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Europe1380 Scenario (EE3MOD)


Apr 23, 2005
Utrecht,The Netherlands
A Scenario based on the European Empires mod by ArbitraryGuy.
It's based on the situation in Europe in 1380. There are some historical diffrences here and there and the HRE represents all the German states.
The scenario runs till 1920, the end of the European empires.
Basically since it (seems) impossible to conquer the entire continent the idea is to get the highest score before 1920. I managed to do so while playing the Papal states, the Ottomans and Castille-Leon.
It is not recommended to play the HRE since that gives you a big advantage over the rest and what's the fun in that. Also the Byzantines are set up to be eliminated...History was not on their side and neither is this scenario.

I already distributed the religions eventhough at 1380 the reformation had not happened. This is to make sure they are historically accurate. Still it seems as though the Europe prefers to stay Catholic.

Install Instructions:
First get the EE3 Mod. Make a copy of the EE3 folder and rename this 1380. Then copy the 1380 folder and replace the files of the original mod
with the ones in the zip. This is done to limit the amount of downloading (and make attachment management easier for me).

The europe1380.civ usually goes to:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\PublicMaps
and the mod folder (1380) goes to:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods


  • map.jpg
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  • Europe1380.zip
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Sweet :) Will try it asap ;)
Obviously doing something wrong!! I have the EE3 mod already installed. WHen I install 1380 per instructions, after copying the EE3 file and renaming it 1380, I wind up with a "new start" game. The list of nations to play is the "normal" one. Holy Roman Empie is not a choice. Nor are any other 14th century countries. Obviously I have installed it wrong. The install does not seem to know theer is a mod since I do not get that "restart" that I usually get for mods.
U need to edit Europe1380.Civ4WorldBuilderSave file, the path to '1380' folder is missing, there must be "ModPath=Mods\1380" line.
Crash757 said:
U need to edit Europe1380.Civ4WorldBuilderSave file, the path to '1380' folder is missing, there must be "ModPath=Mods\1380" line.

You're absolutely right. I forgot that gets removed together with the discription when saving in worldbuilder. It should be fixed now. However if you did load the mod and then played it would have worked, but that's not the idea now is it.
Thanks for the tip. That fixed it. Question should time be changing by 40 years per turn?
As of the moment, I have been experiencing some difficulties with your EE3 mod. Whenever I go to initiate it, the loading process works through until it reaches about the two-thirds mark when it stops and proceeds to send me various error messages, including this such as:


Along with about two dozen other things that were "Incorrect" as well.

Then, it finishes the loading process and directs me to a standard Planet scenario (with orginal units, nations ect.) instead of loading the mod.

Any idea on how to remedy this problem?
Ubertoaster said:
As of the moment, I have been experiencing some difficulties with your EE3 mod. Whenever I go to initiate it, the loading process works through until it reaches about the two-thirds mark when it stops and proceeds to send me various error messages, including this such as:


Along with about two dozen other things that were "Incorrect" as well.

Then, it finishes the loading process and directs me to a standard Planet scenario (with orginal units, nations ect.) instead of loading the mod.

Any idea on how to remedy this problem?
Download the new zip and try again. If you get the same problem let me know.
Well, this scenario works fine for me. One thing: I have also installed the extra unique units for EE3, maybe that´s the reason?

This scenario is awesome! I downloaded it last night about 12pm, and thought "let´s have a quick look at it". Well, I finally managed to pull out and go to bed at 5:30am. Today another five hours went into it, and I´m still eager to get more!


Played as Prussia, noticed two minor flaws:
Almost all cities are spelled wrong, because of the substitution of non-latin characters by similar latin ones. The problem is that the German ä/ö/ü cannot be substituted by a/o/u, and I´m pretty sure the same goes for the nordic ones. What I would ask you to do is to copy/paste the right spellings from online sites (wikipedia?) into the xml file. Also replacing the English names of certain cities with their native names would be a great improvement too (Vienna, Prague, Moscow, Rome...). Seeing as Munich is called München in this scenario, I wonder why the other English names have remained. Was it intentionally?

A second thing is the duplicate existence of cities. Like Poland has Lviv and Lithuania has Lemberg, while both are names for the same city. The same goes for two other Lithuanian cities to the northeast, sharing the same name.
sokar said:
Thanks for the tip. That fixed it. Question should time be changing by 40 years per turn?
Did you install it correctly? In normal speed the turns should take 3 years a turn. Try again and if you still have problems let me know.
Micha said:
Well, this scenario works fine for me. One thing: I have also installed the extra unique units for EE3, maybe that´s the reason?

This scenario is awesome! I downloaded it last night about 12pm, and thought "let´s have a quick look at it". Well, I finally managed to pull out and go to bed at 5:30am. Today another five hours went into it, and I´m still eager to get more!


