lieu of your own budget, but that is not necessary, and it might happen without your input.

You can run up Debt by spending more than you have (or by spending the correct amount but then war, famine, or disaster causes your income to fall short). This will not only accumulate, but accrue Interest; the interest rate of your country can vary depending on its sources of credit. Feel free to get creative to reduce your interest rate.

The Military

[tab]Army: 5000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2000
[tab]Description: Small but well-trained and motivated.
Wiki Entry

Your military in this era will be composed almost entirely of Infantry, Cavalry, Levies, Siege Trains, and Ships.

Infantry are foot soldiers, low cost, and relatively easy to replace. Cavalry are more expensive, but more mobile, and usually better skilled. Levies are unskilled common people who have literally no training; their costs reflect only the cost to feed them. Siege Trains are a collection of portable siege weapons that you can bring to reduce a fortified position or city. Ships are things that go on the water.

The description of your military will usually hint at the quality of each branch, and possibly also its equipment or training, if it has some unusual specialty.

Maintenance is part of your total Annual Expenses, and the maintenance for each type of soldier is listed under costs. Certain groups have cheaper Cavalry (like steppe cultures) or Ships (like riverboats); go ahead and ask if you think it applies to you. If you don't pay maintenance, your soldiers will likely desert or revolt.

If you are starting a new culture entirely, fill out the following template:

Spoiler Cultural Template (for new players only) :

[Culture Name]
Starting Location: [Choose from the cradle map; preferably giving me your own map pinpointing the location for me and other players]
Society: [Add a description of your people’s society: how it is structured, how it functions]
Lineage: [How do your people trace descent?]
Values: [What do your people believe to be the most important human qualities?]
Religion(s): [Add a description of your people’s religious ideas]
Language(s): [Add a description of your people’s language, including, if applicable, their writing system]
Mythos: [Explain the mythic origin of your people]
Economic Base: [Give the general economic basis of life for your people]
Country Names: [Make a list of nation names for me to use]
Person Names: [Make a list of names for me to use of famous persons]
Place Names: [Make a list of place for me to use for notable places]
[Add anything else you want to say]

As always, please let me know if something is unclear anywhere in the above instructions.

If you want a basic idea of how I like orders to look, your PM goes something like this.

Title: Orders – [Country Name]

Stats - Not necessary, but nice.
Spending - I prefer this near the top, as it’s what I do first anyway. Feel free to add detail about the exact things you are spending your money on. At a bare minimum, tell me the field it goes into.
Other stuff - Here’s where you add whatever else you want to say: invasion plans, notes on your culture, and so on. You can split it into Domestic and Military, or whatever floats your boat, really.

Spoiler A-Gi :

Acajuren Republic - Lord of Elves
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab]Northern Cities: More influential in the Assmbly. Favor centralization.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Southern Cities: Less influential in Assembly; desire decentralization and more influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Ardavani Recently empowered; furious clashes with Maninists.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Merchants: Cosmopolitan, many part-Parthecan by ancestry.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Peasantry: Disorganized; fairly affluent compared to other states.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Maninists: Evangelistic; heavy ties with east. Foes of Ardavani.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Primary state of the Acayan culture, an ancient isolate. Strong traditions of republicanism and individual freedom largely absent from the rest of the world. Communal ties; minimal property inheritance. Recent conversion to Ardavan; religiously intolerant, new ties to the Vellari. Cultural influences from the Parthecans despite some rivalry.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan.
Annual Income: 18178
Annual Expenses: 14000
[tab]Treasury: 3800
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
[tab]Army: 35000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 40 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 14000
[tab]Description: Disciplined and organized infantry component; cavalry play a purely auxiliary role but play it well. Small, reasonably competent navy with recent investments into heavier vessels.

Alar - NPC
Leader: Kott Badias (Age: 39)
Government: Kingdom
Culture Description: An older culture largely subsumed by Leun, the Alar are mostly concerned with sheepherding, and bullfighting when they are not sheepherding. The Cult of the Goddess is popular in the more Leunan coastal districts.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 1675
Annual Expenses: 1350
[tab]Treasury: 2000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 3000 Infantry, 750 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1350
[tab]Description: Small army, best suited for skirmishes.

Anhalter - NPC
Leader: Makrei Bradar (Age: 46)
Government: Kingdom
Culture Description: Stettin state, strongly split along religious lines. Most cultural cues taken from Ereithaler.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 735
Annual Expenses: 710
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.35))
[tab]Army: 1800 Infantry, 350 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 710
[tab]Description: Small but well-trained and motivated, even in their recent defeat.

Anraugh - NPC
Leader: Dezchanai (Age: 65)
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state in the heartland of their former empire. Cities have pyramids at their heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 4600
Annual Expenses: 4400
[tab]Treasury: 2000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 12000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 4400
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Aortai Republic - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description: An Opalansai offshoot; strongly influenced by the Daharai, after whom their republic is modeled. Mercantile, strongly invested in the cultural goings-on of the Nakalani. Small but growing group of adherents to Doru o Ierai, as well as numerous faiths, though Maninism has managed to corner state support in recent years.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 4025
Annual Expenses: 3350
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 8000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 25 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3350
[tab]Description: Highly skilled infantry on the Daharai model. Unskilled cavalry, used for reconnaisance and screening. Small, but elite navy.

Asandar - NPC
Leader: N/A (Age: N/A)
Government: Oligarchy
Culture Description: An old civilization; traditional Uggor clan structure. Recent Kothari influences. Orthodox Iralliamite, through and through. Austere times have led to simpler garb and architecture.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 5460
Annual Expenses: 5000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 20 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 5000
[tab]Description: Multicultural martial tradition; skilled in combined arms tactics. Infantry and cavalry both heavy and light. Small but tough navy.

Ashelai Exatai - Shadowbound
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai (Rotational)
[tab]Vedai Satar: Influential Satar elite in Satara. Quite cosmopolitan.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Merchant Elite: Diverse merchants running long distance network. Influential.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Godlikes: Somewhat influential old Uggor elite.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Vithana: Steppe nomads in west, declining influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Crossroads of Satar and Uggor cultures. Religiously, adhere to a strongly spiritual bent of Ardavan. Most other aspects a fusion of both cultures. Some influence from the Dulama, especially in cuisine.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 33294
Annual Expenses: 18000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.12))
[tab]Army: 45000 Infantry, 9000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 18000
[tab]Description: Multicultural martial tradition; skilled in combined arms tactics. Infantry and cavalry both heavy and light.

Ayase of Gaci - NPC
Leader: Twenty-second-Bonto (Age: 61)
Government: Monarchy with Council of Chiefs
[tab]Godlikes Old Uggor landed aristocracy. Quite influential.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Aitahist Merchants: Mostly transplants, have strong economic ties with Caroha.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Iralliamite Priests: Uninfluential, working to reverse Aitahist gains.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: An old civilization; traditional Uggor clan structure with "Godlike" nobility claiming descent from the Ancestors. Recent Satar and Seshweay influences, especially religiously. Austere times have led to simpler garb and architecture.
[tab]State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 8980
Annual Expenses: 8500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 3500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 8500
[tab]Description: Rely on large, diverse infantry force. Cavalry in the Satar style, with bow, lance, and sword.

