Europa Europa: European Empires Mod

1. No Dutch?? They played an important role in the 30 year war.
2. Better is to call Italy the Papal States (Suites to the scope, Medieval age-19th century)
3. Othodox should be at Monotheism, and Catholicism with Alphabet. Orthodox is much the oldest type of Christianity.
4. If the Islam is in the mod, you'd better include wonders like the pyramids and the Spiral Minaret, Iraq and Egypt were Turkish ground!
Played it for a couple of hours and I have to say, its real fun.

Thanks for making this, it has been the best mod I've played for CIV4.
Kaiserguard said:
1. No Dutch?? They played an important role in the 30 year war.
2. Better is to call Italy the Papal States (Suites to the scope, Medieval age-19th century)
3. Othodox should be at Monotheism, and Catholicism with Alphabet. Orthodox is much the oldest type of Christianity.
4. If the Islam is in the mod, you'd better include wonders like the pyramids and the Spiral Minaret, Iraq and Egypt were Turkish ground!

Thanks for the input :)
1. A line has to be drawn somewhere... more than 10 or 12 civs and the game ceases to function. I will be making an add-on seperate WBS file with non-included civs such as the ones suggested and others.
2. Even though it comes later, I felt that the best way to have a country in Italy would be to go with Italy itself. All the independent Italian states just didn't go with what I was going for... once again, I'll have an independent Italian state (or two) in the forthcoming add-odd.
3.Good point... but, Catholicism was more influential in most of the civs in the mod, however, so I put it first to get it to spread more, hopefully. I'm thinking of redoing religion in with events/special techs.
4.Good point. Do you think it'd be better if only Ottoman Empire could build them?

Once again, thanks for the input.

Hakkie said:
Played it for a couple of hours and I have to say, its real fun.
Thanks for making this, it has been the best mod I've played for CIV4.
Thanks for the praise... I'm glad you enjoyed it. Check back once and a while for updates.
Great mod, I really enjoyed it. This was the first mod I tried for Civ4 The current version is already really good, I'm really looking forward to play the next versions of this mod. You should add the starting techs and UUs too. Another thing that bothered me a bit was that the Italians (which I only have played on) spoke india or something like that, it would be better if they spoke latin, like the romans in the game. But great work anyway, thanks.
Juniper7 said:
Great mod, I really enjoyed it. This was the first mod I tried for Civ4 The current version is already really good, I'm really looking forward to play the next versions of this mod. You should add the starting techs and UUs too. Another thing that bothered me a bit was that the Italians (which I only have played on) spoke india or something like that, it would be better if they spoke latin, like the romans in the game. But great work anyway, thanks.

Yeah... its Arabic. Oops. I changed it to English for now.

Starting techs and UUs are on the docket of stuff to do.

Glad you enjoyed it.
I don't know if you've decided yet, but I would like the idea that only the ottomans are able to have the islam and the russians orthodox.

But, when doing that, its also needed to prevent those 2 countrys of "inventing" another religion (wich goes the same for all western european countrys, they should only be allowed to have 1 founding religion).
Or is this too much hassle?
great mod, but just a small detail about the map, id like to see the bosphorus and the dardanelles straits represented by rivers...petty i know :)
Hakkie said:
I don't know if you've decided yet, but I would like the idea that only the ottomans are able to have the islam and the russians orthodox.

But, when doing that, its also needed to prevent those 2 countrys of "inventing" another religion (wich goes the same for all western european countrys, they should only be allowed to have 1 founding religion).
Or is this too much hassle?

I've gone with the idea, yes. Here's what I've done to accomplish this...

Each religion is founded by a certain tech: Catholicism (Council of Nicaea), Protestant (The Reformation), Orthodox (Great Schism), Spread of Islam (Islam), Calvinism (Reformed). There's also a bonus religion tech, Counterreformation (probably enables an Inquisition civic).

There are four religion tech groups: Catholic, Protestant, Islam, Orthodox. Each civilization belongs to a certain religion tech group. By disabling certain techs for each group, that group will only be channeled to founding a certain religion. Here's what each religion tech group can research...
Catholic Group: Council of Nicaea, Counterreformation
Protestant Group: Council of Nicaea, The Reformation, Calvinism
Islam Group: Spread of Islam
Orthodox Group: Great Schism

The next version of the mod should be up around the end of the weekend. Thanks for your interest, everybody!
Great Mod, just played currently ~1200AD.

Most Cities have prooved the historical expansion of Austria. Founded Venezia, thereafter Budapest, one city northwest, rest down the adriatic coastline.
The Polish AI has also expanded south so i could only break it by founding Belgrade (normaly a historical block against expansive Turkey). After founding Tirana i could advance into mediterranean and found city of Korfu and Kreta. Anyhow, the Polish player founded a city in Macedonia either...i look forward to get it without war...

Some thoughts:

French is very weak, the agressive trait should be changed to creative probably.

Poland is VERY fast colonizer...probably they might need a sign to go more east...

Turkey isn't founding written above, some events might help.

Barbars are mostly in uncivilized areas...that's a good thing

Starting positions are to allow challenge with all civilizations

Map shows historical background, nice.

As some folks written above..they wanted to include more, why not founding them as barbaric tribes to include them?