Played as Prussia, noticed two minor flaws:
Almost all cities are spelled wrong, because of the substitution of non-latin characters by similar latin ones. The problem is that the German ä/ö/ü cannot be substituted by a/o/u, and I´m pretty sure the same goes for the nordic ones. What I would ask you to do is to copy/paste the right spellings from online sites (wikipedia?) into the xml file. Also replacing the English names of certain cities with their native names would be a great improvement too (Vienna, Prague, Moscow, Rome...). Seeing as Munich is called München in this scenario, I wonder why the other English names have remained. Was it intentionally?

A second thing is the duplicate existence of cities. Like Poland has Lviv and Lithuania has Lemberg, while both are names for the same city. The same goes for two other Lithuanian cities to the northeast, sharing the same name.
Alright I guess I can go renaming the cities. The problem is that civilization in my case at least does not support the non-latin characters so I was forced to abandon them. Are you suggesting I look for an anglofied version of the spelling or trying to use the non latin characters? The last suggestion is as I stated not an option for me.
The case with the native names, it's because I actually used the Dutch or native names in the first place usually and later changed most of the Dutch versions into english if they were known.
The problem with the double names is quite embarassing, but will be looked into as I used two diffrent maps from two diffrent time periods and thus the mix up was made (The orginal map from 1380 is mostly blank in that region). If you could make some suggestions that would be greatly appreciated. However I will probally try to replace them using a modern atlas.

Edit:I did not design the scenario with the unique units add on so I doubt that is the solution to the problem. And great to hear that you enjoyed it.
Hm, well, when I opened the scen I just renamed my cities manually (aka "the hard way"). No problems with that. what exactly happens to you that prevents you to use the non-latin characters? Is it impossible to type them in in the first place or are they not saved properly or does an error message occur?

I will happily provide you with suggestions for cities tomorrow! :) (It´s 1:30am again...)
can some one help me out here on how to properly unzip it. First i click on the link the click open which then opens to my winzip which shows a 1380 folder, readme.txt, and europe 1380.civ. What do i have to do. there are a bunch of buttons above add, extract, new, open. What do i go to and what do i do? Thanks.
Micha said:
Hm, well, when I opened the scen I just renamed my cities manually (aka "the hard way"). No problems with that. what exactly happens to you that prevents you to use the non-latin characters? Is it impossible to type them in in the first place or are they not saved properly or does an error message occur?

I will happily provide you with suggestions for cities tomorrow! :) (It´s 1:30am again...)
Thanks allot. Well the thing is I named all the cities manually. The problem is I can't edit the cities again in the worldbuilder once their name contains non latin characters so I decided to leave them without since I had to edit some cities once in a while and I found it troublesome to have to remove them completely and create them over to do so. However I guess once I am completely satisfied with the scenario I can rename them with the characters as I won't need to modify them any longer.
I have already changed the names to native names and have currently changed the Vitsebsk copy top Mahiljow and Lviv to Lublin. Lublin will be at the same spot as Lviv to keep things balanced as it is nome. I also saw that Gomel (Homel) had to be a lil more north and changed that also. I'll wait with your suggestions though till I'll upload this.
mk245 said:
can some one help me out here on how to properly unzip it. First i click on the link the click open which then opens to my winzip which shows a 1380 folder, readme.txt, and europe 1380.civ. What do i have to do. there are a bunch of buttons above add, extract, new, open. What do i go to and what do i do? Thanks.


The europe1380.civ usually goes to:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\PublicMaps
and the mod folder (1380) goes to:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods
The read me tekst you just read and do whatever you want with. ;)
Hm, sounds good with the renames. Well, if you can´t use special characters, at least the German ones can be substituted. Instead of the dots you can add an "e" after the character in question.

Konigsberg -> Koenigsberg.
Dunaburg -> Duenaburg.
Keulen (erm, where did you get that from?) -> Koeln.
Munchen -> Muenchen.

I think you see the pattern. While this is not an elegant solution, it is formally correct.

Vienna -> Wien.
Moscow -> Moskva.
Cracow -> Krakow.

If you´re having trouble with special characters in World Builder only, you could try using text editors instead. I heard many scenario designers use them almost exclusively...
Ehm, why is Lithuana on coast of Black sea?? They were not so big.

It is possible add a Golden Horde?(in this time they controlled Russia and Ukraine) For gameplay they can be only in Ukraine.

And about native names: Prague->Praha.
Heav said:
Ehm, why is Lithuana on coast of Black sea?? They were not so big.

It is possible add a Golden Horde?(in this time they controlled Russia and Ukraine) For gameplay they can be only in Ukraine.

And about native names: Prague->Praha.
They don't actually have cities on the coast in the beginning of the scenario, it only looks that way on the mini map. I decided to make all cities in that area barbarian with the idea for Russia(Moskovië) to eventually conquer them all. So the Golden Horde is represented as barbarian, just as the other smaller Russian kingdoms. THe same goes for the Balkan states to be eventually conquered by the Ottomans\Hungarians\Byzantines.
And I'm also still working on the native names.

Edit: Your right they weren't that far south, but for the game I might as well leave it that way or those cities will be conquered by nations such as Hungary,Poland and that is a whole lot less realistic.
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