O'Aya'se ta Caroha - Masada & m.t.cicero
Leader: N/A (Age: N/A)
Government: Pentapartite Republic
[tab]Carohan Aitahists: Conservative, orthodox hierarchy in Caroha and Seis.(Leader: Aya'se Pa(Age: 52))
[tab]Aelonists: Influential in Maehoui.(Leader: Ogharala(Age: 70))
[tab]Oscadian Sehorsehockeyes: Uninfluential except in the Middle Sesh. Virulently anti-Satar.(Leader: (Age: 0))
[tab]Carohan Faronun: Few and uninfluential.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Pearl Chamber: Influential Maehoui council.(Leader: Ghalaghar ui Ealagala(Age: 68))
[tab]Jabaralahs: Highly influential Maehoui lords.(Leader: Szaebalar uin Parceala(Age: 59))
[tab]Satar of the Sesh: Oppressed, rebellious, disorganized.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Once the center of the world, Caroha is still a vital crossroads. The influence of Faronun theater and thought is heavy throughout the country, including the Maehoui Roshate. Seshweay orthodoxy prevails in the center; Aelonist branch of Aitahism flourishes in Sira. Literature is a growing art in the desert northeast; tapestries and tilework in the southwest. Porcelain ceramics are one of its most popular new artforms, and a valuable export.
[tab]State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 63300
Annual Expenses: 50500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.12))
[tab]Army: 55000 Infantry, 14500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 500 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 50500
[tab]Description: Infantry disciplined, drawn from southwestern part of the country, as is the fleet. Cavalry almost entirely mustered among the Sirans. Many cavalry recruited to the Chorus of Aelome.

Beratca - DuneBear
Leader: Chavarish II (Age: 56)
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Beratcawen Nobility: Former nomads; equestrian elite.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Parthecan Merchants: Influential foreign merchant group.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Eskarites: Influential religious order based primarily in Gallat, with major base in Beratca.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Recently transitioned from steppe economy; poorly defined land use and ownership. Growing urban component in the south, with strong ties to Savirai and Maninists across the border. Powerful Parthecan influence, especially in the north. Iolhan presence in the east.
[tab]State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 6470
Annual Expenses: 6000
[tab]Treasury: 750
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.2))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 6000
[tab]Description: Well trained and elite noble medium cavalry. Spear infantry, typically used to anchor battle lines or garrison.

Bo-tui-van - thomas.berubeg
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Mountain Lords: Aristocrats; favor conquest of west.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Steppe Urbanites: Merchants; favor trade links with east.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Unique cultural isolate; traditions of horse racing, mountain mystics, and low temperature steam baths (owing to the low atmospheric pressure).
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 4115
Annual Expenses: 3000
[tab]Treasury: 40000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.2))
[tab]Army: 5000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3000
[tab]Description: Highly disciplined infantry armed with bows and short spears. Cavalry recruited from the steppe; skilled light horse.

Bryhan Republic - Arrow Gamer
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description: Spiritual heir to the Leunan Republic. Retains numerous traditions, such as bullfighting, open air gardens, and spiritualism. Overwhelmingly follows Eastern Aitahism, though various minorities exist in the larger cities.
[tab]State Religion: Cult of the Goddess
Annual Income: 3415
Annual Expenses: 3050
[tab]Treasury: 2500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 4000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 35 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3050
[tab]Description: Small army, well-led and trained. Extremely skilled navy.

Chamshi Eshai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Eshai
Culture Description: Cultural sponge, importing Tin Tan Tar and Reokhar traditions without much regard for coherence. Dead culture walking.
[tab]State Religion: Steppe Polytheism
Annual Income: 300
Annual Expenses: 750
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.25))
[tab]Army: 0 Infantry, 1500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 750
[tab]Description: Steppe cavalry army; various vassal tribes could come to aid of the main chieftain.

Cuivar - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description: One of the smallest Noaunnahan successor states; takes all cultural cues from Noaunnaha proper and Hariha.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 900
Annual Expenses: 850
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 500 Infantry, 0 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 850
[tab]Description: Well trained and motivated urban militia. Small but effective fleet drawn from the merchant classes.

Republic of the Daharai - TheMeanestGuest
Leader: Arasos Anthon-Solien (Age: 57)
Government: Oligarchic Republic
[tab]The Spicers: Powerful Daharai order; obvious focus.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Epicharitan Axis: Influential alliance of semi-autonomous cities, especially around Spitos.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Reds: Powerful Daharai order; strong landholding faction.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Blues: Powerful Daharai order; primarily traders and strong in Treha.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Anthon-Soliens: Highly influential merchant family, almost equal to most Daharai orders.(Leader: Arasos Anthon-Solien(Age: 57))
Culture Description: The Palansai are old and proud. Traditionally pride wealth and maritime trade, but have a strong spiritual component coupled with the Indagahori faith, which is now more or less restricted to the Palansai. Traditions of organized sport (oene). Deep urban/rural divide, as the main urban centers have gained relative autonomy, where rural areas fall primarily under the Daharai orders.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 58169
Annual Expenses: 44450
[tab]Daharai Academy: 100
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 78000 Infantry, 9500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 1 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 375 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 44350
[tab]Description: Extremely well trained and disciplined infantry, through some segments of the Daharai have begun to grow somewhat lax of late. Mediocre cavalry component. Highly skilled naval forces, with both galleys and a bluewater fleet.

Dula - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state in the heartland of their former empire. The city of Dula is divided into four quarters, with a massive pyramid at its heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 4900
Annual Expenses: 10000
[tab]Treasury: 10000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 10000
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Ereithaler - Angst
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Lobardian School Extremely influential; intellectuals.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Nobility Landed aristocracy. Expansionist. Ambitions curbed in recent years.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Peasantry Disorganized, but not discontented.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Aelonist Wards Influential religious leaders.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Maninist Wards Influential religious leaders.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Ereithaler Merchants Influential, cosmopolitan, international connections.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Parthecan Merchants Localized to Kurchen. Affiliated with their homeland.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Populist monarchy with high levels of social mobility. Center of religious music for all of the Aelonist sphere, though its poetry takes cues from Cyve. Some other ideas taken from Gallat.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 15710
Annual Expenses: 12500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.17))
[tab]Army: 35000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 30 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 12500
[tab]Description: Well trained infantry, somewhat neglected cavalry component with a focus on ranged weapons. Decent ships, mostly used in coastal defense.

Ethir - Daftpanzer
Leader: Eidikar (Age: 37)
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Lords: Primarily Aelonist, loyal but independent, own hillforts and holdfasts.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Peasants: Primarily Aelonist farmers, very loyal.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Parthecans: Highly influential foreign merchants. Have essentially bought the monarchy's favor.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Traditions of elk riding and hillforts; some traditions of epic poetry. Peasantry have appropriated the tradition of the teltalher from Ereithaler. Aelonism extremely influential, especially in musical traditions, with Ereithaler composers visiting regularly.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 2505
Annual Expenses: 2230
[tab]Debt: 200 (Interest: 30 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 6000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2200
[tab]Description: Small but effective army, skilled in forest combat and pitched battles alike. Small, ceremonial elk-rider guard.

Exalai Sartashai - NPC
Leader: Erephas-ta-Alusille (Age: 0)
Government: Sartashai (Princedom)
[tab]Vedai Satar Conservative and influential. Fear the Zalkephai.(Leader: Erephas-ta-Allusille(Age: 0))
[tab]Avaimi Nobles Unorganized, but very loyal.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: A cultural center of the Exatai of the Satar; secondary to the Vellari and Tephrans. Traditionalist by default, especially in Allusille.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 13760
Annual Expenses: 10000
[tab]Treasury: 20000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.19))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 10000
[tab]Description: Disciplined infantry, typically sword and bow. Highly trained, but small cavalry contingent, primarily heavy.

Farea - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description: An offshoot of Faronun culture from very old times, the Fareans have developed their own unique tradition of fierce independence, while keeping the traditional Faeoria (family structure) of their homeland. Influences from the Daharai are primarily present at the government level.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 7205
Annual Expenses: 7000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 15000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 20 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 7000
[tab]Description: Skilled core of the military around Daharai orders. Small but reasonably well trained and equipped navy, unsuited for long range campaigns.

