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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

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If an end user wants creative content that satisfies their personal desires... they can go and make it themselves. :p
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Can't believe no one has commented on this yet. Dude this is awesome! I use to play Gem which had stuff like this and i miss it sooo much. Thanks!:goodjob:
This looks spectacular!

Because it is DLC does this mean it wil not effect Achievements either?

How about currently running games? Are they compatible?
So far I love it. I am using with a game I had previously saved and it works fine. Here are a couple of things I noticed that may or may not want to be changed.

Not sure I like the fact that the initial diplomacy screen is gone. How would I know what the other Civs think of me? If someone feels Hostile or Guarded I may not want to take the time to trade with them. Currently I don't see how I can find that out without clicking on the Civ.

Also Faith Counter on the Top Left Bar should have Total Faith (Faith per turn) Just like gold. After all you spend Faith like gold so it is convenient to see how much you have without having to hover.

Would like to see the Culture/ Turns till Next Hex Bar on the City Banner Be the same Pink Color as all the other Culture assets. Just seems to make sense.

Is there any way you can get some of the Civ Info on the Score Board? Like How they feel about you, if they have an open Borders, Research Agreement, DOF, DOW with them. Religion Icon.
Can't believe no one has commented on this yet. Dude this is awesome! I use to play Gem which had stuff like this and i miss it sooo much. Thanks!:goodjob:
So far I love it. I am using with a game I had previously saved and it works fine.
Glad you like it. You might want to consider giving it a rating ;)
Not sure I like the fact that the initial diplomacy screen is gone. How would I know what the other Civs think of me? If someone feels Hostile or Guarded I may not want to take the time to trade with them. Currently I don't see how I can find that out without clicking on the Civ.
The way civs feel about you is shown by the frame color of each icon on civilization ribbon to the right (friendly = green, white = neutral, yellow = guarded, magenta = denouncing, red = hostile). You can see more details by mousing over the icon. You can also see if they have duplicate luxuries they're willing to trade next to their score, and if you have some duplicate luxuries they would like, next to their gold. Now if you really want the civ list back, simply delete the "DiploList.lua" and "DiploList.xml" files from the DLC's "UI_bc1\Diplo" sub-folder. The other diplo screens are still there.
Also Faith Counter on the Top Left Bar should have Total Faith (Faith per turn) Just like gold. After all you spend Faith like gold so it is convenient to see how much you have without having to hover.
It does that when you have no faith purchase selection (and when the game doesnt automatically purchase stuff for you) during the industrial age. But maybe it would be better to always show accumulated faith, it's a trade off between clutter and info.
Would like to see the Culture/ Turns till Next Hex Bar on the City Banner Be the same Pink Color as all the other Culture assets. Just seems to make sense.
I did try this out, but felt it looked ugly and that it was not much use if it did not also show where city borders would expand. Hence the current choice to show both of these info when mousing over the banner. I do plan to change the info panel city list, and add the culture meter there.
Is there any way you can get some of the Civ Info on the Score Board? Like How they feel about you, if they have an open Borders, Research Agreement, DOF, DOW with them. Religion Icon.
Currently these info are available as small icons at the corners of the civilization icons on the vertical ribbon to the right: :c5science: Research Agreement, :c5strength: Defense agreement, :c5faith: declaration of friendship (I chose this icon before G&K came out, can easily be changed to any graphic, suggestions welcome). Open borders requires mouseover, it would require 2 icons, all 4 corners are used and I felt it was not as useful. Religion icon: I will add this to the mouseover (there's not much you can do about this so I am not convinced it's useful on the ribbon).

Edit:I think I know what's wrong, there is a bug which makes the DLC incompatible with the "single player score list" option (and the multiplayer one as well). Under options - interface options - UNcheck "single player score list", which will show the civilization ribbon (you've actually missed out on the main part of the DLC ! )
Edit:I think I know what's wrong, there is a bug which makes the DLC incompatible with the "single player score list" option (and the multiplayer one as well). Under options - interface options - UNcheck "single player score list", which will show the civilization ribbon (you've actually missed out on the main part of the DLC ! )

Ah ha! I thought I was missing something. :lol:

Can't wait to give it try later on this afternoon. :goodjob:
Worked like a charm. Looks great.

