erzNES2: Middle East


Lord of Random
May 16, 2002
Middle East NES

Irak and USA reletions heat up!
Today USA have sent a message saying that if Irak will not let the weopns inspector do their job without Irak disturbing them they will invade to find the weopns themselves.
Irak responded that they are not afraid and that "Were waiting for you american! come again to be killed again".

Israel-Palestine reletions cools down
"Defense-wall-Operation" ended well for Israel lowering Terror warnings by almost 90%!
After it's end several more suicide bombers terrorized Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and several other cities. Israel responded by coming into the west-bank and gazza strip again.
The talks of the Hudna-Arm-strike begin.

Well Wlecome to the middle east of 2003.
War, USA, Israel Palestine and any other problems you could think of :lol:.
Take the head of one of the main Middle east powers like Irak, Iran, Turkey, Saudi-arabia, Israel and Egypt or one of the realy small countries like Kuwait or Lebanon.

Each country recieve every turn it's Industrial capacity. It cannot be banked and can only be spent at the turn itself. You can grow the Industrial capacity of your country by 5 points if You give half of your economy into it. Or by 10 points if you give all your economy into it.
Random events can also lower your Industrial capacity like strikes, industied closing, inflation and other bad stuff. Beware if your Israel! It happans in reality it will happan in there!
You can ask from USA for economic aid in times of need. Only Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman and Cyprus can ask for it. It will add to your Industrial points for that turn.

What can I do with my economy?
You need to do several stuff.
You can build up your army. Grow your economy. But you will have to spend money on the people from time to time. I will call it "Consumer Products".
For example Irak won't need to pay for it almost at all while Israel will need to pay for it a lot every some time.
Ofcaurse that if you need to pay a lot it means your people are free and your economy will start very high from the start.
Unite list will be added later. If you want to "buy" American units from the American list you will need american approval. For example I don't think America will sell B-2 bombers to Irak ;).

What can I do in a turn except Economy and War?
You can use Diplomacy. As Israel or one of the countries in it, you can try to "fix" the Palestinian problems. PLEASE STAY REAL! Irak won't send aid to Israel and Egypt won't attack Israel for fun or because "Muslim world" attacks it, Ok?
I think that covers it. You can also spend money to make people happy... or maybe later for techs and new units creation!

I think that covers the game LOL :lol: :lol: I guss it's going to be mostly Diplomatic and WAR NES :) not much culture education or anything... Beware of USA coming very soon!
Country List!
As you can see some start realy strong, but need to spend tons on consumer goods... Israel will have strikes, inflation and MANY MANY MANY economic problems. Arab countries were never too strong in an indutrial way...
Usualu USA will pay half of your consumer goods, except for Anti-USA countries or Kuait that get it's consumer good totaly payd.

Consumer goods rule:
If your consumers goods are only 1 number it means you payd last turn.
But if it's like this: 20/10 it means you need to pay 30 as you didn't payd 10 last turn!
Also you CANNOT use USA aid to yourself from now on. It will only go to Consumer goods.

Israel Nivi
10 light tanks
4 heavy tanks
2 trained infatry
11 conscript infatry
1 regular infantry
1 regular artilery
1 regular anti tank
1 regular anti-aircraft
Industrial capacity: 60
Consumer goods: 30
USA aid: 30

Egypt Specialist290
Leader: Gen. Hasni Abdullah Mustafa Hassan Mohammed Jones
3 Regular Infantry
7 trained infantry
2 Heavy Tanks
Build 1 Fighter
Industrial capacity: 60
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5

Turkey Heine
2 heavy tanks
5 elite infatry
1 trained anti-tank
5 Fighters
1 Bomber
Industrial capacity: 60
Consumer goods: 20
USA aid: 10

2 regular infatry
3 heavy tank
Industrial capacity: 30
Consumer goods: 0
USA aid: 0

Syria Constantine
10 regular infantry
1 light tank
2 medium tanks
2 heavy tanks
Industrial capacity: 45
Consumer goods: 10\20
USA aid: 0

Jurdan tossi
Leader: King Abdullah II. bin Hussein
15 conscript infantry
1 light tank
1 medium tank
1 heavy tank
Industrial capacity: 50
Consumer goods: 20
USA aid: 0

Industrial capacity: 50
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 0

Iran JackWWW
2 well trained infatry
1 regular infatry
2 heavy tanks
Industrial capacity: 80
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 0

Industrial capacity: 70
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5

Industrial capacity: 40
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5

United Arab Emirates
Industrial capacity: 50
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5

Kuwait Volum
Leader: Sjeik Ben Redik Fy Fasan
1 elite infatry
3 trained infatry
1 medium tank
2 trained anti-aircraft
Industrial capacity: 30
Consumer goods: 20
USA aid: 20

Yemen Julius Gandi
2 medium tank
1 heavy tank
1 heavy tank
1 regular infantry
1 trained Infatry
Industrial capacity:40
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5
Regular Units List
Training can be rised by fighting! the more the unit fight without dying the bigger the chances it's Training will get better. Only 10 elite infatry can be BUILT but more can be get by wars.
Every can have Training higher up to Elite, only 10 Infatry elites can be made without wars. All rest can come by wars only.