Fetlar - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 1580
Annual Expenses: 1925
[tab]Debt: 1500 (Interest: 225 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 6500 Infantry, 400 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1700
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Gaarim - ork75
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Culture Description: Most notable for the last major sacrificial religion in the world, Azuurim.
[tab]State Religion: Azuurim
Annual Income: 10558
Annual Expenses: 9500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 30000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 10 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 9500
[tab]Description: Highly motivated, mildly disciplined infantry. Highland cavalry, useful as scouts and as light troops. Minimal navy.

Gialla - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: NPC
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 3515
Annual Expenses: 3050
[tab]Debt: 1000 (Interest: 150 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 5500 Infantry, 1800 Cavalry, Levies, Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2900
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.
Spoiler Gi-Sa :

Grandpatriarchy - merciary
Leader: Xephathor III (Age: 0)
Government: Church Hierarchy
Culture Description: Center of the Iralliamite faith, with its attendant trappings: large churches, elaborate mosaics and stained glass windows, sculpture, etc. Strong monastic and militant tradition in the northern and western regions. Growing influence, especially musically and artistically, from the Kothari, and indirectly from Hailsia.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 9910
Annual Expenses: 3750
[tab]Treasury: 10600
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.11))
[tab]Army: 5000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, Levies, Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3750
[tab]Description: Well motivated and organized army. Navy composed primarily of river and coastal craft.

Hacha - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Split from the main Noaunnaha line; undrlying Dulama ideas. Pastoralists in the northern foothills. Merchant interests in the coastal cities, but generally less involved in the trade than the Noaunnaha proper. Generally follow the Trahana Decadence style.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 6520
Annual Expenses: 4750
[tab]Treasury: 15000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.17))
[tab]Army: 15000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 4750
[tab]Description: Large, well trained infantry corps, designed to stand against the cavalry of the Khoskai. Small cavalry force, for recon. Small navy, for coastal defense.

Haifaio Hailsia - Lord_Iggy
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Gerontocratic Oligarchy
[tab]Aramsayafa Faeoria: Ruling Faeoria. Large, somewhat chaotic.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Faerouhaiaouans: Culturally influential but recently politically marginalized; disorganized.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Dremaiites: Rich, influential, but somewhat disenchanted.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Ieraitans: Extremely influential intellectual/philosophical movement based in Sakhelakheia.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Hailsia is, quite possibly, the center of the world. Faronun theater is performed the world over, and its art and architecture has imitators as far away as Parthe or the Trahana. The counterpoint of Kothari music has begun to have a significant impact on what was once a fairly conservative style. Doru o Ierai, or the Hunt for Truth, is the focus of many in the country, who seek to spread the "perfect knowledge" through the world, especially to the south. Recent cultural exchange with the Vellari Exatai has caused a cultural flowering, particularly in theater.
[tab]State Religion: Conclave Iralliam (Doru o Ierai)
Annual Income: 44165
Annual Expenses: 30000
[tab]Treasury: 10750
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 50000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 200 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 30000

The Halyrate - Luckymoose
Leader: Elea Gyldwin (Age: 51)
Government: Theocratic Mess
[tab]High Ward: Head of the Maninist faith and most powerful single person in Gallat.(Leader: Elea Gyldwin(Age: 51))
[tab]Sadorishi: Militaristic religious order, highly influential.(Leader: Moril Vaban(Age: 71))
[tab]Order of Piriven: Order most famous for its banking network that spans Athis and extends well into Parthe.(Leader: Alvara Enirros(Age: 84))
[tab]Order of Alon: Strongly pro-Aitahs. Produced the current High Ward.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Eskarites: Evangelist religious order, highly influential.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Aelonist Wards Dominant power in Cyve; favor spread of Aelonism.(Leader: see above(Age: N/A))
[tab]Lesser Synothal Orders: Diverse, influential religious orders.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Temporal Elites: Powerless non-religious nobility. Divergent opinions on the current church state.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Merchants: Somewhat influential; cosmopolitan.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Peasantry: Disorganized. but with some traction among minor religious orders.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: One of the largest polities in the world, and by far one of the most influential and cosmopolitan. Effectively controlled by religious orders that fulfill all the functions of government. As such, powerful religious influences pervade society, but the diversity in these religious orders ensures a cultural panoply across the continent; some revere the Aitah as the guide on the Path, while some prefer to follow Talad. Significant literary and other artistic traditions, particularly in Cyve. Particularly prominent glass-blowing art in the Face of the Moon.
[tab]State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 82115
Annual Expenses: 73000
[tab]Treasury: 60000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
[tab]Army: 170000 Infantry, 20500 Cavalry, 10000 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 350 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 73000
[tab]Description: Extremely well trained infantry and cavalry among the Sadorishi; others maintain smaller armies; notably large crossbow and pike contingents. Several private merchant fleets.

Hariha - BSmith1068
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab]Merchant Elite: Extremely wealthy; main power.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Reokhar Elites: Increasingly marginalized landed nobles.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Hill Tribes: Disorganized; poor; resentful.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Principal Noaunnahan successor. Cosmopolitan, flowering culture, major patron of the arts. High Noaunnahan architecture (highly ornamented) and music (following Tuft's rules of harmony). Imported open-air gardens of the Reokhar.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 6565
Annual Expenses: 5950
[tab]Treasury: 7500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 11000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 65 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 5950
[tab]Description: Highly disciplined infantry, trained by Nivarberrie instructors in pike and bow. Mercenary cavalry. Skilled sailors, typically using incendiaries and marines to destroy opposing fleets.

Havur - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Follow Tavasi trends. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing. Open-air gardens popular. Recent converts to Chaiuranism.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 1465
Annual Expenses: 1350
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 3000 Infantry, 750 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1350
[tab]Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.

Ieras - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Leunan successor state. Pastoral countryside. Overly fond of bull-fighting and open-air gardens.
[tab]State Religion: Cult of the Goddess
Annual Income: 1400.0000000000002
Annual Expenses: 800
[tab]Treasury: 6000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 1500 Infantry, 0 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 10 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 800
[tab]Description: Small army, mostly useful for city defense and skirmishing. Small navy with skilled sailors.

Khalas - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing. In recent years, wheat and other grains have taken a more prominent role.
[tab]State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 2865
Annual Expenses: 2400
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 7000 Infantry, 750 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 5 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2400
[tab]Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar. Noaunnaha style ships; emphasize projectiles.

Khoskai - Matt0088
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Khaganate
[tab]Khoskai: Includes former Gurgheli. Ruling class. Assimilating.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Dulama: Large, diverse underclass. Highly influential.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Steppe transplants ruling over the Dulama population. Mostly have adopted the traits of the much larger sedentary population -- pyramid monuments, sunken temples with fountains and waterfalls to cool off from heat, crypto- references to former gods, and a keen taste for epic poetry.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 19570
Annual Expenses: 17000
[tab]Treasury: 10000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 15000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 17000
[tab]Description: Mostly skirmishers among the infantry, though some heavy infantry have begun to train under Nivarberrie instructors. Extremely skilled cavalry in the steppe tradition.