So, all in all, the mod is great!
Till ~1200AD i also have not joined any war, probably with any civilization founding Islam, Turkey should get a 'holy-war' event and change religion to Islam, attacking all neighbours that are not changing to Islam on his request.

Any idea how to play this mod in MP?
Looking forward to see some improvements, but it is allready fun to play!
I'm currious of what the timeline is like? Is it the entire starting from scratch game, or is it set during a set period of time? Middle Ages? etc?

Looks good, am going to give this a try later.

Kushan said:
I'm currious of what the timeline is like? Is it the entire starting from scratch game, or is it set during a set period of time? Middle Ages? etc?

Looks good, am going to give this a try later.


Whole game starting from scratch.

Regul said:
So, all in all, the mod is great!
Till ~1200AD i also have not joined any war, probably with any civilization founding Islam, Turkey should get a 'holy-war' event and change religion to Islam, attacking all neighbours that are not changing to Islam on his request.

Any idea how to play this mod in MP?
Looking forward to see some improvements, but it is allready fun to play!

Thanks for your comments... tomorrow or Monday I should have the next version (v2.0) up with the above mentioned religions system and some minor corrections and improvements.
I've tested this mod, and found it to be very enjoyable so far :) Played as the Italians. One minor thing I noticed is that I can easily (at Noble) get most - if not all - the five religions. Also, the Orthodox Church was (since I rejected to research it for a long time) founded by Bismarck, and not Peter. I think the ideas made above about scripting in the religions is a good idea.

Nevermind that. I just read what you wrote in the initial post, as in :

-New techs to let only Russia discover Orthodox and Ottomans to get Islam
A suggestion I have though is to incorporate some names for the religious holy buildings. "The *** Shrine" is somehow a little boring, no? :)

I did a little research around the subject, and I've come up with the following suggestions - feel free to (ab)use the ideas in whatever way you feel is appropriate.

Catholic Shrine Suggestion
St. Peter's Basilica

Protestant Shrine Suggestions
St. Paul's Cathedral
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
All Saints' Church/Die Schlosskirche

Orthodox Shrine Suggestion
Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra

Reformed Shrine Suggestion
St. Pierre Cathedral

Islamic Shrine Suggestion
Masjid Al Haram
Caledorn said:
I've tested this mod, and found it to be very enjoyable so far :) Played as the Italians. One minor thing I noticed is that I can easily (at Noble) get most - if not all - the five religions. Also, the Orthodox Church was (since I rejected to research it for a long time) founded by Bismarck, and not Peter. I think the ideas made above about scripting in the religions is a good idea.

Thanks for the feedback on the shrines. Yeah, I'll rename those eventally, too. In v1.0 the religions can be founded by anyone... v2.0, to be released shortly, will have the guided religious system where, for instance, only Russia gets orthodox and Turkey gets Islam, etc...

Thanks for your input everyone and stay tuned for the release of v2.0...

Here's a preview of v2.0...
Included in v2.0: Not yet released!
-Different robe colors for each christian missionary to tell them apart.
-Religion techs such that Russia gets Orthodox, Ottomans get Islam, The Reformation happens in Northern Europe, etc...
-New Specialists (Nobleman, Clergyman, Capitalist, Bureaucrat, and Factory Laborer)
-New Civics... Civics such as Inquisition, Laissez-Faire, Jingoism, and even Proletarian Dictatorship!
I played the mod 2 times now. Its real good but I do have some comments.

(I played Austria both games)
In my first game Poland went to the south and took the rumanian oilfields. After that it was just a building up and winning a space race (I was 2 turns faster :mischief: )

In the second game Poland went east and I got the oilfields in Rumania. With cavalery I kicked the turkish of the balkan and back to asia (got Istanbul) and made peace. Once I had tanks I attacked the far superior italians (but they couldn build tanks) but a whole lot of defense treatys activated and i'm now at war with most of europa.. funny.. have to play on..

Austria needs a flag!! The ugly yellow-black banner is.. grml.. crap.

I always founden catholicism and sitting on the danube helped spreading it fast. In the end only victoria had another religion. This was good on one side as noone ever declared war on me but the ai also never fought a war. only napoleon liked to invade spain.. This needs a change.. want more war.

Is there some possibity to deactivate victory types?
i doesn`t agree with the russian should have the orthodox thing...
ottomans adopted the islam, but they didn`t fight orthodox, orthodox people lived in peace with the turkish people till the invasion of the greeks during XX
Well, i agree, Poland is a real problem if it decides to expand south.
But as for your 'warmongering' traits, i think this mod might give all civs a very own kind of strategy. War hasn't been the Austrian strategy up till WWI, except some minor battles with civilians...ehem... So, i'd say if you want more war, go for Turkey, Russia or Teutonic Order or ArbitraryGuy might want to put some barbar-tribes in, like Mongols, Huns or else.
As for the is the original one, besides i like it, only for official cases they used a black double-headed eagle on the yellow ground.
RogerBacon said:
How did you make the little religious symbols show up over the city names? I'm using just the religious part of your mod and I managed to get it working, except for that part.

Roger Bacon

Don't the symbols only appear over the city name if that city founded the religion in question?
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