End Score


Mar 11, 2002
I am really confused on how the game develops your end score. I play the regent level and I have had games that I play purely for the culture aspect and win easily, but only have a score of 1000. While sometimes I play for domination and end up with a score of 1900. In both cases I generally start the same and usually end up with 90% or more of all the wonders. It seems to me that the computer rewards you more for killing an enemy than for developing a strong culture. It also seems that when I win by land control, space race, or UN that my score wouldn't be too high. How do you increase your score?


Yeah that confuses me too. I played a Tiny Archepeligo map, adn all 3 other civs started opn the same island. the first thing i did was send as much military at the Zulu's as i could, cuz i thought they were the only ones on my island, but then i found everyone else. I conquered them in less than 20 turns, and my final score was 4500+!!!
Your score is calculated with your happy people, territory, specialiast, and future tech.

you get bonus point for finishing the game before 2050AD and depending upon the level you are playing.

so if you finish very early in the game you will be given an incredile amount of point. and finish with a high result
if you finish near 2050 AD you won'T get a lot of point for the victory BUT you will have been getting a lot of point each turn depending on your happyness/territory/specialist growing and future technologie found.
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