Kothari Exatai - spryllino
Leader: Idrocarsas (Age: 40)
Government: Exatai
[tab]Star Tribe: Ruling Satar clan; extensive holdings; quite conservative.(Leader: Idrocarsas(Age: 40))
[tab]Other Princes: Numerous, squabbling, disunited, resentful.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Bureaucrats: Vast, impenetrable, highly influential, especially in the north.(Leader: Baluthanas(Age: 59))
[tab]Hiut: Slightly downtrodden ethnicity, large slave segment, disunited.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Zyeshu: Reclusive but merchantile and culturally distinct group; strive for autonomy.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Hanakar: Cosmopolitan group with feudal aristocrats and merchant elite. Quite influential across the south.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Jiphans: Fond of mysticism, strong Indagahori influence, merchantile, dislike northern rule.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Independent Conclaves: Influential but discontented with current religious policy. Reformist, favor science.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Orthodox Iralliamites: Current dominant religious faction. Conservative; reactionary.(Leader: Calephredon(Age: 53))
Culture Description: The southern Satar; highly influenced by those they conquered long ago. Altered mask culture, a long tradition of stargazing, and imported Faronun traditions of theater, with a growing musical community at the cutting edge of theory in the world. Large semi-free, semi-slave underclass. Devotion to Iralliam, though split along partisan lines. Multiple conquered peoples across the Kothai, with the Hanakar the most Satarized.
[tab]State Religion: Conclave Iralliam
Annual Income: 58547
Annual Expenses: 41000
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 80000 Infantry, 20000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 100 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 41000
[tab]Description: Large infantry force drawn from the underclass, with a powerful cavalry force drawn from the "Star" overlords. Medium quality naval force.

Nadas - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Leunan successor state. Pastoral countryside. Overly fond of bull-fighting and open-air gardens.
[tab]State Religion: Cult of the Goddess
Annual Income: 1540
Annual Expenses: 1300
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 4000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1300
[tab]Description: Small army, mostly useful for city defense and skirmishing.

Naran - tuxedohamm
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Elective Monarchy
[tab]Nobility: Elect the monarchs. Highly influential; desire resurgence of the kingdom.(Leader: Alaene On Nuin(Age: 78))
[tab]Merchant Elite: Influential, prefer peace.(Leader: Rogan On Hunnaha(Age: 73))
[tab]Chaiuran Monastics: Disorganized religious figures. Influential; charitable.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: People of the pass; ancient trading state based on commerce across the Kotsai. Traditions of an independent aristocracy, lightly ruled by a distant king. music and architecture generally follow more southern trends, but with a distinctive austere mountain element. Center of Chaiuran Machaianism, a spiritualistic, independent faith with numerous adherents outside the country.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 9325
Annual Expenses: 7500
[tab]Treasury: 5000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 20000 Infantry, 2500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 20 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 7500
[tab]Description: Potent army with a strong infantry component, skilled in repulsing steppe raiders using combined bow and spear. New navy drawing on ancient traditions of seafaring, comparable to most of its neighbors.

Navuy - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing.
[tab]State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 1075
Annual Expenses: 900
[tab]Treasury: 500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 2000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 900
[tab]Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.

Nivarberrie Eshai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Eshai
Culture Description: Split from the main Noaunnaha line; strong martial tradition across all layers of society. Pastoralists in the southern foothills. Merchant interests in the coastal cities, but generally less involved in the trade than their brethren across the sea. Generally follow the Trahana Decadence style.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 8850
Annual Expenses: 8200
[tab]Treasury: 7500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 16000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 8200
[tab]Description: Highly trained and efficient army; probably the best, man for man, in the west. Skilled in combined arms warfare.

Noaunnaha - Symphorien
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab]Ship Captains: The closes equivalent to nobility. Highly influential merchants.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Chaiuran Monastics: Influential, disorganized.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Fire-worshipers: Minority religion; uninfluential.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Seogue: Nomadic tribespeople inland. Somewhat disaffected.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Old culture with an ancient maritime tradition; have explored to the very westernmost edge of the known world and back again. Flourished under the rule of "the Lions"; strong patronage of all arts but particularly music and architecture, where rules of harmony and aesthetic balance were reached. Some influence from the Trahana Decadence.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 8690
Annual Expenses: 7000
[tab]Treasury: 12000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 7500 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 100 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 7000
[tab]Description: Small, skilled army best suited in an amphibious or skirmishing role. Large navy, skilled, and equipped for long range travel.

Ochu - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 3230
Annual Expenses: 2600
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 7000 Infantry, 1200 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2600
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Republic of Parthe - Terrance888
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab]Taludites Pseudo-Ardavani military order, influential in Parthecan armed forces.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Aitahists Aelonists and Eastern Cultists, influential among the peasantry.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Taparsunnuen Trading guilds, extremely influential, most prominent in Tarwa and Nacitsa. Strong foreign connections.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Republican Guard Nonpartisan military force, loyal.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Southern Nobility Somewhat influential planatation owning nobles.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Archives Mildly influential gatherers of knowledge.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Farland Natives Uninfluential, disorganized.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Opaque and distinctive culture. Strong communal family structure, with cash crop plantation culture entrenched on the south of the main island. Northern, colonial, and urban areas much more cosmopolitan and syncretic, with foreign religions growing in popularity. The Archives the most important knowledge base in the world east of Helsia.
[tab]State Religion: None
Annual Income: 27480
Annual Expenses: 19650
[tab]Archives: 1000
[tab]Treasury: 8000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 16000 Infantry, 3200 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 245 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 18650
[tab]Description: Very well-trained and armed military split between Daludites and the Republican Guard. Extremely high quality naval forces, vessels patterned after western and Kitaluk models, some capable of oceanic voyages. Potent long-range power projection capabilities.

Prish - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Essentially a rural backwater; follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing.
[tab]State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 950
Annual Expenses: 850
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 3000 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 850
[tab]Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.

Raighama - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Cities have pyramids at their heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 3120
Annual Expenses: 1800
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 4000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1800
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Rihnit - Cannae
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Rihniti: Minimal stratification, primarily in the east.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Nahari: Primarily in major cities in west. Much closer to the Halyrate, culturally.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Cultural isolate; Rihniti are a tolerant but quite communal people, rejecting conspicuous wealth. Facial tattoos indicate clan membership. Religiously, majority follow a slightly misotheistic version of Indagahor, though it retains the spiritualistic and monastic character of the faith. Scrape a living from the desert however they can: farming cactus and melons and gathering seaweed.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 6965
Annual Expenses: 5750
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 15000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 5750
[tab]Description: Effective light infantry and cavalry, skilled in skirmishing. Small watercraft used for coastal defense.

Sachama - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 4960
Annual Expenses: 4500
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 2500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 4500
[tab]Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Satabo - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Strongly influenced by the Reokhar and Noaunnaha states to the south. Architecture tends to use interlocking wooden beams. Cuisine uses maize, fish, and chilis heavily.
[tab]State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 3770
Annual Expenses: 3250
[tab]Treasury: 4000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3250
[tab]Description: Independent military tradition; long use of atlatls and short spears. Boats typically small, fast, and reliant on projectiles
Spoiler Sat-Z :

Shuhar Empire - Ophorian
Leader: Carhas II (Age: 53)
Government: Monarchy
Military: Raised by Shuhar's conquests to be the effective aristocracy of the Empire. Growing rapidly decadent.(Leader: Eltan(Age: 37))
Urbanites: Cosmopolitan, favor trade; not particularly fussed who rules.(Leader: Aldor(Age: 56))
Clergy: Mostly Orthodox Iralliamites. Alarmed at breach with Kothari.(Leader: Jahan III(Age: 54))
Peasantry: Poor, disorganized.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Somewhat disjointed culture with a few unifying strands, clear regional differences between north, middle, and south. Religiously fervent. United in dislike of the Kothari Exatai. Jungle cities linked by raised causeways; several crops.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 17820
Annual Expenses: 15000
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
Army: 50000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 60 Ships
Maintenance: 15000
Description: Large, well-trained infantry force, skilled in city defense. Small cavalry force, mostly used for reconnaisance. Small, but reasonably well equipped navy suited for coastal defense.

