Lighting the way...

Yes, every popular franchise needs a sequel. But for it to be legendary, it needs a pointless, campy, hard-to-follow prequel that tries and fails to make a bold statement about the world we live in. Which brings us to Escape From Zombie Island 0: The Prequel.
It's Halloween, 1998 in Paradise City. The Company (a heartless multinational company bent on world domination for no particular reason) is growing larger, and is hoping to take over Paradise City to make it the secret capital for their evildoing deeds! And warm the globe a little bit too! Their secret "Teambuilding Plan of the Month(C)" is to summon ancient magic found in the Ultrasecret Magic Egyptian Death Book to take over the city. Their plan is to raise the dead to take over the city, for an army of brainless workers. (It's like HR, but easier!) Led by rapper-turned-corporate-sellout Michael Smithson, (and young CEO prospect Van Allen), Paradise City is about to get a whole lot brainless...
Meanwhile, track 7000 years back to Ancient Egypt. God-King Horus is on his deathbed. He uses his magic powers to summon himself back to life in exactly 7000 years, to October 31, 1998 A.D. Horus' mummy is in the Museum, ready to be reawakened; the Company is ignorant about this.
So the Company chooses to start their domination on October 31, coincidentally enough. By doing this, they have all these zombies, led by Test Subject Psi near the Research center, and at the same time have a bunch of zombies at the Museum, led by Horus. (This allows for a few fun units, like aaglo's undead chariots and stuff)
The Zombies

Led by Test Subject Psi
-The Zombies are pretty much the same as from the last EFZI scenario, but they have Horus now. They have like 2 capitals, making them really powerful. To balance this out, we can give like a crapload of hero units to all the other civs. Yay!
The Survivors

Led by Jack O' Lennturn (I know, name sucks, I can change it to something actiony-er if people don't like it,

-Basically Survivors. Rag tag people in the city who fight zombies to stay alive.
The Company

Led by Michael Smithson (former rapper turned corporate sellout)
-Pretty much same as from EFZI2; try to cover up the incident as quickly as possible.
The Authorities

Led by General Louis Baptiste (foreign Frechie military leader working for U.S.)
-The Authorities' job is to clean up the mess left by the Company/Zombies, and at the same time deal with the Rebels (their enemies before the zombie apocalypse.) Led by General Louis Baptiste, a French general now working for the U.S.
The Rebels

Led by Resistor Santiago Castro
-A new faction, replacing the Farmers from EFZI2. They are a group of guerilla fighters bent on beating the Man! So they are already at war with the Authorities at the beginning of the game. They also converted Paradise City's working class farmers to join them in the glorious Revolucion!