Resource icon

Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

In the city screen I cannot see any mouse over tool tips for the production value or any other gain summery for the city (faith, food, ..). Instead I see the last the tool tip of an element from my production queue
have you correctly installed version 1.24d ? the files are not compatible with previous version 1.24c or any derivative thereof (mods), don't mix & match. Otherwise I would need lua.log & save game to investigate (plus whether you are using small or regular UI assets)
I had a short look at the differences in cityview.lua from version c to d. :O It is much more work than I thought. Amazing that you still have the overview (know what you are doing). :)
most of the modifications have nothing to do with this issue, it's only a half dozen lines of LUA code + another half dozen XML

Hi thanks for your continuing efforts. :)

In the city screen I cannot see any mouse over tool tips for the production value or any other gain summery for the city (faith, food, ..). Instead I see the last the tool tip of an element from my production queue.

I had a short look at the differences in cityview.lua from version c to d. :O
It is much more work than I thought. Amazing that you still have the overview (know what you are doing). :)

Delete the contents of your cache folder and restart civ 5.
have you correctly installed version 1.24d ? the files are not compatible with previous version 1.24c or any derivative thereof (mods), don't mix & match. Otherwise I would need lua.log & save game to investigate (plus whether you are using small or regular UI assets)..

Spoiler :
[1.746] Initializing Lua 5.1.4
[313.383] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 229.994646
[313.467] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 230.027987
[314.556] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[314.556] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[314.635] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[314.636] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[370.612] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[370.613] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[370.660] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[370.660] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[371.892] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\dlc\expansion2\Tutorial\lua\tutorialinclude_expansion2.lua
[371.893] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\dlc\expansion\Tutorial\lua\tutorialinclude_expansion1.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\confirmimprovementrebuildpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarmovepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\puppetcitypopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarplundertraderoutepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarrangestrikepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmimprovementrebuildpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\networkkickedpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\cityplotmanagementpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmcommandpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\minorciventerterritorypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\liberateminorpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\returncivilianpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\annexcitypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\declarewarmovepopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\barbarianransompopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmgiftpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmcitytaskpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\puppetcitypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\declarewarrangestrikepopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmpolicybranchpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\minorcivgoldpopup.lua
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 14
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 6
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 8
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 14
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 6
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 8
[375.489] ChoosePantheonPopup: 60
[375.489] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
[375.490] ChoosePantheonPopup: 1023
[375.638] EspionageOverview: Refreshing My Cities
[375.747] EspionageOverview: table: 0xb92e4140
[375.748] EspionageOverview: TXT_KEY_SPY_STATE_GATHERING_INTEL
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 60
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 963
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 1023
[376.872] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 292.063711
[376.896] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 292.087534
[378.544] AdvisorInfoPopup: Closing Advisor Info
[378.544] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[378.544] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[452.825] PlotHelpManager: Loading EUI plot help... 381.557129
____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
| _ \| | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| |_) | |/ _ \| __| |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| __/| | (_) | |_| _ | __/ | |_) | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
|_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|_| |___/
[452.854] PlotHelpManager: found default work rate 100
[452.855] PlotHelpManager: Finished loading EUI plot help 381.583858
[452.855] CityBannerManager: Loading EUI city banners... 381.583965
____ _ _ ____ __ __
/ ___(_) |_ _ _| __ ) __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __| \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| | | | __| | | | _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |___| | |_| |_| | |_) | (_| | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
\____|_|\__|\__, |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|___/ |___/
[452.905] CityBannerManager: Finished loading EUI city banners 381.637369
[452.906] UnitPanel: Loading EUI unit panel... 381.637595
_ _ _ _ ____ _
| | | |_ __ (_) |_| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| | | | '_ \| | __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |_| | | | | | |_| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
\___/|_| |_|_|\__|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[452.980] UnitPanel: Finished loading EUI unit panel 381.716263
[452.981] NotificationPanel: Loading EUI notification panel... 381.716459
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _
| \ | | ___ | |_(_)/ _(_) ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| \| |/ _ \| __| | |_| |/ __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |\ | (_) | |_| | _| | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
|_| \_|\___/ \__|_|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[453.075] NotificationPanel: Finished loading EUI notification panel 381.817722
[453.075] CityView: Loading EUI city view... 381.817932
____ _ _ __ ___
/ ___(_) |_ _ \ \ / (_) _____ __
| | | | __| | | \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| |___| | |_| |_| |\ V / | | __/\ V V /
\____|_|\__|\__, | \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/
[453.116] CityView: Finished loading EUI city view 381.860169
[453.116] TechTree: Loading EUI tech tree... 381.860406
_____ _ _____
|_ _|__ ___| |_|_ _| __ ___ ___
| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| || '__/ _ \/ _ \
| | __/ (__| | | | || | | __/ __/
|_|\___|\___|_| |_|_||_| \___|\___|
[453.593] TechTree: Finished loading EUI tech tree 382.35874
[453.593] TopPanel: Loading EUI top panel... 382.358943
_____ ____ _
|_ _|__ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| | (_) | |_) | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
|_|\___/| .__/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[453.607] TopPanel: Finished loading EUI top panel 382.373175
[722.082] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.293] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.499] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.913] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[723.328] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[727.562] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[729.947] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[746.205] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[750.828] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[754.405] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[755.243] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[755.454] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[756.325] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[756.543] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)