Sithira - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Lords: Primarily Maninist, loyal but independent, own hillforts and holdfasts.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Peasants: Primarily Maninist farmers, very loyal, gather in teltalhers.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Combination of western Ethir offshoot and eastern Stettin offshoot. Peasantry have appropriated the tradition of the teltalher from Ereithaler. Maninism extremely influential, especially in musical traditions.
State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 2300
Annual Expenses: 2200
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 6000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 2200
Description: Small but effective army, skilled in forest combat and pitched battles alike. Small, ceremonial elk-rider guard.

Suchai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state with significant homegrown Ndeosi traits. Less interested in monumentalist architecture and music and epic literature, and more so in (non-human) sacrifice, even in the Iralliamite era.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 1160
Annual Expenses: 950
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 4500 Infantry, 50 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 950
Description: Small army, mostly useful for city defense and less so for protracted campaigns across the jungle.

Tabares - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description: Leunan successor state. Pastoral countryside. Overly fond of bull-fighting and open-air gardens. Has an unsavory reputation as a den of thieves and pirates, as well as tax evaders.
State Religion: Cult of the Goddess
Annual Income: 1190
Annual Expenses: 1000
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 5000 Infantry, 0 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 1000
Description: Small army, mostly useful for city defense and skirmishing.

Taidhir - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 2390
Annual Expenses: 2800
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 4000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 2800
Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Tara - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Dulama successor state in the heartland of their former empire. Cities have pyramids at their heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 2480
Annual Expenses: 2000
Treasury: 4000
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 5000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 2000
Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Tavasi - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Aristocrats Former steppe nobility; clamor for reunification of the Eshai.(Leader: (Age: ))
Noaunnaha Traders Ties to Hariha and Noaunnaha. Some courtly influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
Peasantry Disorganized; poor. Depressing/ed.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Central Reokhar state. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing. Open-air gardens popular. Recent converts to Chaiuranism. Recent introduction of wheat and barley as staples.
State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 5950
Annual Expenses: 5150
Treasury: 5000
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 7000 Infantry, 3500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 5 Ships
Maintenance: 5150
Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar. Noaunnaha style ships; emphasize projectiles.

Tephran Exatai - Grandkhan
Leader: Pharaxes-ta-Marevi (Age: 56)
Government: Exatai
Vedai Satar Few. Highly influential. Conservative.(Leader: Atharios Spearlord(Age: 69))
Vithana Fairly few. Less influential. Jealously independent under the Moon Princedom.(Leader: Taexes(Age: 57))
Xieni Numerous. Influential. Tolerant.(Leader: (Age: ))
Ming Disorganized, disenfranchised. Some Zalkephic sympathies.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Traders Influential long-distance caravans.(Leader: (Age: 0))
Culture Description: Classic Satar state with cosmopolitan and conservative halves. Marevi and Henan the cultural center, pulling threads from Vellari, Ashelai, and Vischa. Traditions of wandering Oracles, horse sports, and performed lays.
State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 40300
Annual Expenses: 32825
Treasury: 2840
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
Army: 55000 Infantry, 24000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 3 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 45 Ships
Maintenance: 32825
Description: Mixed infantry, moderately disciplined. Cataphracts and light cavalry, extremely well trained and disciplined. Small watercraft to travel and defend the Einan.

Tiagho - Jehoshua
Leader: Fionnach Amatir (Age: 61)
Government: Monarchy
Nobility: Old Dulama and Vithanama nobles; losing influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
Scholars: Vithanama era intellectuals; influential.(Leader: (Age: ))
Priesthood: Iralliamites, mildly influential.(Leader: Bhaelron(Age: 86))
Crypto-pagans: Underground, less influence.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: The ancient and great city of the serpent; adopted many Dulama cultural practices but to this day retains some distinctive ones. Pyramids for monumental architecture; temples sunk directly into the earth with minimal trappings aboveground in a Machai style but with significant eastern overtones such as stained glass and statuary. Use of chaxtil, a mild stimulant, fairly popular among the army.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 12620
Annual Expenses: 8100
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
Army: 18000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 1 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 8100
Description: Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.

Tin Tan Tar - ChiefDesigner
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Oligarchy
Capital Aristocrats Merchants; wield most influence in the ruling council.(Leader: (Age: ))
Khatri Nobility Landed and merchants; resent second class status.(Leader: (Age: ))
Steppe Tribes Disorganized; indistinguishable from Kyumai.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Peasantry Disorganized; poor.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Most cities imitate the architecture (tiered woodon buildings with steep roofs and hanging cloths) and fashion (brightly colored silken robes) of the capital. The heartland follows Ishiltileth, a derivative of Enguntith, cementing claims to the legacy of the "Ming". The central region has a cosmopolitan character, while the periphery is regarded as a backwater. Strong intellectual tradition with a long history of mathematical inquiry.
State Religion: Ishiltileth
Annual Income: 32985
Annual Expenses: 21250
Treasury: 0
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.12))
Army: 55000 Infantry, 6500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 1 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 65 Ships
Maintenance: 21250
Description: Disciplined infantry with healthy ranged and pike components. Cavalry recruited from the steppe periphery. Sailing ships built to stress maneuverability and seaworthiness over firepower.

Empire of Trahana - Hightower
Leader: Gambian III (Age: 34)
Government: Monarchy (Civil War)
Nobility: Landed aristocracy, conservative, more influential in interior regions.(Leader: Ilin Farqud(Age: 88))
Merchant Elite: Highly influential non-corporate merchants.(Leader: Galdriann of Saigh(Age: 80))
Machai Monastics: Religious leaders. Waning influence; primarily in far west.(Leader: (Age: 0))
Golden Ships: Highly influential pseudo-corporations funded by aristocrats for merchant ventures. Suspected tax fraud.(Leader: Arax Undeall(Age: 63))
Northern Peninsulars: Somewhat separatist. Disorganized. Multi-ethnic.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Well into a period called by detractors the "Trahana Decadence", characterized by elaborate decorations, particularly nature-inspired, on architecture, painting. Mirrored by a similar complexity in music. Exported to various neighboring countries, particularly to the southeast and northwest. Enormous monastic component, especially in the west, focused on mysticism and spiritual fulfillment. Numerous urban areas centered around maritime trade. Northern regions barely incorporated, mostly connected through religious identification.
State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 57064
Annual Expenses: 38000
Treasury: 60000
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 90000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 300 Ships
Maintenance: 38000
Description: Strong pike component, with a powerful archery contingent as well. Less of an equestrian tradition. Numerous and powerful fleet, though it is equaled in many ways by private fleets.

Tsutongmerang - azale
Leader: Yaw-Tototl VI (Age: 91)
Government: Tripartite Oligarchy
Truths: Central bank, strong religious ties, very influential.(Leader: Itoshia(Age: 93))
Talents: Landed nobility, mildly influential.(Leader: Tepin(Age: 83))
Propserity: Merchants and sailors, very influential, current dominant party of the Triad.(Leader: (Age: 0))
Conclavists: Supporters of the reforged church, strong ties to Doru o Ierai groups in Hailsia.(Leader: Ellosochi-Msukumo(Age: 49))
Culture Description: Maritime state with a powerful merchantile culture, recently absorbing numerous elements from main trade partners, principally Hailsia and Trahana, as manifested in Doru o Ierai and religion, and Trahana Decadence architecture. Sharply contrasting island interiors, which are far more traditional, noted for terrace agriculture, rice and maize farming, and hospitality. Wandering Ieraitan mystics and Iralliamite priests have contributed to a knowledge exchange even with the remotest religions, however.
State Religion: Conclave Iralliam
Annual Income: 14840
Annual Expenses: 9625
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
Army: 20000 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 110 Ships
Maintenance: 9625
Description: Fairly unsophisticated cthonic force, with bow and spear wielders in abudance. Mercenaries from Gaarim and Zar. Sophisticated and powerful naval force with decent power projection.

