Acajuren Republic - Lord of Elves
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab]Northern Cities: More influential in the Assmbly. Favor centralization.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Southern Cities: Less influential in Assembly; desire decentralization and more influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Ardavani Recently empowered; furious clashes with Maninists.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Merchants: Cosmopolitan, many part-Parthecan by ancestry.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Peasantry: Disorganized; fairly affluent compared to other states.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Maninists: Evangelistic; heavy ties with east. Foes of Ardavani.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description:
Primary state of the Acayan culture, an ancient isolate. Strong traditions of republicanism and individual freedom largely absent from the rest of the world. Communal ties; minimal property inheritance. Recent conversion to Ardavan; religiously intolerant, new ties to the Vellari. Cultural influences from the Parthecans despite some rivalry.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan.
Annual Income: 18178
Annual Expenses: 14000
[tab]Treasury: 3800
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.16))
[tab]Army: 35000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 40 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 14000
Disciplined and organized infantry component; cavalry play a purely auxiliary role but play it well. Small, reasonably competent navy with recent investments into heavier vessels.
Alar -
Leader: Kott Badias (Age: 39)
Government: Kingdom
Culture Description:
An older culture largely subsumed by Leun, the Alar are mostly concerned with sheepherding, and bullfighting when they are not sheepherding. The Cult of the Goddess is popular in the more Leunan coastal districts.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 1675
Annual Expenses: 1350
[tab]Treasury: 2000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 3000 Infantry, 750 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1350
Small army, best suited for skirmishes.
Anhalter -
Leader: Makrei Bradar (Age: 46)
Government: Kingdom
Culture Description:
Stettin state, strongly split along religious lines. Most cultural cues taken from Ereithaler.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 735
Annual Expenses: 710
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.35))
[tab]Army: 1800 Infantry, 350 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 710
Small but well-trained and motivated, even in their recent defeat.
Anraugh -
Leader: Dezchanai (Age: 65)
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description:
Dulama successor state in the heartland of their former empire. Cities have pyramids at their heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 4600
Annual Expenses: 4400
[tab]Treasury: 2000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 12000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 4400
Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.
Aortai Republic -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description:
An Opalansai offshoot; strongly influenced by the Daharai, after whom their republic is modeled. Mercantile, strongly invested in the cultural goings-on of the Nakalani. Small but growing group of adherents to Doru o Ierai, as well as numerous faiths, though Maninism has managed to corner state support in recent years.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 4025
Annual Expenses: 3350
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 8000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 25 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3350
Highly skilled infantry on the Daharai model. Unskilled cavalry, used for reconnaisance and screening. Small, but elite navy.
Asandar -
Leader: N/A (Age: N/A)
Government: Oligarchy
Culture Description:
An old civilization; traditional Uggor clan structure. Recent Kothari influences. Orthodox Iralliamite, through and through. Austere times have led to simpler garb and architecture.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 5460
Annual Expenses: 5000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 20 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 5000
Multicultural martial tradition; skilled in combined arms tactics. Infantry and cavalry both heavy and light. Small but tough navy.
Ashelai Exatai - Shadowbound
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai (Rotational)
[tab]Vedai Satar: Influential Satar elite in Satara. Quite cosmopolitan.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Merchant Elite: Diverse merchants running long distance network. Influential.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Godlikes: Somewhat influential old Uggor elite.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Vithana: Steppe nomads in west, declining influence.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description:
Crossroads of Satar and Uggor cultures. Religiously, adhere to a strongly spiritual bent of Ardavan. Most other aspects a fusion of both cultures. Some influence from the Dulama, especially in cuisine.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 33294
Annual Expenses: 18000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.12))
[tab]Army: 45000 Infantry, 9000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 18000
Multicultural martial tradition; skilled in combined arms tactics. Infantry and cavalry both heavy and light.
Ayase of Gaci -
Leader: Twenty-second-Bonto (Age: 61)
Government: Monarchy with Council of Chiefs
[tab]Godlikes Old Uggor landed aristocracy. Quite influential.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Aitahist Merchants: Mostly transplants, have strong economic ties with Caroha.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Iralliamite Priests: Uninfluential, working to reverse Aitahist gains.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description:
An old civilization; traditional Uggor clan structure with "Godlike" nobility claiming descent from the Ancestors. Recent Satar and Seshweay influences, especially religiously. Austere times have led to simpler garb and architecture.
[tab]State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 8980
Annual Expenses: 8500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 3500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 8500
Rely on large, diverse infantry force. Cavalry in the Satar style, with bow, lance, and sword.