Yes before all I had was the scoreboard up there. Missing tons of information. Going to take a little bit to figure out just what is up there, looks awesome though. Not sure where to put a rating. Downloaded it strait from Fanatics.
Works great and much of the info is useful.

but upper toolbar becomes messed up with Corporations mod. Could you update it, please?

if I find anything else, I'll let you know. :goodjob:
Hi. I played with this in 3 long games and liked it. Thanks for this.

While I was playing I took some notes but I am at work right now, have a little time and I want to share my thoughts on some aspects of this mod (the ones I remember):

- Is it possible to see my influence on a city state either on the city banner or when I mouseover. Or even, on the vertical ribbon somehow? (right now I believe I have to click on the city state to see my influence, the coloring on the vertical ribbon helps but I want to see the exact number)

- Again for city states, it would be great if I could see whether the city state is friendly or hostile when I hover the mouse on the vertical ribbon. That would make it much faster when deciding which state to invest.

- I think there should be a kind of ordering of other civilizations in the vertical ribbon, for example by score. Right now it seems it is arranged by the order you meet others. (I may be wrong). I don't know if it is possible but if we could choose by what we sort the list then it would be great. Sort by gold, sort by score, sort by GPT, sort by civ feeling etc... But whether this is possible or not it should be at least arranged by score I feel.

- Again city ribbon, as game progresses number of civs and city states increase so the list gets longer, harder to manage. Maybe 2 separate lists can be made, 1 for civs,1 for city states, each clickable to unhide and hide. So one can choose which to hide or unhide. And for example if there were two separate lists, I could sort the city state list by influence, or type which would make many things easier.

If this is not possible or covers too much space, this open-hide thing could be added to the vertical ribbon as it is.

- where is the old diplo screen, it was easy to quickly look through to find the city states that you lost your alliance with, or to count how many city states you are not allied with. It is harder to do this with the vertical ribbon and you cant see their names. This can be fixed by a way to orders city states in the vertical ribbon I guess.

- I had some difficulty to find how many votes I have in the world congress. Is it because the old diplo screen is gone, or I made a mistake and didn't see where it is.

- Showing unit upgrades on units would be nice

- Maybe icons in the vertical ribbon can be a larger

These are the ones I remember right now, when I get back home I'll write the others.

I liked what you did a lot, it really makes the game more user-friendly and more fun to play since it becomes less tedious. Thanks again for your work and time.
Hi. I played with this in 3 long games and liked it. Thanks for this.
You're welcome :)
- Is it possible to see my influence on a city state either on the city banner or when I mouseover. Or even, on the vertical ribbon somehow? (right now I believe I have to click on the city state to see my influence, the coloring on the vertical ribbon helps but I want to see the exact number)
It's already in the city state ribbon mouse over, and is added to city banner mouseover in version 1.2 :goodjob:
- I think there should be a kind of ordering of other civilizations in the vertical ribbon, for example by score. Right now it seems it is arranged by the order you meet others. (I may be wrong). I don't know if it is possible but if we could choose by what we sort the list then it would be great. Sort by gold, sort by score, sort by GPT, sort by civ feeling etc... But whether this is possible or not it should be at least arranged by score I feel.
Right now it's simpy game index order. Planned for change when I find time to understand how to use the "sortchildren" function.
- Again city ribbon, as game progresses number of civs and city states increase so the list gets longer, harder to manage. Maybe 2 separate lists can be made, 1 for civs,1 for city states, each clickable to unhide and hide. So one can choose which to hide or unhide. And for example if there were two separate lists, I could sort the city state list by influence, or type which would make many things easier.
This one is a bit more difficult, I am looking into solutions such as sorting, filters and folding. There's no room for 2 lists side by side, and that would look quite ugly...
- where is the old diplo screen, it was easy to quickly look through to find the city states that you lost your alliance with, or to count how many city states you are not allied with. It is harder to do this with the vertical ribbon and you cant see their names. This can be fixed by a way to orders city states in the vertical ribbon I guess.
The diplo list is back in version 1.2. Also you can easily count the city states you have relations with by mousing over you own civ icon in the civilization ribbon.
- I had some difficulty to find how many votes I have in the world congress. Is it because the old diplo screen is gone, or I made a mistake and didn't see where it is.
It's under the small menu icon to the left of the huge upper right corner icons.
- Showing unit upgrades on units would be nice
Yes, this is added in version 1.2 mouseover tooltip :goodjob:
- Maybe icons in the vertical ribbon can be a larger
It's a tradeoff with the problems arising from the list getting longer late game, which you also mentionned. Ideally the icons could be scaled depending on list size, but the game's API makes that difficult, or it could be a mouse over, like already done when mousing over the tiny tech icon on the top panel.
I think a toggle for the Score Card, The Diplo Ribbon with Civs only and a third for City States would be awesome.