I have "automatically size interface" @ 1920x1080 resolution.

I did a full install after removing the old version. deleted cache. Just to make sure, I did it again and this time also deleted moduserdata (not sure if this was necessary). Same problem.


  • Gajah Mada_0116 AD-1120.Civ5Save
    692.2 KB · Views: 285
Spoiler :
[1.746] Initializing Lua 5.1.4
[313.383] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 229.994646
[313.467] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 230.027987
[314.556] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[314.556] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[314.635] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[314.636] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[370.612] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[370.613] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[370.660] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[370.660] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[371.892] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\dlc\expansion2\Tutorial\lua\tutorialinclude_expansion2.lua
[371.893] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\dlc\expansion\Tutorial\lua\tutorialinclude_expansion1.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\confirmimprovementrebuildpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarmovepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\puppetcitypopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarplundertraderoutepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\dlc\expansion2\UI\InGame\popupsgeneric\declarewarrangestrikepopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmimprovementrebuildpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\networkkickedpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\cityplotmanagementpopup.lua
[372.444] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmcommandpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\minorciventerterritorypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\liberateminorpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\returncivilianpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\annexcitypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\declarewarmovepopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\barbarianransompopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmgiftpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmcitytaskpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\puppetcitypopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\declarewarrangestrikepopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\confirmpolicybranchpopup.lua
[372.445] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\ui\ingame\popupsgeneric\minorcivgoldpopup.lua
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 14
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 6
[373.207] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 8
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 14
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 6
[373.282] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 8
[375.489] ChoosePantheonPopup: 60
[375.489] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
[375.490] ChoosePantheonPopup: 1023
[375.638] EspionageOverview: Refreshing My Cities
[375.747] EspionageOverview: table: 0xb92e4140
[375.748] EspionageOverview: TXT_KEY_SPY_STATE_GATHERING_INTEL
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 60
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 963
[376.122] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 1023
[376.872] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 292.063711
[376.896] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 292.087534
[378.544] AdvisorInfoPopup: Closing Advisor Info
[378.544] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[378.544] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[452.825] PlotHelpManager: Loading EUI plot help... 381.557129
____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
| _ \| | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| |_) | |/ _ \| __| |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| __/| | (_) | |_| _ | __/ | |_) | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
|_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|_| |___/
[452.854] PlotHelpManager: found default work rate 100
[452.855] PlotHelpManager: Finished loading EUI plot help 381.583858
[452.855] CityBannerManager: Loading EUI city banners... 381.583965
____ _ _ ____ __ __
/ ___(_) |_ _ _| __ ) __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __| \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| | | | __| | | | _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |___| | |_| |_| | |_) | (_| | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
\____|_|\__|\__, |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|___/ |___/
[452.905] CityBannerManager: Finished loading EUI city banners 381.637369