O'Aya'se ta Caroha - Masada & m.t.cicero
Leader: N/A (Age: N/A)
Government: Pentapartite Republic
[tab]Carohan Aitahists: Conservative, orthodox hierarchy in Caroha and Seis.(Leader: Aya'se Pa(Age: 52))
[tab]Aelonists: Influential in Maehoui.(Leader: Ogharala(Age: 70))
[tab]Oscadian Sehorsehockeyes: Uninfluential except in the Middle Sesh. Virulently anti-Satar.(Leader: (Age: 0))
[tab]Carohan Faronun: Few and uninfluential.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Pearl Chamber: Influential Maehoui council.(Leader: Ghalaghar ui Ealagala(Age: 68))
[tab]Jabaralahs: Highly influential Maehoui lords.(Leader: Szaebalar uin Parceala(Age: 59))
[tab]Satar of the Sesh: Oppressed, rebellious, disorganized.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description:
Once the center of the world, Caroha is still a vital crossroads. The influence of Faronun theater and thought is heavy throughout the country, including the Maehoui Roshate. Seshweay orthodoxy prevails in the center; Aelonist branch of Aitahism flourishes in Sira. Literature is a growing art in the desert northeast; tapestries and tilework in the southwest. Porcelain ceramics are one of its most popular new artforms, and a valuable export.
[tab]State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 63300
Annual Expenses: 50500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.12))
[tab]Army: 55000 Infantry, 14500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 500 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 50500
Infantry disciplined, drawn from southwestern part of the country, as is the fleet. Cavalry almost entirely mustered among the Sirans. Many cavalry recruited to the Chorus of Aelome.
Beratca - DuneBear
Leader: Chavarish II (Age: 56)
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Beratcawen Nobility: Former nomads; equestrian elite.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Parthecan Merchants: Influential foreign merchant group.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Eskarites: Influential religious order based primarily in Gallat, with major base in Beratca.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description:
Recently transitioned from steppe economy; poorly defined land use and ownership. Growing urban component in the south, with strong ties to Savirai and Maninists across the border. Powerful Parthecan influence, especially in the north. Iolhan presence in the east.
[tab]State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 6470
Annual Expenses: 6000
[tab]Treasury: 750
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.2))
[tab]Army: 10000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 6000
Well trained and elite noble medium cavalry. Spear infantry, typically used to anchor battle lines or garrison.
Bo-tui-van - thomas.berubeg
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Mountain Lords: Aristocrats; favor conquest of west.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Steppe Urbanites: Merchants; favor trade links with east.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description:
Unique cultural isolate; traditions of horse racing, mountain mystics, and low temperature steam baths (owing to the low atmospheric pressure).
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 4115
Annual Expenses: 3000
[tab]Treasury: 40000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.2))
[tab]Army: 5000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3000
Highly disciplined infantry armed with bows and short spears. Cavalry recruited from the steppe; skilled light horse.
Bryhan Republic - Arrow Gamer
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description:
Spiritual heir to the Leunan Republic. Retains numerous traditions, such as bullfighting, open air gardens, and spiritualism. Overwhelmingly follows Eastern Aitahism, though various minorities exist in the larger cities.
[tab]State Religion: Cult of the Goddess
Annual Income: 3415
Annual Expenses: 3050
[tab]Treasury: 2500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 4000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 35 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 3050
Small army, well-led and trained. Extremely skilled navy.
Chamshi Eshai -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Eshai
Culture Description:
Cultural sponge, importing Tin Tan Tar and Reokhar traditions without much regard for coherence. Dead culture walking.
[tab]State Religion: Steppe Polytheism
Annual Income: 300
Annual Expenses: 750
[tab]Treasury: 0
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.25))
[tab]Army: 0 Infantry, 1500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 750
Steppe cavalry army; various vassal tribes could come to aid of the main chieftain.
Cuivar -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description:
One of the smallest Noaunnahan successor states; takes all cultural cues from Noaunnaha proper and Hariha.
[tab]State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 900
Annual Expenses: 850
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 500 Infantry, 0 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 15 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 850
Well trained and motivated urban militia. Small but effective fleet drawn from the merchant classes.
Republic of the Daharai - TheMeanestGuest
Leader: Arasos Anthon-Solien (Age: 57)
Government: Oligarchic Republic
[tab]The Spicers: Powerful Daharai order; obvious focus.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Epicharitan Axis: Influential alliance of semi-autonomous cities, especially around Spitos.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Reds: Powerful Daharai order; strong landholding faction.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Blues: Powerful Daharai order; primarily traders and strong in Treha.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Anthon-Soliens: Highly influential merchant family, almost equal to most Daharai orders.(Leader: Arasos Anthon-Solien(Age: 57))
Culture Description:
The Palansai are old and proud. Traditionally pride wealth and maritime trade, but have a strong spiritual component coupled with the Indagahori faith, which is now more or less restricted to the Palansai. Traditions of organized sport (oene). Deep urban/rural divide, as the main urban centers have gained relative autonomy, where rural areas fall primarily under the Daharai orders.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 58169
Annual Expenses: 44450
Daharai Academy: 100
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.13))
[tab]Army: 78000 Infantry, 9500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 1 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 375 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 44350
Extremely well trained and disciplined infantry, through some segments of the Daharai have begun to grow somewhat lax of late. Mediocre cavalry component. Highly skilled naval forces, with both galleys and a bluewater fleet.