Vellari Exatai - Thlayli
Leader: Zakraphetas (Age: 39)
Government: Exatai
Tepecci Family Old Accan banking clan. High influence.(Leader: Deverro Tepecci(Age: 41))
Atteri Family Old Accan banking clan. High influence.(Leader: Veracci Atteri(Age: 65))
Minor Nuccia Accan banking clans. Moderate influence.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Vedai Satar Influential, conservative. Jealous of Accan economic power.(Leader: Valik-ta-Shaim(Age: 0))
Vedai Satar Influential, conservative. Jealous of Accan economic power.(Leader: Valik-ta-Shaim(Age: 74))
Oracles Less influential. Supicious of Zalkephai.(Leader: Etadevas-ta-Eshvai(Age: 54))
Sephashim Uninfluential scholarly enterprise.(Leader: (Age: 0))
Evinai Cloudlings: Evyni descended from refugees of the War of Prophecy(Leader: Prince Arnach(Age: 51))
Slaves Disorganized, variegated. Some Zalkephic sympathies.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Thalassocratic Satar and Accan hybrid state. Center of innovation and technology, particularly at the Sephashim. Accan nuccia fond of extravagance, and more tolerant than Vedai Satar. Satar are more cosmopolitan than their inland brethren. Unparalleled architectural sophistication, with emphasis on sweeping lines and domes. Diverse cuisine. Musical influences from t he Kothari.
State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 43385
Annual Expenses: 34740
Sephashim: 350
Treasury: 45000
Debt: 10500 (Interest: 1890 (Rate for new loans: 0.18))
Army: 85000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 1 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 200 Ships
Maintenance: 32500
Description: Accan pikes are legendary, though their quality has slipped of late. Tectari (sword and bowmen) provide much more of a fight in recent years. Their navy took an enormous blow recently, but is still a force to be reckoned with.

Vischa Exatai - Golden1Knight
Leader: Lucaras II (Age: 58)
Government: Exatai
Imperial comitatus: High Princes' most trusted soldiers; influential; desire loot.(Leader: Halaxes(Age: 63))
Urban elites: Merchants; moderately influential; desire peace and trade.(Leader: Yalaxes(Age: 64))
Steppe nomads: Pastoralists; extract taxes from passing merchants and local cities. Uninfluential at court.(Leader: Tharkat(Age: 54))
Nevathi Elites: Aristocrats; unfluential and annoyed about it.(Leader: Taephas(Age: 61))
Chairuan Monks Religious figures; influential in the west.(Leader: Arphares(Age: 57))
Peasants: Disorganized; located mostly in the Eskana Valley.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Borrows heavily from the Satar cultural tradition, but has a major native cultural piece. Fond of monumental architecture in powerfully carved stone. Cosmopolitan cities with influences from the Narannue and Dulama
State Religion: Ardavan (Chaiuran Machaianist patronage)
Annual Income: 14701
Annual Expenses: 10500
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
Army: 15000 Infantry, 15000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 10500
Description: City militias and a powerful steppe cavalry component. Can call upon vassals for some additional cavalry.

Xidevi Sartashai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Sartashai (Princedom; Civil War)
Sadorishi Maninist religious order; based in Gallat.(Leader: Moril Vaban(Age: 71))
Culture Description: Divergent from Satar heartland. Retain symbolism of shadow from traditional beliefs. Heavy influence from Gallat owing to their religious affiliation.
State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 3185
Annual Expenses: 2880
Debt: 500 (Interest: 80 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
Army: 12000 Infantry, 800 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 2800
Description: Infantry highly skilled at forest combat. Cavalry mostly light, often dismount for combat. Light and fast watercraft.

Yensai Chiefdom - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Council of Chiefs
Old Clans: Ancient lineages, conservative, land oriented.(Leader: (Age: ))
Mechant Elite: Sea oriented, favor integration of Asandar.(Leader: (Age: ))
Clergy: Orthodox Iralliamites, favor ties to the Exatai.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: One of the last vestiges of the Holy Moti Empire. Ancient clan-based society, traditionally living on the fringes of the jungle. More merchantile than its northern neighbors. Devoutly Iralliamite. Increasing influences from the Dulama Empire in cuisine, music, and art.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 13770
Annual Expenses: 10100
Treasury: 30000
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
Army: 30000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 40 Ships
Maintenance: 10100
Description: Army skilled at repulsing raids and fighting steppe cavalry in general. Reliant on spears and bows. Fairly good watercraft, designed to protect trade interests.

Yevis - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description: Ethir offshoot; traditions of elk riding and hillforts. Peasantry have appropriated the tradition of the teltalher from Ereithaler. Aelonism extremely influential, especially in musical traditions.
State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 700
Annual Expenses: 500
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
Army: 2000 Infantry, 100 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 500
Description: Small but effective army, skilled in forest combat and pitched battles alike. Small, ceremonial elk-rider guard.

Zalkephai Rashai - Crezth
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Rashai
Oracles: Clergy; fanatical, ruling faction; favor religious wars.(Leader: (Age: ))
Vedai Satar: Generally loyal, especially in the lower classes. Surviving upper class still apprehensive.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Min: Extremely loyal, fanatical.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Evinai: Extremely loyal, fanatical.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Northerners: Least fervent; least loyal; least united.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description: Somewhat in line with Satar traditions, but generally more austere, Religious traditions of reincarnation and fanaticism. Populist. Heavy friction with other Satar states.
State Religion: Zalkephic Ardavan
Annual Income: 19300
Annual Expenses: 16600
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.17))
Army: 40000 Infantry, 6000 Cavalry, 20000 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 90 Ships
Maintenance: 16600
Description: Fanatical infantry. Skilled cavalry, but less so than other Satar. Numerous riverboats and ocean-going vessels.

Zar - Everblack
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Rashai
Culture Description: Cultural isolate, have an independent tradition of theater primarily for glorifying their warrior class. Recent migrants to the area. Numerous cultural influences from Tsutongmerang.
State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 2880
Annual Expenses: 2150
Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
Army: 9500 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
Navy: 0 Ships
Maintenance: 2150
Description: Relatively unpolished forces, but fierce in combat. Cavalry solely for scouting.

Spoiler Animated Map :

Animated map for updates 1-31
Here. In :)


I claim the River facing the inner sea with the island at its mouth :)

Its almost directly south of dldnjstjr
In (not so much for the win.) For the record, I would appreciate the spot alongside the second northern most river (the shortest shown on the eastern side of the map, i.e the one surronded by the hills.) The specific spot being at the start of the river.

