Future World Dictator
So I come home to the wife putting the boy in my arms and saying she needs to run errands for a few hours, and I'm thinking "Sweet!!! A few hours of Civ4, come to poppa!". I settle down, and boy in one hand, mouse in the other, I carefully consider my strategy, who I want to play (Zara), what I aim to achieve (Technical/Cultural Superiority), how I aim to achieve it, and then begin the game.
Bleh!!! I start on the far south end of a continent, with friggin' ice, tundra, no hills, and a couple of mountains. I suppose the game thought I'd be happy with the crab they supplied me with, despite the fact I don't have fishing. Seriously, flat tundra, ice, and mountains, and one stinkin' crab.
No way. It's time to regen the map.
Jungle? They stuck me in the middle of a jungle? I haven't got a single usable square, and my health is for crap. My entire fat cross is filled with jungle! What the hell is this? Is that a hill? I've got one hill? Do I even have fresh water, because I can't see for all the dang jungle! I could chop it down once I research iron in about 75 turns (thanks to there being nothing but a stupid banana nearby).
A desert?!?! Really? I've got spices, a one-square long river, a flood plain, and a hill, and the rest is desert! I don't even have a fish now. My fat cross will net me a one-hammer one-food hill, and a silk. That's fantastic!
Oh, this looks nice, gold, gold, silver, gems. Holy crap! I'm going to be r--oh no. There's no food? No fresh water? The only food producing tiles I have give 1 food and are no where near water? Come on! Maaaaaaaan...
At this point, nothing is making me happy. My mood gets worse and worse, and every land seems unworkable. I don't even bother founding a city to see what my fat cross will yield, just a mere glance at the screen before clicking the regen button.
The wife comes home. It's time for dinner. The boy needs changing. There's stuff to do. My play time is over for the night, and I haven't even founded a city.
I sleep uneasily, pondering what the hell happened to three hours? Why didn't I get anything done even in the imaginary world of Civ? What was it I wanted out of those starting tiles that made me regen all frickin' night? And what's holding me back from making the jump from Prince to Monarch as a player?
I have an epiphany. I realize the problem was in getting my heart set on a specific leader, a specific strategy, and my unwillingness to adapt to a new and unexpected situation. I can only win to a point, with a certain strategy, because it's all I know. I fail to defeat other civs at higher levels because I have not bothered to even play them to learn their ways and anticipate their needs before they do.
I realize that achieving that vital next level in Civ4 hinges upon knowing what any one civ would do, based upon their placement on the land, and that takes practice and experience. It takes knowing how Leader X might react differently to being landlocked versus being on an island, or surrounded by hills. To do that, I must accept any terrain, any civ, any start techs and traits, and learn how to play them as best I can.
I awake about half an hour before the alarm. Long enough to boot up the machine, start a new civ, and get in a few turns.
What the hell, aside from the size of the world (standard), I leave everything random. Random leader, random terrain, random sea level, etc... Prince, Normal Speed... I begin the game.
Julius Caesar. Nice start. I'm on a peninsula, where my entire fat cross is either riverside property, coastal squares, I've got 4 good production mountains, and 3 crabs sitting in my starting 9. Life is good. I send out my warrior to explore the rest of the land.
It's a long, thin snaky bit of land, consisting of Desert. Desert. Desert. Mountain. Desert. Desert. One-square river with one-flood plain and no fish. Desert. Desert.... that's it. No other land resources. No other sources of fresh water. It's an island.
But in the distance I can see one shoreline I can reach by galley. I dilligently create a settler and warrior, load 'em in the Trireme, and send them around, getting to the island in the last few minutes before it's time to get ready for work...
It's a one-square desert island. With no fish, no trees, no fresh water, no mountain. And there's no other shoreline in sight. I won't have the ability to cross the sea until Astronomy, and I'm stuck with one bloody city.
On my tiny, isolated desert island, I raise my fists to the sky and shout, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Bleh!!! I start on the far south end of a continent, with friggin' ice, tundra, no hills, and a couple of mountains. I suppose the game thought I'd be happy with the crab they supplied me with, despite the fact I don't have fishing. Seriously, flat tundra, ice, and mountains, and one stinkin' crab.
No way. It's time to regen the map.
Jungle? They stuck me in the middle of a jungle? I haven't got a single usable square, and my health is for crap. My entire fat cross is filled with jungle! What the hell is this? Is that a hill? I've got one hill? Do I even have fresh water, because I can't see for all the dang jungle! I could chop it down once I research iron in about 75 turns (thanks to there being nothing but a stupid banana nearby).
A desert?!?! Really? I've got spices, a one-square long river, a flood plain, and a hill, and the rest is desert! I don't even have a fish now. My fat cross will net me a one-hammer one-food hill, and a silk. That's fantastic!
Oh, this looks nice, gold, gold, silver, gems. Holy crap! I'm going to be r--oh no. There's no food? No fresh water? The only food producing tiles I have give 1 food and are no where near water? Come on! Maaaaaaaan...
At this point, nothing is making me happy. My mood gets worse and worse, and every land seems unworkable. I don't even bother founding a city to see what my fat cross will yield, just a mere glance at the screen before clicking the regen button.
The wife comes home. It's time for dinner. The boy needs changing. There's stuff to do. My play time is over for the night, and I haven't even founded a city.
I sleep uneasily, pondering what the hell happened to three hours? Why didn't I get anything done even in the imaginary world of Civ? What was it I wanted out of those starting tiles that made me regen all frickin' night? And what's holding me back from making the jump from Prince to Monarch as a player?
I have an epiphany. I realize the problem was in getting my heart set on a specific leader, a specific strategy, and my unwillingness to adapt to a new and unexpected situation. I can only win to a point, with a certain strategy, because it's all I know. I fail to defeat other civs at higher levels because I have not bothered to even play them to learn their ways and anticipate their needs before they do.
I realize that achieving that vital next level in Civ4 hinges upon knowing what any one civ would do, based upon their placement on the land, and that takes practice and experience. It takes knowing how Leader X might react differently to being landlocked versus being on an island, or surrounded by hills. To do that, I must accept any terrain, any civ, any start techs and traits, and learn how to play them as best I can.
I awake about half an hour before the alarm. Long enough to boot up the machine, start a new civ, and get in a few turns.
What the hell, aside from the size of the world (standard), I leave everything random. Random leader, random terrain, random sea level, etc... Prince, Normal Speed... I begin the game.
Julius Caesar. Nice start. I'm on a peninsula, where my entire fat cross is either riverside property, coastal squares, I've got 4 good production mountains, and 3 crabs sitting in my starting 9. Life is good. I send out my warrior to explore the rest of the land.
It's a long, thin snaky bit of land, consisting of Desert. Desert. Desert. Mountain. Desert. Desert. One-square river with one-flood plain and no fish. Desert. Desert.... that's it. No other land resources. No other sources of fresh water. It's an island.
But in the distance I can see one shoreline I can reach by galley. I dilligently create a settler and warrior, load 'em in the Trireme, and send them around, getting to the island in the last few minutes before it's time to get ready for work...
It's a one-square desert island. With no fish, no trees, no fresh water, no mountain. And there's no other shoreline in sight. I won't have the ability to cross the sea until Astronomy, and I'm stuck with one bloody city.
On my tiny, isolated desert island, I raise my fists to the sky and shout, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!