Error in Civ3Edit


The Shanksta Ganksta
Jul 23, 2003
I open Civ 3 Edit, and when I press "new" in the file menu (or the "blank sheet of paper button" in the taskbar) I get an error message that says:

ERROR: Could not open file for reading.

Then I get a new map? Also, when I try and edit the rules in Civ3, now it shows on some of them that there is nothing to select. As if there are no civilizations and no units in the game. Please help me.

BTW, I have CIV 3 Vanilla
did you rename the civ3mod.bic file? If you did renaming back would solve your pb, I think;)
I may have but I am so inexperienced I need to ask where it is.

Can you tell me where it is?

(I'm so embarrased I don't know this stuff)
If you are looking for the bic file to rename it you should find it in the civ3 folder. The path is IIRC c/program files/infograme interactive/civ III.
Hope that helps.
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