If I somehow missed the part where we don't reserve spots, then apologies.
I'm in, but you better hope to Providence that you don't let this die.
I call dibs here:


Starting Location: Shown Above
Society: Absolute Monarchy. Royalty -> Priests -> Noble -> Intellectuals -> Artisans/Craftsmen -> Farmers/Others
Lineage: Patriarchy
Values: Religion, Nationalism, Education, Filial Piety
Religion(s): Monotheism with a god called Elifer.
Language(s): Adorian, paper writing with ink
Mythos: No Mythos.
Economic Base: Fishing, Farming, Crafting, Mining, Forging, Ship Building, Trade
Nation Names: Lanquin, Adorin, Telin
Person Names: Kalin, Lian, Renson, Hayden
Place Names: Lanquin Temple, Hagroc Mountain, Cervais Port, Gelion River, Palorim Valley
Edited for values (May 21, 2008, at 10:34 PM). Entry is as follows:


Ailuttorutto/Lutto (adjective and noun; denotes the dominance of Lutto/Ailutto and how it's tied to the Rutto peninsula)
Starting Location: See map above.
Society: Centered around the self, the family, and the home. There is an upper class of aristocrats, a yet-developed middle class of lesser aristocrats, and a large lower class of artisans/craftsmen, farmers, laborers, servants, and slaves (in order of societal rank; also, technically, slaves are property, not people).
Lineage: Patrilineal, very few exceptions.
Values: (and sub values:) Personal Success → Personal Wealth → Bravery | Philosophy → Knowledge| Personal Integrity → Filial Piety → Lawfulness
Religion(s): The religion is very loose polytheism--there are several gods, and they come and go as the masses will. Some become popular and die out, some are staple, some compete for the same function. In any case, there is a wide number of "scripture" available, and a wide variety of gods and priests to subscribe to, often on a very pragmatic basis. There, are, of course, a few "major" gods, but sometimes entire pantheons fall out currency for better, sexier gods. So, in short, it's pragmatic polytheism.
Language(s): (spoken) Central Stutto, Northern Stutto, Southern Stutto, Old Stutto, New Ritti, and Old Ritti (in order of age, young to old; everyone speaks in a staccato, strangely enough, though the newer languages more so than the old ones). (written forms) Countryside Lutto-Stutto, Lutto-Stutto, Stutto, Smooth Ritti, Jagged Ritti (in order of age, young to old). Writing often consists of using paint or carving on wax or pottery.
Born of a sea-god (in dispute between Ruttocatton, a fierce warlike sailor-god, Nacatton, a primal mermaid-ish god of earthquakes, Iccon, a womanizing god of sea travel, and various cult-gods) and a mortal woman (never named, neither is her ancestry ever described), a hero (generally named as Sattoros, Sattoronos or Sattoroccos) traveled from tribe to tribe in the peninsula (generally named the Rutto Peninsula), doing great deeds in between and impregnating all the women (it's really an okay thing to do in the stories).

He eventually clashes with a god (in dispute between his father, Haratton, a wise-type elder god, Nactton, a terrifying god of retribution, Ekitton, a warlike god of forges, and various cult-gods), enters a bet (what was on the line is in dispute, but a popular one is his life or the status of godhood), wins but is cast down to the Underworld (descriptions vary) unfairly (although this really depends on who's telling the story), and his children cursed. He escapes, as heroes do, and slays the god who cast him out, gaining the love and praise of a goddess (disputed between Rinna, the promiscuous goddess of love, Itanna, the cheating goddess of jealousy--yeah, I know, Luccottonna, the warm and single goddess of fertility, and various cult-gods--some even claim it was a guy).

Sattoros's sons and daughters are eventually uncursed and even blessed (how usually depends on the goddess used) by his goddess girlfriend, for whom he does magnificent and entertaining heroic deeds. The couple's numerous sons and daughters eventually become the leaders of Lutto society, though the two are too busy bonking and doing hero things to care about the disputes between their sons and daughters. Sattoros eventually dies, claiming that the life of a god was too difficult for him and he would rather retire to the idyllic afterlife of heroes (or the boring generic afterlife, the good portion of one version of the Underworld, and other pleasant places). His girlfriend naturally becomes unhappy (her fate is in dispute, depending on what goddess, usually--if its an important non-seasonal one, she just does something terrible and moves on; otherwise, suicide and seasons-changing are popular).

The bickering sons and daughters of Sattoros eventually formed the tribes and eventual small states in and around the Rutto peninsula. All claim direct or exclusive descent from the legendary hero, though politics had stopped (or eventually will stop) revolving around the mythos due to the nature of Lutto religion.
Economic Base: Agriculture (both agronomy and animal husbandry), aquaculture, pottery, shipbuilding, mining, metalworking, woodcarving, and various other normal Imperial Age things (in order of importance).
Nation Names: Lutto, Ailutto, Gutti, Acca, Onttoco, Sattocco.
Person Names: Sattoros (mythic), Aittos (the first king of the Lutto, formed the kingdom of Lutto which comprised of the old Lutto tribe and several nearby tribes), Arnatteo, Datteres, Erettes, Harattos, Iccos, Ittos, Mandettes, Matteos, Sitticcos, Sizacces.
Place Names: Rutto Peninsula, Ritti (eastern island), Vitti (southern island), Arutto (southwestern island), Kletto (random island of importance), Izicci (random island of importance), Lutto (city), Lutto (region), (places of fighting, sites of cities, or other stuff:) Hills of Gutticci, Hills of Stuccotti, Hills of Ritticco, Itacca Plain, Ontocco Plain, Shores of Mattecco, Atticco Cliffs, Mount Izitto, Mount Pottocco, Mount Ilziccotto, Tuttocco River, Ittocco River, Luttocco River, (ambiguous place/geographic formation names:) Amitticco, Amicci, Ilmatto, Ilmitti, Occotti, (cities:) Aitto, Accotto, Almetticcotto, Almocco, Illutto, Ilmocco, Ilmetticotto, Iluttocco, Ittocco, Guttocco, Mocco, Meticcotto, Satticco, Viccotto, Ziccotto

I express interest.
Just FYI, I'd like all submissions before Monday of next week. That includes a filled out template and orders or stories if you choose to do either.
Starting Location:
Society: There is a small upper class of nobles, which rule over a larger lower class of workers. A middle class of traders exists but they are influenced by the upper class. There is a strong desire to explore and the traders and merchants are considered heroes because of there actions (explained in Mythos).
Lineage: Paternal
Values: Honor and Loyality; they believe that it is important for a Man to keep his word and they value this above all others.
Exploration because they desire to find the lost members of their society.
Religion(s): They worship the god of the sun (Hulos) with other minor gods represented by the celestial objects.
Language(s): The writing system evolved from pictures to a crude alphabet containing 2 dozen characters. Writing is done in clay, until a more suitable method is obtained. There is a dialect of the language spoken by the lower class (Trihi) and a more sophisticated version spoken by the upper and trader class (Triha).
Mythos: At the beginning the world was completely land. The people of Trilui worshiped Lulos. However there were 2 gods, the god of the sun (Hulos) and the god of the moon (Lulos). There was an agreement between Hulos and Lulos that one shall rule the day and the other shall rule the night. However, one day the Lulos decided that he shall have rein over the day also, and blocked out Hulos. In anger, Hulos burned the Lulos, turning Lulos red and threatened the people of Trilui. Helos threatened them, to stop worshiping Lulos, however this brought disagreement to the people of Trilui on who to worship. Helos in anger fractured the world, creating the ocean out of anger, separating the land. The people who decided to continue to worship Lulos were banished across the great ocean from the ones that repented. Helos burned the skin of the Trilui to the color it is now.

However, Helos eventually forgave Lulos from violating the agreement. But Helos's punishment could not be reversed. The people of Trilui long to find where the banished members of the society are. And are determined to.

Economic Base: A large base of herders and farmers, however there is a growing merchant economy. With traders just beginning to explore and creating trading posts across the sea. The mountains are mined for their minerals and craftsmanship developing.