Mobile units
Land units
Infantry- Good at defensinve, inside city wars and get's it'a attacked higher when have more units fighting with it.
Conscript 2IC
Regular 4IC
Trained 7IC
Elite (only 10 can be built) 12IC

Tank- Good at attacks. Can blitz at the first turn. Can't fight inside cities unless having Infantry with it. Good VS. infantry and other other machines except Anti-Tanks.
Light 5IC
Medium 10IC
Heavy 15IC

Anti-Tank- Perfect against Tanks. can stop Blitz.
Regular 5IC
Trained 8IC

Anti-Aircraft- Can target air units. Very weak against land units.
Regular 5IC
Trained 8IC

Artilery- Good AGAINST cities and mass armies. It can rise the attack of the infatry very much and help a lot in every sieg. Usualy weak against anything else unless companies by other units, espaicaly Infantry.
Regular 5IC
Trained 8IC

Anti-Naval- Good against naval units. Not realy worth anything unless ships get close to coasts. Very very good at stopping naval landings and invasion.
Regular 4IC
Trained 8IC

Paratroopers- Used for Air landings and paratrooping attacks.
Regular 5IC
Trained 8IC

Naval units
Destoryer- Your regular fast moving good attacking surface ship.
Regular 8IC
Trained 14IC

Submarine- Your reuglar fast moving good attacking under sea unit. Can be used as pirates.
Regular 10IC
Trained 16IC

Crusair- Anti-Aircraft ship. Also Ok in sea battles.
Regular 7IC
Trained 12IC

Battleships- Your finnest ship at sea wars. Very good at anything at sea, can also attack subs. Very pricy and can only be built as Regular. Might be able to attack subs, but alone they are very poor.
Regular 15IC

Carriar- You ship-naval-base. There are 2 kinds. For on-land built aircraft and for on-sea built aircraft.
On land built planes carrair
Regular 12IC

On Sea built units (come with several fighters\bombers)
+5 planes 15IC
+8 planes 18IC
+10 planes 20IC

For any more plane +3IC. Any carrair can hold up to 30 planes.

Air units
Fighter- 8IC - Your main defensinve air unite, can defende Bombers on their way to bomb.
Bomber- 10IC - You main bombing machine. Huge note expensive, easy to destory. Has not defense or attack so should neither be gaurded by Fighters.
For now thats all :p
Soon i'll add helicopters, and the US unit list ;)
Transport Plane- 8IC - The only thing that can take Paratroopers to where they need. Have no attack or defense.
Well everyone welcome. old and new. tommorow I'll post air-units and than I will wait for orders.
You can pick countries already :)
Dont take USA help for granted... They help you cause your doing what they want. And they will want. after all all your economy is from them :lol: and they don't want irak to control you.
But remember, is they ask for somthing, you are nothing more than a puppet, not a suported nation lol.
Don't worry, I won't be annoying at start with USA demands. Not even on Irak. (who knows maybe USA will never invade?)
Oh and people try to bring leader names :)

Oops! I forgot about cyprus!

They have 10 industry, 0 consumer and 30 help from USA.
they are in a CIVIL WAR you know.

Build 2 heavy tanks. 30
Build 2 trained infantry. 14
Build 1 conscript infantry. 2
Build 1regular infantry. 4.
Build 2 regular artilery. 10
And i cant attack with those the first turn right?

Use all production points to increase industry by 10 points.

To: China
We would like to request aid from your nation. We are concerned by the growing influence of the United States in the middle East. We would also like help building nuclear reators for peacefull proposes.
Leader: King Abdullah II. bin Hussein/ tossi
Army: ???
Navy: ???
Air-Force: ???
Industrial capacity: 40
Consumer goods: 20
USA aid: 10

grow IND points by 10
Turkey for me (rest edited in, in a sec. Just wanted to claim :p )

Industrial capacity: 60
Consumer goods: 20
USA aid: 10

use 10 on comsumer goods (all that USA don't pay of it)
Build 2 Heavy Tanks (30)
Build one Elite Infantery and 1 Trained Anti tank unit (20)
hmmm, very interest... funny I was thinking of a nes just like this except in the ancient ages, with Judea and Babylon and Hittite, stuff like that. And with a bigger Mid East Map. You should get one becuase it is hard to make strategic battle plans for nations as small as Lebanon. Maybe Plex can do one for you. :)

Anyways, I cant join, I would've but soon I will have to take an absense from NESing while my dad comes over from Israel to spend time with him. And I wouldn't like to join this to quit in one week. ;)
Industrial capacity: 40
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 0

To Russia
Please help us battle growing American power in this region.
To: Syria
From: Iran

Why not we both work togather against this common threat we face? We propose a millitary alliance to defend ourselfs against the imperialist in the West. The middle east belongs to us not the United States.
1. Only Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman and Cyprus can ask for it.

-what about jurdan? i get 10 economy help from USA too.

2. Heavy tank 15IC --- Regular battleship15IC

-A bit strange... i mean BATTLESHIP...
one BATTLESHIP vs one tank
btw i dont think there is a single working battleship on the world. their time was in world war 2.

3. But you will have to spend money on the people from time to time. I will call it "Consumer Products".

-Does this mean that i have to pay these everytime their is a number for them in my nation stats? and what happens if i dont pay it?
Originally posted by tossi
1. Only Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman and Cyprus can ask for it.

-what about jurdan? i get 10 economy help from USA too.

2. Heavy tank 15IC --- Regular battleship15IC

-A bit strange... i mean BATTLESHIP...
one BATTLESHIP vs one tank
btw i dont think there is a single working battleship on the world. their time was in world war 2.

3. But you will have to spend money on the people from time to time. I will call it "Consumer Products".

-Does this mean that i have to pay these everytime their is a number for them in my nation stats? and what happens if i dont pay it?

THe United States used Battleships in the Gulf War. Mainly now if you did have battleships, they would be used in support of Marines trying to take a beach, or other forces close to the shore. Also US had battleships be able to fire curise missles as well.
1)Show me a tank that fights a battleship to tell me who is stronger ;) Navy is not that important in this world, so it's cheap.
2)ABout Jurdan your right :p
3)You have to pay consumer goods or your people will get sad, and strikes will start, USA wont' like you bla bla bla.
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