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Espionage Weights Automatic/Manual Setting


Chicken in Pants
Sep 21, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
Loving this mod so much!

How do I keep the Espionage Weights from adjusting automatically? Every 10 turns or so I have to go back in and re-set them manually and in some cases, they are set to 99 and it takes forever to adjust them back to where I want them to stay. I checked through the options menus but couldn't readily find an option to disable automatic weighting.

Thanks so much!!
I found that if I change the weighting every few turns, even just up and then back down, it doesn't change to automatic. I don't know what the magic number of turns is, but this seems to be working as long as I can remember to do it.
Can we get min/max buttons on the espionage screen to make this more bareable please? :please:
Having to click hundreds of times to reset your espionage is just painful.
I'm guessing this still has not been fixed....is there a work around?

Don't think so.....
Other than doing what sogroon/zetanexus does and just never touch it at all.

Oddly enough in my current game I haven't had it happen once, and I'm almost halfway through the Marathon game and I've been adjusting it a ton. I started the game with an AI team mate, and six other empires on teams (for 12 other AI's) and with some barbarian nations sprining up..... I thought for sure the barb civs popping up would throw it out of whack, but I haven't had Revolutions enabled for this game while the last two that I did this bug ended up striking. I don't know if it's game options that can affect if it does or does not happen, or if it's just totally random, or what. :/
well it sucks. I love this mod and I really appreciate all the work but....It wouldn't be soooooo bad if you could just zero them out with one click but obviously you can't. arrrrrgh. :crazyeye:
It’s kind of funny that I just searched for this again, completely forgetting this post, and I just came across it 8 years later! lol.
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