[452.906] UnitPanel: Loading EUI unit panel... 381.637595
_ _ _ _ ____ _
| | | |_ __ (_) |_| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| | | | '_ \| | __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |_| | | | | | |_| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
\___/|_| |_|_|\__|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[452.980] UnitPanel: Finished loading EUI unit panel 381.716263
[452.981] NotificationPanel: Loading EUI notification panel... 381.716459
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _
| \ | | ___ | |_(_)/ _(_) ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| \| |/ _ \| __| | |_| |/ __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |\ | (_) | |_| | _| | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
|_| \_|\___/ \__|_|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[453.075] NotificationPanel: Finished loading EUI notification panel 381.817722
[453.075] CityView: Loading EUI city view... 381.817932
____ _ _ __ ___
/ ___(_) |_ _ \ \ / (_) _____ __
| | | | __| | | \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| |___| | |_| |_| |\ V / | | __/\ V V /
\____|_|\__|\__, | \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/
[453.116] CityView: Finished loading EUI city view 381.860169
[453.116] TechTree: Loading EUI tech tree... 381.860406
_____ _ _____
|_ _|__ ___| |_|_ _| __ ___ ___
| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| || '__/ _ \/ _ \
| | __/ (__| | | | || | | __/ __/
|_|\___|\___|_| |_|_||_| \___|\___|
[453.593] TechTree: Finished loading EUI tech tree 382.35874
[453.593] TopPanel: Loading EUI top panel... 382.358943
_____ ____ _
|_ _|__ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| | (_) | |_) | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
|_|\___/| .__/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[453.607] TopPanel: Finished loading EUI top panel 382.373175
[722.082] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.293] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.499] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[722.913] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[723.328] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[727.562] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[729.947] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[746.205] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[750.828] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[754.405] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[755.243] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[755.454] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[756.325] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)
[756.543] Runtime Error: Assets\dlc\ui_bc1\CityView\cityview.lua:2053: attempt to index upvalue 'g_toolTipControl' (a function value)

I have "automatically size interface" @ 1920x1080 resolution.

I did a full install after removing the old version. deleted cache. Just to make sure, I did it again and this time also deleted moduserdata (not sure if this was necessary). Same problem.
That looks like the bugged beta 1.24d I put up in post #1330: please make sure to download and use the 1.24d (non-beta) version from the "official" download page.

Well i dont know how to code this, that why i want to ask you if you can add it as official function of EUI ?
That looks like the bugged beta 1.24d I put up in post #1330: please make sure to download and use the 1.24d (non-beta) version from the "official" download page.


that was it, thanks. Somehow I missed the "it's a bugged beta" information. ;)
When I hover my cursor over land nothing comes up. I’ve seen in some videos that a little info box will come up telling me about what my cursor is over. For example I put my cursor over some iron nothing comes up when I let the cursor sit on top of it.
I installed the mod as instructed, and made sure that all the mods were compatible. However, when I started a game, most of the features of the mod were not functioning. The only one that was working was the tooltip which names improvements to tile yields. No other advertised features were present. Furthermore, in the upper-right corner, there were no buttons present other than the diplomacy menu, which did not function. Finally, I found that I was completely unable to initiate any production in my cities, preventing me from playing the game.
Is the compatibility with windows 8.1 improved already? Would I be able to play this normally? (Pc, so no touch/tablet)
I am also having the bug where I cannot delete any units as another user posted earlier. I have deleted the mod cache, uninstalled and reinstalled. I really love this mod and have been trying to play around it by gifting units but things like missionaries and workers become an issue if I need to delete them. The issue is persistent when I start a new game. Something obviously triggered it because it worked when I first installed the mod.