Nation Names: Linlui, Helonui, Trilui, Sivilui
Person Names: Knovli, Sovau, Son Vasv, Wolse, Vadenl
Place Names: Lov (the Ocean), Ovi (the mountains), Trovin (capital), Lokovui, Sinvaoui, Avolvi, Sovi
[Add anything else you want to say]

Later stats
Culture Name: Seshweay

Spoiler :
Starting Location: Specified


Seshweay is broadly divided along “ancestor linage” which is idealized and is used primarily to separate the political blocs. So different cities and polities will claim different “ancestors” as the primogenitor of their respective group naturally those who claim the same ancestors are likely to get along.

Most of Seshweay is ruled by a patchwork of different Oligarchies who normally rule a city and surrounds but little else. There are Kings in some areas but none have a real power most are figureheads. The Oligarchies in most cities by custom admit anyone with the requisite amount of wealth, although those newly wealthy are often relegated to non-voting status. This has created conflict, with the people often siding with the newly wealthy against the old wealth, in some of the cities this has led to outright conflict.

This conflict between the new and old wealth has led to a steady stream of new wealth leaving the old cities and founding new cities. The old cities were typically built in the most defensive positions possible which hampered economic efforts. The new cities were typically built in the areas likely to generate the most wealth for those fleeing the conflict in the old cities (typically those who were still in touch with generating wealth) and those members of the common people who were interested in money making and not tied to the old Oligarchs.

Seshweay has four major factions; the traditional Red and Blue group of cities who are broadly represent the traditional homelands of the Seshweay and are mostly composed of old cities. The Greens and Browns are mostly composed of the new cities and broadly represent the furthest flung cities of the Seshweay. Of course this is not always the case, with Green and Brown cities sitting in the interior of the homelands constructed to exploit some important resource. Likewise on the outskirts of Seshweay it is not uncommon to find Red and Blue cities surrounded by Green and Brown cities. Compounding these problems is conflict between traditional ancestral enemies; it is not uncommon for cities of the same faction to fight against each other over ancient slights. It is furthermore not uncommon in an ancestral conflict to find members of every group fighting members of every group over the same slight. It is furthermore not uncommon in many of the cities to find rival groups fighting over the same slight, these city tussles are also not uncommonly erupt inside even cities uninvolved in the greater struggle. It is also even more bizarrely not uncommon in a war against a rival faction for cities to refuse to fight one another because of ancestral links and it is not uncommon for cities to fight on different sides depending on who is on each side.

Broadly speaking there exists few constraints on professions for people of different lineages, it is however not uncommon that members from opposing ancestral groups to on principle not purchase from other groups. If one keeps silent on the ancestor purported to have birthed that particular person’s linage then it nobody is going to know, although different lineages can have distinctive features but with mixing between the groups it is almost impossible by looks alone to tell.

Family groups are almost impossible to chart, given that families often split as conflict between portions of the family that claim descent from one ancestor conflict with another. It is not uncommon to find a mother and father fighting with words normally over the linage that a son or daughter is to claim, wars have started over such disagreements.


Depends on city custom, but generally on “influence” which is in short the apparent traits shared in common with an ancestor, women can also inherit although the chances of inheritance are markedly increased if the ancestor is female likewise for men it is easier to inherent if the ancestor is male. It is not uncommon for inheritance to just be given by mutual agreement to the eldest male or female (although inheritance by preference of the parents is common). The rich commonly resolve to keep the riches firmly in one child’s hands (this is a reaction to the stipulation that those sitting on the Oligarchies must have a set wealth or be able to hold that much in a set period or lose their seat).

Values: Seshweay society values Freedom (albeit a slightly warped concept of it) seeing the relative Liberty of the Oligarchies as infinitely preferable to the Tyranny of One (it’s enshrined in the Seshweay creation story and Myths, bizarrely Military service to the state constitutes an important part of maintaining freedom from Tyranny through serving a Tyranny). Seshweay culture also values Individual Independence (which is achieved in part) and Self Reliance (which in Seshweay society represents more a desire to only rely on oneself and family).


Ancestor Worship is deeply ingrained into the Seshweay, from the Seshweay individually trying to model themselves on the “Majesty” of their ancestors, to the constant warfare between the different factions and to the fanatical attention to familial links. Whether or not it constitutes a religion is unclear, Seshweay have the beginnings of a priesthood but at the moment they are really only paid “worshippers” who constantly honour the chosen ancestor of the payee with whatever the ancestor preferred in life.


Seshweay speak one language, however from region to region it varies heavily with different dialects being the norm. The most spoken version is perhaps with a hint of humour “High” Seshweay spoken primarily by the elite in business and civil interactions it is characteristic of the Seshweay language as a whole; Complex.

Seshweay between Ancestral groups will speak to each other differently to those outside the group using different greetings and changing the formality of the speech and changing the verb endings and even in the more extreme cases omitting whole sounds.

Seshweay is characterised as a language group by its extremely complex sense of timing, events of in the past, present and future have sub categories, those events which happen in the distant past and in the close past have different sentence construction. Similarly events which are happening in the present and those which have been resolved in the present have different construction. Throw into that a completely different approach to speaking about the ancestors and possible futures and the average non-native-speaker is unlikely to ever learn.

The word Seshweay means variously, people, the people, the four cities which claim to be the only real Seshweay, culture, the world, the heavens and a great many things beside (what context it is being used in is generally codified directly after or before the word is used, generally, Seshweay humour is composed of forgetting to codify the exact usage properly).

Mythos: The Seshweay claim to be the only true people in the world, claiming that their ancestors were the beloved of the world (whose soul they murdered to be free after it became a tad to demanding) and were bought into being as perfect paragons of all that is the Seshweay. After the ancestors murdered the world soul they resolved that never again would they be governed by one that instead they would be governed by many (of course this failed with predictably bloody results) this lead to the first of the great wars of the Ancestors who breed soldiers to fight each other (the Seshweay proper). The Seshweay have not yet reconciled what the other peoples around the world are, but they know that the Ancestors didn’t create them therefore they are not people. Since the Seshweay were created as soldiers it is expected of them to be soldiers. The site where the battles were fought and the Ancestors lived in first is hotly debated with four candidate cities jumping forward all calling themselves Seshweay. Seshweay logic dictates that since the Ancestors had only themselves to rely on and lived in perfect freedom (the murders don’t count they ignore that leap of logic) it is therefore logical that all Seshweay should try to live in freedom. There is no inherent contradiction between them living under tyranny and maintaining freedom. It is also logical only to the Seshweay that since the ancestors initially did not rely on each other during the wars that Seshweay should model themselves on this they ignore the fact that the ancestors later teamed up to fight amongst each other leading in their logic directly to the current red vs blue conflict in the old cities and all the disasters that have followed since.

Economic Base:

The old cities are for the most part heavily reliant on agriculture and industries which compliment them, while the new cities are largely trade, raw resources and complex goods which are not related to agriculture reliant. Since the Oligarchs are constantly competing for the greatest show of wealth (while retaining the requisite amount) fine wares are therefore extremely sought after, leading to a game of one-up-man-ship.

Nation Names:

Seshweay, Seshweay, Seshweay (I’m not joking), Seies, Aysh, Tisesh, Shw, Esay, Pa, Paasa, Paies, Kesseihw, Sei’Sh, Se’Pa’Pa, Kesh’esh’Sei, Sesh’Ay’Tes, Nes’Sh’Ies

Person Names: Ta’Val, Kes’Se, Pa, Aya’se, Te’esh, Paa’Oa, Te’Tes’Nes, Viws, Ihw, Es’w.

Place Names: The River that my culture will be on is to be called Sesh while the sea is to be called Weay, the Island at the mouth of the river is to be called Seshweay, while the Mountains nearby are to be called the Eay’Val Mountains.

Just to clarify my starting position, im taking the river nearest to Slave Sioux's claim with the island by the mouth.

*Evil Laugh* your on my Mountains :p
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