Dula -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description:
Dulama successor state in the heartland of their former empire. The city of Dula is divided into four quarters, with a massive pyramid at its heart, traditionally used for human sacrifice, but since the conversion of the region to Iralliam it has been a mere pedestal for an Iralliamite church. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 4900
Annual Expenses: 10000
[tab]Treasury: 10000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.14))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 10000
Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.
Ereithaler - Angst
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Lobardian School Extremely influential; intellectuals.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Nobility Landed aristocracy. Expansionist. Ambitions curbed in recent years.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Peasantry Disorganized, but not discontented.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Aelonist Wards Influential religious leaders.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Maninist Wards Influential religious leaders.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Ereithaler Merchants Influential, cosmopolitan, international connections.(Leader: (Age: ))
[tab]Parthecan Merchants Localized to Kurchen. Affiliated with their homeland.(Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description:
Populist monarchy with high levels of social mobility. Center of religious music for all of the Aelonist sphere, though its poetry takes cues from Cyve. Some other ideas taken from Gallat.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 15710
Annual Expenses: 12500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.17))
[tab]Army: 35000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 30 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 12500
Well trained infantry, somewhat neglected cavalry component with a focus on ranged weapons. Decent ships, mostly used in coastal defense.
Ethir - Daftpanzer
Leader: Eidikar (Age: 37)
Government: Monarchy
[tab]Lords: Primarily Aelonist, loyal but independent, own hillforts and holdfasts.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Peasants: Primarily Aelonist farmers, very loyal.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
[tab]Parthecans: Highly influential foreign merchants. Have essentially bought the monarchy's favor.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description:
Traditions of elk riding and hillforts; some traditions of epic poetry. Peasantry have appropriated the tradition of the teltalher from Ereithaler. Aelonism extremely influential, especially in musical traditions, with Ereithaler composers visiting regularly.
[tab]State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 2505
Annual Expenses: 2230
[tab]Debt: 200 (Interest: 30 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 6000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2200
Small but effective army, skilled in forest combat and pitched battles alike. Small, ceremonial elk-rider guard.
Exalai Sartashai -
Leader: Erephas-ta-Alusille (Age: 0)
Government: Sartashai (Princedom)
[tab]Vedai Satar Conservative and influential. Fear the Zalkephai.(Leader: Erephas-ta-Allusille(Age: 0))
[tab]Avaimi Nobles Unorganized, but very loyal.(Leader: N/A(Age: N/A))
Culture Description:
A cultural center of the Exatai of the Satar; secondary to the Vellari and Tephrans. Traditionalist by default, especially in Allusille.
[tab]State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 13760
Annual Expenses: 10000
[tab]Treasury: 20000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.19))
[tab]Army: 25000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 10000
Disciplined infantry, typically sword and bow. Highly trained, but small cavalry contingent, primarily heavy.
Farea -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
Culture Description:
An offshoot of Faronun culture from very old times, the Fareans have developed their own unique tradition of fierce independence, while keeping the traditional Faeoria (family structure) of their homeland. Influences from the Daharai are primarily present at the government level.
[tab]State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 7205
Annual Expenses: 7000
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 15000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 20 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 7000
Skilled core of the military around Daharai orders. Small but reasonably well trained and equipped navy, unsuited for long range campaigns.
Fetlar -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Culture Description:
Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 1580
Annual Expenses: 1925
[tab]Debt: 1500 (Interest: 225 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 6500 Infantry, 400 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 1700
Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.
Gaarim - ork75
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Culture Description:
Most notable for the last major sacrificial religion in the world, Azuurim.
[tab]State Religion: Azuurim
Annual Income: 10558
Annual Expenses: 9500
[tab]Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 30000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 10 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 9500
Highly motivated, mildly disciplined infantry. Highland cavalry, useful as scouts and as light troops. Minimal navy.
Gialla -
Leader: (Age: )
Government: NPC
Culture Description:
Dulama successor state. Most of the pyramids have been torn down; Machai temples tend to be sunk directly into the earth. Traditions of literature and music continue to the present day.
[tab]State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 3515
Annual Expenses: 3050
[tab]Debt: 1000 (Interest: 150 (Rate for new loans: 0.15))
[tab]Army: 5500 Infantry, 1800 Cavalry, Levies, Siege Train(s)
[tab]Navy: 0 Ships
[tab]Maintenance: 2900
Well trained army in the post-Dulama mode: pikes, bows, and cavalry split between skirmishers and cataphracts.