Put three buttons/icons on the right. Click it and the list appears Click again and it's gone. This way you could put a background behind the list to make it more clear, easy to read.
The score card is the player score list, right ? Does'nt this already have a toggle in the option panel ? I guess I could add a toggle there for the citystate ribbon list as well, that would be easy enough. Although since it's not an existing game option it won't save when leaving the game (and I have this policy of no change to save game whatsoever).

With regards to the clarity / readability, I changed the type of font used by the civ ribbon in the later DLC versions to provide more contrast (not every little change is documented...). I would like to avoid having to add a background, that would be a huge blob on the map especially when there are a lot of luxuries available for trading. It would also defeat the main purpose I had for replacing the existing diplo list in the first place - took too much map real estate to my taste, have to constantly click everywhere to see stuff you need.

What I was thinking of doing was making the split between civ ribbon and notifications elevators user adjustable, though I need to find a way to do that. I could also reset the civ ribbon elevator at the start of each player's turn (edit: already does :crazyeye:), so civs have more of a chance to remain visible than city states when notifications pour in.
Yes the score list.

ALl of those lists are things that I want to have access to but not all the time 100%. But I also don't want to have to go into a menu to see them. I especially don't want to go into the options menu to see them.

If you had an icon sitting on the side of the screen you could have the Score menu as a mouse hover. That is the type of thing I want to see for a couple of seconds here and there. Then put it away. But I want it readily available at my fingertips.

The Diplo menu and the City State menu are a bit more complicated and will have things I want to hover over as well, so wouldn't work as a straight hover menu. So and Icon (or Two if you split them), that when clicked on brings up your Diplo screen. I can either leave it there and continue playing or I can click it again and have it go away. Toggle on/off. Right at my fingertips, easy on off when I need it.

Currently the Notifications Elevator just goes behind the score card. Makes it tough to read sometimes. I can imagine if you did that to the Diplo List it would be really tough to read... I don't know if there is an easy fix for that.
How about including the score list in the own civ mouse over ? And a minor civ icon at the end of the civ list to fold / expand the minor civs (I had that on a private build and did not like it much, but oh well :lol: now this thing is public). I can also change the other civ mouse overs to copy what's in their diplo list entry (although I personally find it a bit verbose and prefer synthetic info)
"NoCitizenWarning", heh, no wonder it took me so long to locate the option in the .ini files. Not sure if I would have figured it out at all until I read your changelog for 1.2. :)

One thing I've found out while trying the mod is that the icons in the unit panel are vertically misaligned when using the game's small interface option:

This is on 1680x1050. It might behave differently on other resolutions.

Lots of cool ideas there, keep up the good work!
One thing I've found out while trying the mod is that the icons in the unit panel are vertically misaligned when using the game's small interface option
Well that's interesting because the DLC modifies neither panel layouts (large: UnitPanel.xml or small: UnitPanel_small.xml). Are you sure it's specific to the DLC ? Does the misalignment appear between icons that would normally be hidden by the "show more" button and those that are not ? (I can't see your picture from this slow connection)
Thank you for your reply.

Is it possible to put another list to the left of the screen, a shorter one to lighten the list on the right side Maybe the list on the left would be for city states and on the right one the rest.

One other thing, maybe ideology symbols can be added to the vertical city ribbon.
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