Europa Europa: European Empires Mod

in my current game (Italy) Spain founded Catholicism, religions are well balanced I think, with equal distribution of Catholics (to the west, coming from Spain with France and Italy), Orthodox (central Europe, came from Sweden) and Islamics (east - Russia, Poland, Turkey).
The biggest problem I found until now is that there is no choice to raze cities -very bad, I had to use the editor to raze cities- and you don't get anything from conquering cities -this I can live with.
So far the only wars I've seen have been against me and oddly enough from the only other 2 catholics (France and Spain) I know of. Early in the game it was me to declare to Austria since they invaded all northern Italy with an UGLY city placement.
Other than that, I'd say there are maybe a bit too many hills on this map, which make city defense probably too easy. I understand the map is more realistic, but game balance is more important IMO.
stephent said:
Don't the symbols only appear over the city name if that city founded the religion in question?

No, the symbols appear based on which religions are in that city. Unfortunately, mine still show the old symbols and not the new, changed symbols. That's why I wanted to find out which file makes that change so I can be sure I'm including that one.

Roger Bacon
Fantastic. Although, the Teutons? Not really a major power. If you want to fill up that corner you could have Lithuania or Ukraine.
RogerBacon said:
No, the symbols appear based on which religions are in that city. Unfortunately, mine still show the old symbols and not the new, changed symbols. That's why I wanted to find out which file makes that change so I can be sure I'm including that one.

Roger Bacon

*\Assets\res\Fonts -> The gamefont files here, I am fairly certain are the ones you are looking for. :)
Rosscifer said:
Fantastic. Althoug, the Teutons? Not really a major power. If you want to fill up that corner you could have Lithuania or Ukraine.

Yeah, an ahistorical personal pick to spice things up. I'm thinking of removing them in v2.0 because then Poland and Russia go more historically in game.aiplay testing. Plus, one less compy means faster times and less CTDs.

RogerBacon said:
No, the symbols appear based on which religions are in that city. Unfortunately, mine still show the old symbols and not the new, changed symbols. That's why I wanted to find out which file makes that change so I can be sure I'm including that one.

Sorry for not getting back to you. They're in the res/text/ folder in the game_fonts.tga files (there are two files).

Thanks for the comments. Oopss... I forgot I had raze cities off. It'll be back on in v2.0. I'm not going to mess around with the map at all, though. I'm bad at that :) .

Thanks for the comments. Good to hear the mod runs well. I've always liked the simpleness of the Austrian bicolor :). In brainstorming, a very future version of the mod will have different victories. I'll probably add some sort of religion victory and a "colonial" victory - but that's probably late December stuff. For now, you can turn victories off by using notepad and editing the wbs file. Try Rhye's scenario guide for more info.

@Everyone Else
Thanks for the comments, suggestions, and criticism everyone! I wish I could reply to you all. Feedback is what makes this mod better. Look for version 2.0 up on Thursday if all goes as planned...
Something I've been thinking about:

Is it possible to add Barbarian villages from the start? This could be for the Mongols, Huns, Greeks, Portuguese, Scots, Irish etc. This would let aggressive civilizations get some action in without having to alienate their neighbors.
Very cool mod! Still playing my first game.

I noticed though that upon the discovery of islam, almost every nation started to convert to Islam. Even the ones who had been catholic. This is making my game as Poland, founder of catholicism, very tough indeed.

Also at the beginning of the game, almost no barbarian goodie huts were to be found, I only saw one, and did a fair bit of exploring. Is that a game design?

Overall super game. Love the long time spent in the old techs.....will be interesting to see the new techs come around.
Yestin said:
Something I've been thinking about:

Is it possible to add Barbarian villages from the start? This could be for the Mongols, Huns, Greeks, Portuguese, Scots, Irish etc. This would let aggressive civilizations get some action in without having to alienate their neighbors.

