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English King George V Battleship


CFC Historian
Nov 12, 2001
This model is from General Matt... he still can't access CFC, so I'm posting it for him... progress on new naval units continues, and here is his latest work...

This ship, made by General Matt, is an English WWII battleship, based on the King George V-class.


The King George V-class battleships (KGV) were the penultimate battleship design completed for the Royal Navy (RN). Five ships of the class were commissioned: King George V (1940), Prince of Wales (1941), Duke of York (1941), Howe (1942), and Anson (1942). They carried one quadruple and one high "super-firing" twin turret forward and one quadruple turret aft. In this unique layout, she carried ten 14-inch guns. Her secondary armament consisted of sixteen 5.25 inch guns clustered amidships in eight double turrets.

The five battleships of the King George V class were the most modern in service with the Royal Navy in WWII. All five rendered invaluable service in the two-ocean war and could in fact be credited with helping to influence policy of the war itself. The best example of their importance was their critical role in the chase and sinking of Hitler's battleship Bismarck; a loss that significantly altered German Naval policy toward increased reliance on its U-boat arm.

The other significant impact in the war the Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse, which was a World War II naval engagement illustrating the effectiveness of aerial attacks against naval forces that were not protected by air cover and the resulting importance of including an aircraft carrier in any major fleet action.

The action took place east of Malaya, near Kuantan, Pahang where the British battleship HMS Prince of Wales and battlecruiser HMS Repulse were attacked by Imperial Japanese Navy land-based bombers and torpedo bombers.

The two ships were the first capital ships actively defending themselves to be sunk solely by airpower while steaming on the open sea. This incident demonstrated the vulnerability of even the most modern surface ships to the potency of air attack and drove home the necessity of air cover to protect against such an incident.

Following the end of World War Two, the remaining battleships of the King George V Class had become obsolete and expensive to run. In 1950 the class was laid up in reserve in Gareloch. The scrapping of the class was approved in 1957.

All needed files, including a button and custom animation files are included in the download.

Download Here

In-Game Screen shots:
Spoiler :

KGV on trial-runs

KGV escorting HMS Ark Royal task group

Prince of Wales getting blasted by the Bismarck in the Battle of the Denmark Strait

Prince of Wales (in a series of shots) getting sunk off Malaya by Japanese airpower

You do like to pull GM's nose in what happened with his precious English ships, don't you wolf? ;)

Nice model, GM. :hatsoff:
You do like to pull GM's nose in what happened with his precious English ships, don't you wolf? ;)
Who, me? I just tell history like it is... I can't help it if the PoW's guns jam fighting Germans or if it can't avoid taking multiple torpedoes from the Japs.

Nice ship, are you going to switch to it ?
I really love Danrell's HMS Hood, and it's a popular English ship... at the same time, it'd really be a shame NOT to use the KGV in-game.

My final solution, as it were, for the Wolfshanze Mod is to use the KGV for England, the Hood for Celtia and the Warspite for Egypt & India... I'll also be adding at least five new dreadnoughts for America (South Carolina), Italy (Cavour), Japan (Ise), Russia (Borodino) and Turkey (Moltke)... plus the previously released Tegetthoff for Austria... maybe another ship or two... I'm just about exhausted adding stuff though...
My final solution, as it were, for the Wolfshanze Mod is to use the KGV for England, the Hood for Celtia and the Warspite for Egypt & India...

don't you use the Warspite as the english dreadnought ?

I'll also be adding at least five new dreadnoughts for America (South Carolina), Italy (Cavour), Japan (Ise), Russia (Borodino) and Turkey (Moltke)...

never saw these ships on the forums, did you create them (as in reskin an existing ship) ?
Great Ship GM (and who again gave one star without making a comment?)
Great Ship GM (and who again gave one star without making a comment?)
Yeah... who is that guy?

don't you use the Warspite as the english dreadnought ?
Why would I do that? Nope, I use the HMS Dreadnought (reskin by Danrell) as the default Dreadnought for every nation without a specific one... while the Queen Elizabeth (Warspite) class were originally WWI Dreadnoughts, the Warspite model GM made is actually the WWII configuration... all the Queen Elizabeth class dreadnoughts from WWI were extensively reconfigured inbetween the wars and the WWII configuration of the QE-class is barely recognizeable from their WWI Dreadnought roots. No Admiral worth his salt would say the model GM made is suitable for use in a WWI setting... it's clearly the WWII version!

Having said that, there's actually only THREE Dreadnought classes (in various forms) that have been used by the BtS community that are truely WWI-class vessels... the HMS Dreadnought (English, by various authors)... the SMS Helgoland (German, by Snafu)... and the SMS Tegetthoff (Austrian, by GM).

Wolfshanze said:
I'll also be adding at least five new dreadnoughts for America (South Carolina), Italy (Cavour), Japan (Ise), Russia (Borodino) and Turkey (Moltke)...
never saw these ships on the forums, did you create them (as in reskin an existing ship) ?
Lets just say we need more Dreadnoughts, and this should be the first time they appear in a BtS mod! :mischief:

The USS South Carolina still needs a little work though before it's ready for prime time. Not the best of the bunch (the Borodino is the best), but I'm trying to bring the South Carolina up to code.

the design is trully excellent.
the ship however,is suffering from lack of colours.
its too "monotony".
for example,tha black should be existi in bridge as ell to identify the windows.
i m trying to say,that this unit should be paid more attention to some spots,where bold colours are needed.
waiting for rodney....
Hey, I told Matt to use the pink with purple polka-dots paint scheme, but he wouldn't listen. He kept insisting on battleship gray! Don't blame me for the utter lack of color! :dunno:
Hey, I told Matt to use the pink with purple polka-dots paint scheme, but he wouldn't listen. He kept insisting on battleship gray! Don't blame me for the utter lack of color! :dunno:

That's what you get for basing it on a b&w picture ;) since you are now in the reskinning business, you should go with the pink camouflage pattern
That's what you get for basing it on a b&w picture ;) since you are now in the reskinning business, you should go with the pink camouflage pattern
You're right... I'm ashamed for not using my excellent skinning skills to properly render the KGV in its true colors.

So for those of you disappointed that the KGV is poorly colored, I offer this new "enhanced" version of the KGV paint-scheme... simply drop it into the KGV folder and enjoy!

You will notice I paid great attention to detail this time!




I am sure, if King George is looking down at this, from whereever he is now, he is not amused.
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