Windows 7 / All DLC (complete steam package) / Most Recent Civ5 Version / Only your mod and Communitas maps installed (but this was an issue before I installed that)

Here is the log :

It looks normal except "delete" is in red and is unable to be selected at all.

*edit: So after nearly a week of issues, I mysteriously fixed it! I have been periodically checking to see if I could delete. I don't know 100% if this fixed it, but last game I got a great merchant of venice gifted to me by a citystate and used it to purchase a CS. Around the time that it broke, the same thing happened now that I think about it.
Spoiler :

What does the '19%' beside the production for companion cavalry represent? I thought it meant they required 19% less production than horsemen, but they both have the same production cost.
Spoiler :

What does the '19%' beside the production for companion cavalry represent? I thought it meant they required 19% less production than horsemen, but they both have the same production cost.

It's the proportion of hammer cost to gold cost.
Hammer cost = 19% of gold cost for this unit.

It's there for units and for buildings, as I recall.
I'm pretty sure that is an artifact of transferring aircraft FROM carriers to another location.

Possibly, although those carriers were like that for at least 10 turns.

Clicking on the carrier brings it back into view.

I think I remember that I had tried that but nothing would happen.

This has been around for quite some time, from before I discovered EUI.

This the first time I have ever experienced it before. Even though it was unlikely, I just assumed it was due to the new patch.
I think I remember that I had tried that but nothing would happen. This the first time I have ever experienced it before. Even though it was unlikely, I just assumed it was due to the new patch.

I frequently see glitches like that. I thought it was a Mac thing. But it usually goes away. I select the carrier from the unit list screen to clear it up. If that doesn’t work, I might have to quit and restart CiV.
Hi, loving this mod. Makes the game so much better.

However I am having a slight issue, I cannot find the additional information icon which used to be in the top right, so have no access to a lot of the options in there. What am I missing?

Or which folder do i need to remove to get the standard icons back?

When I hover my cursor over land nothing comes up. I’ve seen in some videos that a little info box will come up telling me about what my cursor is over. For example I put my cursor over some iron nothing comes up when I let the cursor sit on top of it.

Same problem here, only comes up the word "words" :confused:
Hi, loving this mod. Makes the game so much better.

However I am having a slight issue, I cannot find the additional information icon which used to be in the top right, so have no access to a lot of the options in there. What am I missing?

Or which folder do i need to remove to get the standard icons back?


All the additional information is now where it is most useful or makes more sense. Try clicking (left or right) where you would expect/need this info. Or consult the first post in this thread for more information.

What are you still missing?
(For some time I thought the economic overview over my cities was missing. Found it while clicking happiness counter on the top.)
All the additional information is now where it is most useful or makes more sense. Try clicking (left or right) where you would expect/need this info. Or consult the first post in this thread for more information.

What are you still missing?
(For some time I thought the economic overview over my cities was missing. Found it while clicking happiness counter on the top.)

Thanks for the reply, yeah I found most of the items that used to be under additional info, however I was missing the one which told you how many techs each civ had unlocked. I've just realised that this was another mod (info addict) I must have installed it ages ago and forgot about and isn't part of the default Civ 5. :)

Not sure why it doesn't work though, the compatibility section says it should work.

Thanks anyway.
Thanks for the reply, yeah I found most of the items that used to be under additional info, however I was missing the one which told you how many techs each civ had unlocked. I've just realised that this was another mod (info addict) I must have installed it ages ago and forgot about and isn't part of the default Civ 5. :)

Not sure why it doesn't work though, the compatibility section says it should work.

Thanks anyway.

if you switch off the score list in options you get the eui-leaderhead-ribbon instead,

just hover over a leader head (or over a city name of said leader) and you get all the info in a nice tool tip :)
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