Yes, I think it is... I've been tinkering this idea too. But instead of barbs, I want to make minor civs that can't build settlers and stay in one place (thus enabling diplomacy with them, too). However, it won't be included in v2.0. Maybe v3.0?

mello-j said:
Also at the beginning of the game, almost no barbarian goodie huts were to be found, I only saw one, and did a fair bit of exploring. Is that a game design?

Yes. I want to make you work for your techs and gold! :)
Good to hear from you again V. Soma, are we going to make AARs like we did in RFRE? :)

One other thing I was thinking about when I was playing the mod...

Since you obviously played EU (hence the religion graphics), I'm sure you enjoyed the system in that game where if you went to war your allies did so as well.

As I was playing yesterday, with a Catholic defence pact triangle b/w poland, Teutonic order and the Austrians, I thought how wonderful it would all be if we could declare war on Islamic Spain and Britain. Of course I could ask my friends to declare war with me, but since those 2 countries are so strong, neither of my allies wanted to (I dont know what the AI calculates when it makes various parties for declaring war on available)...

If I declare war obviously the defence pact falls apart. Perhaps in the future you could tinker with making some for of offensive alliance available (not the permanent alliance that Civ4 offers). That period of European history where most of the game takes place was certainly filled with such alliances.

But this is a great mod, very very impressive! Made a civFanatic forum account just for this (usually Im over at Apolyton...maybe you should post your mod there too!)
Version 2.0 has been released!!! See first page for download and screenshots!

Let me know if you guys like the new civics and specialists system... if it is not, then it will be tweaked or removed for the next version...

@ mello-j
Thanks for the support and the input. Such an alliance would be great, but I wouldn't know where to start...
Seems like I decided to take a look at this at just the right time, I look forward to playing!

Havent downloaded v 2.0 yet, but scanning over it I see that Poland is no longer listed in the Civs list. Is this a typo? (I certainly hope so!!!!) Teutonic Order I can understand, as that part of the world was crowded on the map, but Poland too? I think I may weep.....
Why whats replacing Poland?
austria is gonna control all of easern europe?? :sad:
Fantastic mod!!!!

Will you allow other modders to use the religion buttons etc?
Great fun AG. I've played through 1000AD as the Italians on Prince diff. Love the ability to build the Great Castle and the new Great People you've included. This is the first mod I've played with expanded Civics and I must say that there are a ton of new choices! Wow.

First impressions:
- I built well over 50% of the Wonders. Having marble nearby certainly helped, but Rome is located in a super spot, maybe too super?
- So far there have been no wars. None that I've noticed. Not good. Maybe the AI needs more aggressiveness.
- Having the barb civs is a great way to gain an extra city. Nice. Zurich, however, can't expand past pop 1 so you can't capture it. :( I waited until 1000AD just to see and it never gained pop. Can you set it to 2 at the beginning?
- Can you set Galleys to movement 3? I will in my version since I hate taking so long to get anywhere. ;)
- I like the fact that Paganism (a default civic) gives you an unhappy pop, forces you to do something.
- A minor thing that I miss is the description of the Great Person that someone modded. I'll most likely add this to yours if you want it as well. For example you get Homer (Artist) and not just Homer when the GP is born. At least until you see them enough this helps see who's who, especially in other lands.

All in all a great Mod/Scenario. Can't wait for UUs and to see what you have planned next.
I am very impressed by v.2 as well as v.1 so far. Also playing as the italians, and I'm having great fun so far.

I don't know where you plan to take this mod for the next version(s), but I suspect your primary goal is to create a mod that mirrors somewhat the timeline in EU (which of course is a heck of a good - and complex - game!). I would like to ask though, if this is your primary goal, if I am allowed to "fork" your mod and create an additional mod, based upon the work you've done so far in v.2, where I completely rend the tech tree apart, and reassemble it into a mod where you play from ancient age to the mediveal times, and no further. (e.g. no gunpowder) I could probably do it from scratch, but why reinvent the wheel when you've done such a magnificient job so far? :D

If creating a medieval mod is your primary goal, discount my idea :P
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